Is it really worth it to cook for just one and if so do you have some recipes to

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  1. Charlu profile image79
    Charluposted 12 years ago

    Is it really worth it to cook for just one and if so do you have some recipes to prove it?

    Cooking for just one (not including the dogs) sometimes just seems like it's not worth it.  Although I would love to have some homemade lasagna, meatballs, stuffed pork chops, (ok I have to stop now I'm getting hungry), it really doesn't seem like it's worth the trouble. Then when I think of the alternatives such as frozen dinners or eating out I just get bored.
    Does anybody have any quick, easy, and delicious recipes for one? OK maybe 2 or 3 and I could have left overs.

  2. Catherine Kane profile image78
    Catherine Kaneposted 12 years ago

    Cooking for one is definitely worth it. It's more than cooking- it's a question of treating your own needs with the same respect that you do that of others.

    A lot depends on how much you like to cook. Any recipe can be halved, and many recipes can be subdivided and the extra helpings frozen, so you can have home cooked when ever you like it

  3. freecampingaussie profile image60
    freecampingaussieposted 12 years ago

    My quick meal which I enjoy & taste better than out of a packet is just a lamb chop cooked with mushrooms & other vegies in the frypan when I am on my own,
    Tonight I precooked a bit of pumpkin, carrot & potato put it in the pan with leftover pork & had gravy over it .
    You might as well enjoy what you are eating even if you are on your own .
    If you cook double then it saves you cooking the next night !

    1. Charlu profile image79
      Charluposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I really like the idea of the meat with the veggies and trimmings all in one pan. Almost like a skillet breakfast. Thanks

  4. Attikos profile image79
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    Food from your own kitchen provides several advantages over that prepared elsewhere, be it by restaurants or convenience food manufacturers. You know what goes into your own, but beyond the label (a sketch of contents that says nothing about methods... read more

  5. Diane Woodson profile image60
    Diane Woodsonposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I believe a person would end up eating much more healthy if they cook at home. The only place I know of to go out and eat that is not bad for your diet is SUBWAY. I do a chicken soup, cook 2 lbs of chicken strips in the oven for about an hour. Bake 6 potatoes and cool. You need one can diced tomatoes, one can of whole kernel corn. 1 can of green beans, One small package of cooked pinto beans, Add all of this to your crock pot, and 1 tbsp of basil, cook for 8 hours on high. This is not fattening unless you serve it with cornbread. Crackers are the best on a diet with this soup.

    1. Charlu profile image79
      Charluposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Love this recipe and I also love homemade chicken soup. That is one thing I've never liked from a can was soup. Thanks for the great easy recipe.

  6. ASchwartz profile image69
    ASchwartzposted 12 years ago

    I think it's worth it to cook for one. I know it can seem tedious, but why not make several serving at once and freeze the leftovers? Once you get accustomed to good tasting home cooked meals frozen dinners just lose all appeal. Plus, it's usually a lot cheaper than relying so much on convenience foods.

  7. profile image0
    BethDWposted 12 years ago

    Like a lot of others have already said, if it seems like too much effort to make a big meal for just yourself, cook enough to store some leftovers in the freezer for lazy nights! I cooked for myself for 2-3 years before moving in with my girlfriend, and I rather enjoyed's nice to treat yourself to a good meal smile As far as good recipes go, I recently stumbled upon this hubbers page: and she has some DELICIOUS looking stuff, so I would check her out!

    1. Charlu profile image79
      Charluposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Beth I checked out some of the hubs and there are some awesome recipes. Maybe a change in menu and recipes will help the initiative to cook more. Thanks again

  8. Becky Katz profile image83
    Becky Katzposted 12 years ago

    I made a large pan of lasagna and cut it into serving sizes. Then I froze the different servings in individual containers with a piece of masking tape on top, stating what it was and what date it was frozen. I learned this from my great aunt. She liked to cook and really couldn't make it in single servings. Her freezer had all these individual servings of food and if she didn't want to cook, she would use those.

    1. Charlu profile image79
      Charluposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great idea from your great aunt and I not only love lasagna, but I really love making it. I should have thought of the tape idea. I used to put things in the freezer, forget when I put it in, and then throw it out, (unless it was recent) Thanks

  9. rdown profile image74
    rdownposted 12 years ago

    I have one that makes dinner for two.  It is from but I talk and list the recipe in my blog...
    It's quick to make and really tasty!  you can cut up all the lettuce, tom etc.. while the meat is cooking.

    1. Charlu profile image79
      Charluposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Love the recipe on the blog. It looks easy and very tasty. Thanks

  10. TheRightWord profile image72
    TheRightWordposted 12 years ago

    Cooking for one is definitely worth it. It is healthier than eating processed frozen food or fast food. Also, if you cook in "regular" serving sizes, you can cut down your prep and work time by 25 to 75%! You can cook a dish for four servings and put it in the freezer for later. Think of all the sodium, preservatives and $$ you are saving by cooking at home.

    1. ModestyKing profile image60
      ModestyKingposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not only this, but depending on what you do & what you make, your home-cooked meal could be more delicious than your other option. Like, I like to make omelets for myself, and I usually find them very tasty. It's hard to find a good fast food ome

    2. Charlu profile image79
      Charluposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's easy to forget about all the preservatives and sodium they put in processed foods. Your right about healthier and cheaper. I guess I need to start thinking of it that way, opposed to the time and money spent.
      Thanks ModestyKing I love omelets.


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