Do you think that children should be potty trained before 2?

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  1. profile image0
    Lizam1posted 11 years ago

    Do you think that children should be potty trained before 2?

    I am concerned that children are being allowed to wear diapers longer and longer.  In my opinion potty training is best done early as a natural part of taking care of one's body to promote self esteem.  Pampers and Huggies are making a lot of money extending the use of disposable diapers by offering training pants which do not help train a child.

  2. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    I thgink that children should be potty trained when it becomes apparant that they are ready for it.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      With some children I think a little push is needed, just the same as we encourage them and teach them to eat themselves, clean their teeth etc..  However always sensitively and not in a shaming way.

  3. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I do agree that marketing has played a large role in the whole "when baby's ready" movement. I think a lot of people fail to think about what other countries do and what is right for a child. I mean is there ever a time when a baby is "ready" to sit in their own urine? In many countries children are potty trained by 6 months old. So there is the proof that "ready" time doesn't equal older child.
    On top of that we western countries have become obsessed with disposable diapers that are clogging up the land fills. Anything that requires less work will sky rocket sales here.
    With that said, I began potty training all of my children before 1. My boys were fully potty trained before 2. My baby girl however is about to be 2 and simply won't do it all the time. She has a large speech delay so I think that may have part to do with it and I will never punish her for not going in the big girl potty.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think you have summed up the issue excellently.  As well that on an individual basis there must be some sensitivity to what is right for a particular child.  Great answer.

    2. profile image0
      Rayne123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are right about the global warming Lizam, that is a big factor today. I know we/them (my son is grown)still have a choice of those good ole cloth diapers. However I really do not think the younger generation is into that.

  4. officebeam profile image66
    officebeamposted 11 years ago

    I think that when a child is ready they will give you signs. For instance, my daughter was potty trained by 14 months. At 11 1/2 months I noticed that she would pull off her diaper when it was wet. She also would go into her diapers and play with them or bring them to me. This was a clear sign, in my opinion, that she was ready for training. It only took 2 or 3 weeks and we haven't looked back since.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it doesn't take long and clearly your daughter was showing you she was ready.  My daughters were 1 and 18 months for similar reasons.

  5. KCMama profile image60
    KCMamaposted 11 years ago

    Oh the topic of potty training with when and how is always in the air when working with our toddlers. Of course it looks like a marketing push from the makers of our favorite baby care products. It is how we as consumers view the process that sells the products right? We are not called consumers with out our consumption....
    There is a lot of info out there from credible resources that state everything from age appropriateness to social and body awareness and so forth. I have raised 3 kiddos, 2 boys and 1 girl all of which are teens as I write this post.  I have also been a holistic nutritionist and have some educational back ground on how the body works as it grows. Here are some facts: Potty training begins in the brain of the child. It is a release of the Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) that makes the child aware of his/her body functions. Because everyone is different in their development, the age will differ from child to child. What emotion the adults in their world carry around the process will affect the child progress as well. Pushing them before they are ready maybe counter productive with the adults' efforts as well as create stress for the child around the process.  This can lead to all kinds of issues as the child grows. (I am not a therapist - so not going there)
    If diapers are the issue for the adult, there is a wave of parents that have their infants as "Diaper-Free Babies". You can look into that option as well. My point is this, we are all different, including our children. No one wants the potty training process to last longer than necessary, yet some kids may take longer to process the potty training.  Some may be older when they are able to feel their bodies needing to release.  My advise: do some research and figure out what works for you and your child, that is where your best answer lies, not in a television commercial.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In many parts of the world mothers work with their children to create the awareness of release from a very young age.

  6. celeste inscribed profile image90
    celeste inscribedposted 11 years ago

    There should be no limit or target to the age because every child is different. It took forever in our home and we learned to be patient.

  7. melfina profile image71
    melfinaposted 11 years ago

    Every child is different.  When they are ready, a parent should pick up on their signals and help them.  Not all children are going to be ready before 2.  Other children might start becoming aware of their bodily signals at 12 months.  It really just depends.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Melfina.  The question came up when a mum who I am working with was aksing for diapers for her 4 year old about to enter kindergarden.

  8. jenesmith01 profile image61
    jenesmith01posted 11 years ago

    i've worked in childcare for awhile and in my expereince 2 is the avg age to begin potty training. i have had some that have been potty trained before they were two but it was only like a month or two before..its very rare that they  r. i think 3 to 4 is too old for a child to still be in diapers because they should be preparing for school around 4. I was in charge of the potty training and at my center they would not move to the next room which was 3yr olds till they were potty trained. so 2 is avg for sure. i've encountered all sorts of parents who either are pro potty training or just dont seem to mind and don't take the time to work with them at home. (those r the ones that have trouble learning)

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, when I had a family daycare I managed to train all the children ( who all wanted to learn).  Sadly when they went home they had to train their parents oftentimes.  Most parents appreciated my doing the work though. Thanks for commenting.

  9. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 11 years ago

    No, unless he is ready to use the potty. Forcing him will cause more reluctant to go near it. My kid was ready when he was 3.5 years old. It was hard work. Giving stars chart, praising and constantly asking him whether he wants to go or not, takes lots of patience.

  10. profile image0
    Rayne123posted 11 years ago

    With all else in the world to be concerned about I really do not think potty training is number one.

    In my own opinion I think starting to train them early is a good idea, however forcing them will only make them resist longer. They will eventually be trained fully when they understand that this is the best way to eventually go to the bathroom.

    Some feel allowing your children to watch you,, helps them with their own training, as kids do learn what they live right.

    What we force on children only becomes what they rebel against whether it be training or anything else.

    The world is too stressed and allowing your children to be children longer is actually part of Gods plan so I say no need to worry about it and it will happen when they are ready , in the midst of your training.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Rayne.  Certainly not a number 1 issue.  However with global warming upon us reducing our waste will certainly help a little.  Thanks for commenting.

  11. K J Page profile image59
    K J Pageposted 11 years ago

    A good number of young parents are unprepared for the task of child rearing and the time it consumes. I see a lot of young people too lazy to throw their own garbage in the waste basket right next to's easier to just leave it and it will be taken care of....watching tv, talking on the phone, playing video games ...all take priority to WORK. My children were both potty trained before they were two....I started about 6 months...

    1. profile image0
      apimentel33posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. I see so many young people having kids...and kid, after kid, too. I think it's carelessness... I have no kids, I'm 24, and I am busy enough trying to pay off school loans and such that I can even imagine throwing a baby into the situation.

    2. profile image0
      Rayne123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I also agree, so many young people just throw their garbage anywhere even when the garbage is right beside them. I have seen it mainly on beaches. Pretty sad. This is what their children see so it continues in the same circle.

    3. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I would not put this burden of careless just on the young parents.

  12. profile image0
    apimentel33posted 11 years ago

    I don't think 2 years should be "the age" to be potty trained by. I have a young cousin who just turned 3 last week. I'm not being biased because she's my family, but she is a very bright child, and she's just getting around to being potty trained. Sure, it may have been possible to train her a little earlier on, but that's everyone's own personal choice while bringing up their children. However I do think that it is important to get toddlers trained into potty training before they start getting older and older, like four or five years old for example and still in diapers.

  13. profile image50
    DazzerUkposted 11 years ago

    I am a father of four, two boys aged 28 & 9 & two girls aged 7 & 19 months. I also am a grandfather of one girl of 2. I also practice Life Coaching.
    I share your concerns over the toilet training of young children/babies. All of my children and grandchild have not passed the 2 year mark wearing nappies(uk).
    We not only used the potty from the time the were toddling we also took them to the toilet to show them what to do. I did the boys and my wife the girls. If this had only worked once i would have said it was just luck but all of them have not needed nappies after two,(except for night time). I feel this is not  the training as such but giving them confidence, dedication and of course time. Just to add, I feel that this is the same for personal hygiene it should be handled in the same manner. We have to wash, clean our teeth etc so why not just take the children with you. They love it it's a fun thing to do. The also enjoy your time with them. I love watching my youngest try & copy her sister when they wash & brush their teeth. As someone already commented, in some countries the children watch their parents to learn. So should we blame the companies or really look at our faults as parents?

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      DazzerUK sounds like you were a wonderful role model.  Thanks for your comment and joining this discussion.

  14. bethperry profile image82
    bethperryposted 11 years ago

    I think you've made a very astute point concerning the diaper companies. It is to their financial benefit to promote an advanced time to potty train, and yes pull-ups are not going to automatically train anyone to use the toilet.
    On the other hand, I remember the days when parents complained a child HAD to be potty trained by the age of 18 months. Ridiculous, and just a matter of pride in my opinion. HOWEVER, if a child reaches kindergarten and still can't use the commode it makes for problems at school. When mine were in kindergarten I remember them telling me about kids who had to have the teacher's help to use the bathroom. This is sad, and I just have to wonder if these other kids ever got teased over it?

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your insights. Forcing too young but just leaving it are, in NY opinion both wrong for the developing chillds health and wellbeing.


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