How do we stop child abuse, not physical or sexual but the most prevalent, which

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  1. Gareth Pritchard profile image68
    Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years ago

    How do we stop child abuse, not physical or sexual but the most prevalent, which is psychological?

    Young people and especially children are the most exploited and oppressed group in the whole world. This is true regardless of it being in the 3rd, 2nd or 1st world, poor, middle class or wealthy world. They are oppressed and exploited continuously by adults, and it is historically on going. Paste that fist sentence into your search engine and do some reading, if you don't believe me.

    Young people have few or no rights, only rights that are dealt to them, and managed by adults, who habitually manipulate and take advantage of their situations of power, on all levels.
    How do we stop this?

  2. ananceleste profile image60
    anancelesteposted 12 years ago

    Wow. How can we dry the oceans? The problem is so well spread and complex that it seams hopeless. If you really think about it, child abuse is a disease that is passed on form one generation to the next. The chain of abuse has to be severed, but How?

    I heard someone said once; "Society makes thieves and then punishes them." If society condone this behavior just once, a whole generation will be condemned to this fate. Them we are doomed to pick up the pieces of the aftermath, and pray that the intervention is done in time so the chain can be severed.

  3. clairemy profile image81
    clairemyposted 12 years ago

    How we stop it, by stepping out the circle where it started. I believe it is something that comes down through generations within a family, and the only way to break it, stop this cycle is to take your own path when raising your children, and make sure that you learn the lessons from your own childhood and dont use the same "tactics" as were used against you.
    However I also believe that for a child to grow into a caring, responsible adult they do need limits, ant to understand them. The world is sadly lacking in morals. Its how we show our kids that counts, you cant bully it into them!!

  4. profile image0
    Starmom41posted 12 years ago

    I think three points would be a good start:

    First, realize children are children, & don't try to penalize them for that.  Kids can be noisy, messy, demanding--  and, within reason, that's how they're supposed to be.
    Second, people who don't want the day-to-day responsibilities of raising children shouldn't have them.
    Third, kids are not "extensions" of their parents--  don't try to turn them into carbon-copies of yourself.


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