Homemade Energy Juicer or Processor Green Food and Drink Recipe.
A green and healthy juice idea.
A few months ago I invested in a smoothie maker, I try to stay healthy and eat the right foods and although I attempt to get more than my recommended 5 a day, as a busy working mum it's sometimes a bit of a challenge. I find it all to easy to pick up an unhealthy convenient snack over preparing food that is good for me. I also found that I was drinking a lot caffeine and sugar laden tea through out my day. In light of this, I decided that making healthy drinks with my new smoothie maker was the way to go.
I am proud to say that it has worked tremendously well for me, I use it for all kinds of culinary kitchen adventures now and has really inspired me to experiment more with new recipes and foods that wouldn't ordinarily have been on my shopping list.
When I was contemplating writing this hub on a green drink recipe, I was absolutely spoilt for choice, because I had so many ideas.
However I decided to use this one because it is very easy and super quick to prepare, unlike my apple pie drink recipe, which is more complicated and takes longer to make.
This recipe has only four ingredients, but they are all packed full of essential nutrients and are extremely good for you.
'An apple a day keeps the Doctor away.'
Apples contain a form of fibre called pectin, pectin clings on to toxins, heavy metals and cholesterol in the body, which helps speed up the bodies ability to get rid of them. Scientific research suggests that they also help lung function.
They contain quercitin, which is anti-inflammatory, eases allergies and conditions such as rheumatism.
They help lower LDL cholesterol and are good for the skin because they encourage, peristalsis.
- Apple pie drink.
Can you really get an apple pie drink? Yes and it's yummy and I am going to teach you how, I hope you enjoy it as much a I do.
Nutrients in apples.
- Vitamin C.
- Beta-carotene.
- Folic acid.
- Magnesium.
- Phosphorus.
- Potassium.
- Malic acid.
- Pectin.
- Flavonoids.
- Fibre.
- Vitamin K.
What else is good about apples?
- They are an anti-oxidant.
- They are good for your heart.
- Have cancer preventing properties.
- Have ant-ageing elements.
- Help raise energy levels.
- Good for your immune system.
- Have detoxifying properties.
- Low in fat.
- Low in carbohydrates.
- Low GI (Glycaemic index) and are low GL (Glycaemic Loading)
- Low in calories.
- Low in kilojoule
- Dairy, gluten and wheat free.
A staggering 96% of a cucumber is made up of water, water is extremely beneficial to helping the body stay healthy.
They help the body keep regular by aiding, kidneys, bladder and the digestive system.
It contains caffeic acid, which is good for your skin.
Cucumbers also contain silica which is good for conditions such as osteoporosis.
- 14 tips to help getting your kids to eat fruit and v...
As a parent your child's health is of great importance to you, one of the major contributors to a child's healthy development, alongside play, education and exercise is of course a varied diet. One which includes, calcium, iron, omega 3, as well as..
Nutrients in cucumber.
- Vitamin A.
- Vitamin C.
- Magnesium.
- Manganese.
- Potassium.
- Fibre.
- Folate.
- Molybdenum.
- Beta-carotene.
- Folic acid.
- Calcium.
- Iron.
- Zinc.
- Chia benefits and recipe.
Well firstly you may already know that chia seeds are a favourite among those that work in wall-street, celebrities, nutritionists and health food advocates. Dr Oz also spoke about chia seeds on Oprah, gaining them even greater publicity. Chia... - Health benefits of watermelon and watermelon recipe ...
The watermelon is so called because it holds about 92% water, which means that it is low in calories and virtually fat free. But don't be fooled into thinking that is all it is good for. It also boasts a high GI of 72 and a low GL of 10. It is low...
What else is good about cucumber?
- Dairy, gluten and wheat free.
- Low in fat.
- Detoxifying.
- Low kilojoule.
- Low in carbohydrates.
- Low GI and Low GL.
- Good for your eyes.
- Good for your heart.
- Ant-inflammatory.
- Good for your hair.
- Good for your nails.
- Good for your teeth.
- Good for your musculo-skeletal system.
Kiwi fruit.
A kiwi fruit has more vitamin c then an orange and by eating just one you will be getting all of your recomended daily alowence of vitamin C. Even more surprising then this is fact that they still retain 90% of it after 6 months of storage.
However as good as they are for you, it pays to be aware that some children have been known to be alergic to them.
Scientific research has shown that eating kiwis regularly can help with rhynitus, coughing and sneezing.
They help aid the digestive system and can help lower cholesterol.
They stabalize the blood cells by removing excess sodium.
Nutrients in kiwi fruit.
- Vitamin C.
- Calcium.
- Iron.
- Beta-carotene.
- Magnesium.
- Phosphorus.
- Potassium.
- Fibre.
- Bioflavonoids.
- Vitamin B3.
- Vitamin C.
- Vitamin E.
- Lutien.
- Copper.
- Tower running, the new, free, fitness craze.
Tower running is not as commonly assumed, anything like free running or tower climbing and you'll be pleased to know, it's not some crazy combination of the two. It's not the adrenaline fuelled act of... - Lose calories and weight with the indo board and oth...
When your in the public eye and get photographed as often as a celebrity does, it's important that you look at your best. I for one have seen the pictures taken of celebrities off guard and the results are often less then flattering. This can be...
What else is good about kiwi fruit?
- Antioxidant.
- Good for your heart.
- Cancer fighting elements.
- Good for your skin.
- Good for healthy, shiney hair.
- Anti-viral.
- Anti-inflammetory.
- Good for your immune system.
- Helps to increase energy levels.
- Dairy, wheat and gluten free.
- Low in fat.
- Low in carbohydrates.
- Low in calories.
- Low kilojoule.
- Low GI.
- Low GL.
Before you recoil in horror at the sound of this, let me explain the health benefits of celery first and see if I can persuade you to give it a try.
Celery has been a part of peoples diet as far back as ancient Roman times, where it was eaten as a seasoning.
Until the seventeenth century celery was always cooked before it was consumed and was used mainly for medicinal purposes.
It's an aid to the liver and is believed to take more calories chewing and digesting it, then you gain from eating it and is the favourite of dieters around the world.
- Tips on office stress relief.
Life at the office can be demanding, tiring and just all a bit too much like hard work, when your work load seems never ending and your in-tray always seems to out way your out-tray, life at work can feel pretty uninspiring. Long hours can seem to... - Quick, easy tips on how you can become and feel more...
Confidence is a quality both admired and envied. Feared and revered, if you've got it you want to keep, if you haven't you want to get it. It seems some people are just born emanating confidence and shine like...
Nutrients in celery.
- Vitamin B1.
- Vitamin B2.
- Vitamin B6.
- Vitamin C.
- Beta-carotene.
- Folic acid.
- Calcium.
- Iron.
- Magnesium.
- Manganese.
- Molybdenum.
- Phosphorus.
- Potassium.
- Fibre.
- Vitamin B3.
- Vitamin E.
- Sodium.
What else is good about celery?
- Good for healthy hair.
- Helps protect your heart.
- Low in fat.
- Low in calories.
- Low GL.
- Low GI.
- Low kilojoule.
- Wheat, dairy and gluten free.
- Great if your on a detox.
- Anti-oxidant.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Cancer fighting properties.
Cook Time
- 2 apples, cored, peeled and chopped.
- 4 kiwi fruits, peeled and sliced.
- Half a cucumber, chopped.
- 2 sticks celery, washed and diced.
- Mix together and put in a processor, smoothie maker or juicer, until liquidized.
- Drink immediately, easy.