First birthday party

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  1. profile image49
    Nekkaposted 13 years ago

    I have a little man who will be one in november and I want to take him to chuckee cheese but everyone says he might be too young for that so I just wanted some feed back do you guys have any ideas of what i can do for him to be having fun thank you!

    1. JEDIJESSICUH profile image77
      JEDIJESSICUHposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      My sister's son just had his one year birthday party and she got him a bounce house for him and his cousins to play in. His cousins are three and four, but they were pretty good about watching over him.

      1. profile image49
        Nekkaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Okay thank you!

  2. profile image0
    Holmes221bposted 13 years ago

    I agree that a small party at home, would be better, especially if family members are invited.  Balloons and some of your son's favourite music played.  If the weather is nice, the party could be in the garden.

  3. MissE profile image72
    MissEposted 13 years ago

    Yeah, Chuckie Cheese would be really overwhelming for a little guy!  My kids still ran and hid from Chuckie at 3.I think they have parties at The Little Gym if you have one nearby.  That wold probably be more him style if you really want a destination B-Day.  Really, just having a party at home would be fine though.  The best part is watching them tear up the cake! big_smile

  4. MissE profile image72
    MissEposted 13 years ago

    Whoops, his style.   I need sleep.

  5. profile image49
    Nekkaposted 13 years ago

    Thank you!

  6. 2uesday profile image66
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    I think that at one year old a child could feel overwhelmed by a lot of noise and bustle and new surroundings.   Also they get tired and fall asleep at odd times so he might just feel sleepy and irritable at being in a strange place and unable to take a nap when he wants to.

    If I remember correctly at one year old they can find the box the present came in more fun than the gift to play with on the birthday, so simple ideas are good.

    It might be nice to have an at home day and just have a few people at a time pop around to your place to see him. A walk in the park or going to feed the ducks can be an adventure at this early stage. Bubbles being blown are good fun,too.

    In years to come when you are doing the rounds of the 'Birthday venues' you may look back at this one and think it was the best birthday choice for him.

  7. Limeline99 profile image60
    Limeline99posted 13 years ago

    do what you want to do.. it's your baby!

  8. leahlefler profile image96
    leahleflerposted 13 years ago

    If you really want to do it at Chuck E Cheese, go ahead... but realize that he may not really enjoy the experience. Our local Cheesy Rat has no toddler play area, and a child under the age of about three wouldn't even be able to play in the crawl tubes. Not to mention the hordes of 7-10 year olds who would probably knock a baby over... and the noise level is insane in those places.

    I took my boys there last winter (they were 3 and 5) and they enjoyed it - try going on a weekday morning (there was NO ONE else in the place when we showed up, just after opening) if you are going with small children. My boys both love the crawl tubes and the "quarter rides" along with some of the games geared toward young preschoolers. I'm not sure a one year old would even enjoy the rides much: when my kids were under the age of about 3, they didn't care if the rides were moving or not. They could play for hours at the mall quarter ride area, and we didn't spend any money.

    Having a party at a local park (weather permitting) or a Gymboree type place would be a better fit for a 1 year old, in my opinion! But if your little guy is really adventuresome, walking, and wants Chuck E, then go for it!

  9. Sunshine625 profile image83
    Sunshine625posted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't recommend Chuck E Cheese for a one year old. For a one year old the party is more for the parents and family then the kid because they truly won't remember it and don't have any say in it BUT will have a great time anyway IF they aren't napping smile

  10. At Home Mommy profile image60
    At Home Mommyposted 13 years ago

    I haven't been to Chuck E Cheese for awhile, so I'm not sure how many offerings they'd have for a kid his age. If older children were coming, he might have fun watching them run around and have fun watching those electronic shows they have. I'd do what you feel like doing. Whether he's walking well might make a difference too.

    I'm sure he could have fun playing whack a mole with a little help. smile

    For our daughter's first birthday we took her to our town fair with farm animals and then later a petting zoo and she had a great time.

    Let us know what you end up doing smile


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