Recipe: Chicken Legs With Its Sauce & Potato Cubes - Rice
Chicken Legs With Its Sauce & Potato Cubes (Side Dish: Rice)
This Meal can be fast to cook and prepare, healthy (since it contains very little oils & fats) and it can be prepared within minutes. (Approximate preparation time: One hour).
Nutrition Insight:
This meal contains a lot of important nutrients & vitamins such as:
Vitamins D, B6, B12, K, E, A, B1, B2, B3, C & more.
Minerals: Manganese, fibers, calcium, magnesium, Beta carotene, vanillic acid, niacin, Iron, Thiamin, Folic acid, zinc, copper, Phosphorus & more.
Cook Time
- 1 & 1/2 Cups Rice, White
- 1/4 Cup Vermicelli, optional
- 5 to 7 (according to what you prefer) Chicken legs, With skin or not ( Whatever you prefer)
- 1/2 Cup Corn, Directly from the can
- 1 or 1 & a half onions Onion, Chopped
- 1 small tablespoon Curry
- 2 small tablespoons Oil, Sunflower or another oil ( what you prefer)
- 2 L Water
- 2 or 4 big tablespoons Salt, (Depends on how salty you like your cook)
- 4 medium sized Potatoes, To be cut like cubes
How To Cook It
- Start with both the potato and the chicken legs. Take a pan and fill it with water, put the 4 peeled potatoes in it and wait till it gets stewed & mushy. Do the same thing for the chicken legs but of course in a separate pan, make sure not to take them out until the water boils.
- Meanwhile, you can cut & prepare 1 or 1 & a half onions & also clean the rice by putting it in a colander and rinse it with hot or cold water - hot water can be better though. Leave it to rest in warm water while you prepare other things. Take a pan, place 1 tablespoon of oil then add vermicelli to it and start stirring until they get this caramel/tan like color, after that put the rice in the pan, add some salt - amount depends on what you prefer - then water ( be sure to make the water above the rice level in about 2-3 cm then cover it with the pan's cover and wait for about 20-30 mins until it gets ready. Do not forget to lower down the fire/heat of the oven to the lowest. Meanwhile prepare the corn & check out the potatoes and chicken, remove them from water when ready.
- Once you have your potatoes mushed, cut them in a way so they can look like a cube (or any other shape you prefer, this is totally up to you) Take a clean pan, put one or two tablespoons of plant based oil then add the chopped onions then start stirring for about 1 minute. Afterwards, add the chicken legs, cube shaped potato pieces, corn ( optional), about 1/2 or 3/4 L of water, 1 small tablespoon of curry & salt. You may then stir for a while and put the oven's power/heat on medium. Let the water boil to take all of the ingredients in and get merged altogether to get a lovely flavored sauce. The waiting time for this can take up to 30 minutes.
- Taste your food every now and then and don't leave it to boil for more than 10/15 minutes. Your cooking intuition can always tll you when your food is ready. So turn off the oven once you feel so. And you're done! prepare your plates and present the rice and the chicken in separate plates or do it your own way! Bon Appetit.
More Tips Related To Cooking In General And Hygiene
Side notes:
Don't leave your kitchen while cooking and keep your eyes on your food! (Avoid unwanted fire and possibly burning your food).
It's cleaner to put on some gloves because our nails can carry many bacteria! Did you know that? Unless you wash your hands before and after each step during cooking. Also make sure to tie your hair & wear cooking clothes.
It's always better to use wooden spoons in stirring and cooking.
I hope you find this helpful in a way.
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