Some wonderful historical photos dating from 1844 to 1948. A century of life in pictures.
This explains how I taught my daughter to budget.
It's the season of giving. Christ gave his life for us and what do we give? Giving should not just be to your family. There are many ways we can give at this time of the year.
Part three of a short story set in 1840's Ohio. Actual character in fictional situations.
Part 2 of a short story with an 1840's Ohio setting. Written using an ancestor as a base and the times and area that she lived in.
A short story with an 1830's setting. I have written it, based on an ancestor of my husband's. The story is mostly fiction and I have just used the building, era, and the area. She lived in a very interesting time and place.
This is the recipe for Chocolate Applesauce cake, an old family recipe which is so delicious and easy that this is the first thing I ever cooked. We always called it the no-fail cake. Moist and delicious.
A couple of really bad days, which we will never forget.
A story of a soldier who comes home and the fun things he does.
This is a simple taco casserole to put together. It takes only 35 minutes oven time so it is a great casserole to put together and put in when you get home.
This is a three cheese and spinach manicotti. A delicious vegetarian alternative.
Recipe and directions to make Manicotti, Our families favorite food.
A short story about a woman who loses her husband and gains her life.
My kids always got into trouble in comical ways. See what they're up to now.
This hub is about the care and cleaning of cast iron. Cast iron is the first non-stick cookware. How you care for it will effect how non-stick it is.
This is the story of how we managed during the 17 year fight to get my husband's VA disability. My son has a serious car accident and I get breast cancer.
This is the story of how we managed during the 17 year fight to get my husband VA disability. Plus my fight with Graves Disease.
This is the story of how we managed during the 17 year fight to get my husband VA disability.
Some more of the funny things that my children have said and done.
We seem to have adventures when we go camping. See what we've gotten into.
How do you know if your child is mature enough to be left home alone? Are they legally old enough? Here are the ways I dealt with this touchy situation.
Little stories of things our children have said, leaving us speechless, laughing, or shaking our heads in bemusement.
These are some old photographs of the Bill family. My maternal grandmother was a Bill. I have added some history of each photo to perhaps make them more interesting. I love old photos, and some of them are so interesting. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.
This is my tribute to MY veterans.
This is my tongue in cheek Halloween story. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it
Fun times we had living in the country.
A delicious quick bread recipe using a variety of fruits and vegetables. I change the fruit or vegetable whenever I get the urge and it has always been wonderful.
17 photos of the Real old west. Indians, miner, cowboys, railroad workers, and stagecoaches full of people. History in pictures.
Many of us have wondered how we can help the homeless people we see on the streets. These are ways that you can help in a practical and useful way. This won a Rising Star award.
Still learning of America's greatness with this story. Manhattan is an island and was totally cut off on 9/11. This is the story of the evacuation of Manhattan on 9/11/2001.
Memories of how my parents kept our family emotionally and physically close together.
The story of our beloved pet Buggy Bunny, and what we learned about caring for rabbits along the way.