Do you prefer to cook your own meals or go out to eat?

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  1. grandslambert profile image54
    grandslambertposted 13 years ago

    Do you prefer to cook your own meals or go out to eat?

    I enjoy cooking evening meals, but too often I hear people complain that they don't have the time to cook. They would rather spend an hour or more in a restaurant. Does that not take time? Which do you prefer - cooking or dining out - and why?

  2. ElizabethLauruel profile image52
    ElizabethLauruelposted 13 years ago

    Personally I love to cook, so cooking my meals is definitely better for me! I enjoy personalizing my meals to suit my tastes too, so that would be another reason why I like eating at home. Dining out is fun sometimes too, when I want to try food that I couldn't make the way a restaurant does. Still dining out in a lot of restaurants can take up to an hour of just sitting and waiting, while at home I could probably be done cooking. I could probably have more fun than simply waiting in a restaurant too!

  3. Just Ask Susan profile image93
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to cook my own meals but it is nice to go out and have someone else cook for me. I love cooking so dining in is my main choice of eating.

  4. stars439 profile image60
    stars439posted 13 years ago

    It is always nice to go out and eat, but it can turn into and expensive luxury , so we often cook at home. I like to prepare home cooked meals for my family even though I am the dad.

    Home cooking can save a family a bunch of money.There are many inexpensive delicious meals you can prepare at home.

    So my answer is, I love taking my family out to eat, but a practical head of household realizes that on a fixed income it is necessary to cook at home.

    For ten dollars you can buy a large pack of pork ribs, put some barbeque sauce on them, and cook them even in your microwave if you put them in a caserole bowl, and cover your bowl with a dish.

    Three people can eat half those ribs, and cook the other half another day, and fill up.

    What do good restaurant meals cost ? That usually costs me between thirty, and fifty dollars because you know your also going to hand over a five dollar tip to a waitress , or waiter .

    With thirty dollars, or fifty dollars you could buy the best steak, or enough ham to last half of a month. If you like chicken, you can buy and awfil lot of that, and cook it yourself.

    Thank you for the question. I hope I saved you some money. God Bless You.

  5. indigorhyme profile image60
    indigorhymeposted 13 years ago

    I love for someone to cook for me, but it's not in the budget every day. I like to eat at home, fixing meals to my own taste. I save restaurant meals for special occasions.

  6. lilibees profile image59
    lilibeesposted 13 years ago

    I perfer to cook all my own meals. It is healthier, cheaper and safer.

  7. Paul Kohler profile image60
    Paul Kohlerposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to cook at home, I used to go out for dinner almost daily but over the last few years the quality of service has really gone downhill. After a few times of walking out the restaurants front door shaking my head regretting the money wasted I now cook at home..........I do go to outback steakhouse every few months they are the only one to never let me down.

  8. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    I am a cook, at heart and professionaly.   
    My hubby and I moved to our city in December, and we have not eaten outside of  our home since coming here.  He takes 'leftovers' for lunch. 

    In my "work" kitchen, I taste and approve or sideline the dish, but I do not eat to my fill.

    Though from time to time, I do indeed enjoy the fact that a  meal has been prepared for me, and I am not obligated to oversee it, or clean up behind it,  it is rare that I enjoy someone else's cooking above my own.

  9. Matt in Jax profile image61
    Matt in Jaxposted 13 years ago

    I love cooking for other people, but find cooking for myself to be a little boring. So I'd probably rather go out to eat if just me, cook if someone else is there.

  10. Daffy Duck profile image61
    Daffy Duckposted 13 years ago

    Cooking my meals insures that I eat healthy.  It is also cheaper.

  11. jpcmc profile image92
    jpcmcposted 13 years ago

    I love cooking for my family.  I do it everyday.  There are quick recipes that taste really good and packed with the right nutritional value.   But we do dine out or order in from time to time.

  12. maria.rose profile image39
    maria.roseposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to cook my own meals but some time I should  want to go out for  eating  with my family..................

  13. profile image0
    CollBposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to cook my own meals - it's much cheaper than dining out and at least I know what's in it!

    Though a lot of times, I have to get a quick snack as it's not always convenient to cook!

  14. Loveslove profile image60
    Lovesloveposted 13 years ago

    I love cooking and entertaining friends at home with new recipes..But I also like to eat out,unfortunately i do tend to scrutinise the food and work out the cost and how much I could have cooked it for !!
    As a rule I dont mind eating out being a tad expensive if its good food well cooked,but if its not, then I complain.
    I have a special friend who is a good cook,I love to be pampered and to be cooked for  ...on the rare occasions when that happens it is always superb  well cooked and enjoyable .

    An example of being overcharged lately......

    Sirloin steak ( medium) chips,and a salad  £ 17.95 !! per person

    I cooked the same  at our caravan last weekend....
    2 x Sirloin steaks, salad and handcut chips ( not frozen)  approximate total    £ 11 for two !!

    I hate being done !!

  15. thehemu profile image61
    thehemuposted 13 years ago

    i prefer to eat at home, why need to pay someone when you can do it for yourself.

    I used to cook myself on weekends and help my mommy for dinner on weekdays.

  16. kafsoa profile image63
    kafsoaposted 13 years ago

    I enjoy cooking my meals and family meals, but it's ok to go out and eat once a week for refreshment and kids like to have fun sometimes.

  17. Mayaanjali profile image67
    Mayaanjaliposted 13 years ago

    85% of the times I prefer my own homecooked meals but just once in a way it nice to eat or order out to break the ennui.
    I am very sensitive about hygiene and good vibrations whilst cooking.

  18. ashleyyoung profile image38
    ashleyyoungposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to cook my own meals, in this way I could enjoy the food the way I want it to be cooked well cooking your own food might also be a good way to save more for your budget.

  19. mdlawyer profile image39
    mdlawyerposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to cook my own meals because only I know what the items are needed for a healthy diet for me.

  20. Brinafr3sh profile image68
    Brinafr3shposted 13 years ago

    Great question. Cooking my own meals for my family is a joy. At the same time, I am doing an act of kindness and providing real nutrition for us.

  21. annieyfraylan111 profile image60
    annieyfraylan111posted 13 years ago

    i like to cook.. but sometimes it is good 2 go out

  22. carolp profile image78
    carolpposted 13 years ago

    I prefer to cook and eat at home with family. It is more comfortable and cheaper for a family to have meals at home than in restaurants  Once or two times a month is good to treat the family to a good place to eat, It must be execellent cuisine or i will not be satisfied for i know what is good.

  23. Mel Jay profile image72
    Mel Jayposted 13 years ago

    I love eating out - no mess to clean up, everyone can have what they want - no one whinges that they don't want this vegetable or that type of meat.  If I could eat out every night I would!  Of course eating at home is way healthier as I know exactly what is in the food, and there is no time to always be going out (have to drive there, find a park, then wait for service etc, it is quicker to whip something up at home)  - so we mostly eat in.

  24. Schatzie Speaks profile image91
    Schatzie Speaksposted 13 years ago

    i have gluten intollerance, legume allergies, and react badly to most dairy as well. therefore i must usually cook my meals just to contol what goes into them. hidden ingredients are in everything prepared in restaurants and frankly researching, placing calls, and looking for specially detailed menus before every meal gets exhausting!

  25. 61MT profile image44
    61MTposted 13 years ago

    I prefer eating at home, but it's nice to go out and eat every now and then.  It would be fun to eat out every day, but I don't have the time or money.  In addition, it's not healthy.

  26. whispers of faith profile image61
    whispers of faithposted 13 years ago

    i dont enjoy cooking that much i hate how long it takes and i hate seeing it being prepared cause thats all i think about when im eating it. so i rather eat out though i cant afford it much. sad

  27. peachpurple profile image80
    peachpurpleposted 12 years ago

    Enjoy home cooked meals with your family members. You can control the amount of salt and seasoning used at home. Eating at home is cheaper, convenient and the taste of mommy's food is unbeatable read more

  28. Anjili profile image61
    Anjiliposted 8 years ago

    I personally prefer cooking my own meals simply because I know what I want to cook,
    how to cook it for the best nutritional results,

    I prefer handling my own food with regard to hygiene.

    Cooking allows me to experiment from the beginning to the end.

    Cooking at home is done with a lot of love and care, while restaurants and hotels cook with your pocket in mind.

  29. Chefchrisd profile image60
    Chefchrisdposted 7 years ago

    I definitely enjoy cooking my own meals.  I love being able to take my time and really putting love into it.

  30. tonymead60 profile image84
    tonymead60posted 7 years ago

    I enjoy cooking for friends and relatives and at times for myself, but eating out is a unsatisfying experience, because I can usually make a better job of it at a fraction of the price.

  31. profile image51
    Therese Bombardiereposted 5 years ago

    i definitely love to cook my own meals - gives me a chance to be creative

  32. Papinat profile image58
    Papinatposted 5 years ago

    I like cook myself! For me it is a good and pleasant work!
    All of my recipe i take this blog
    Alissa Day Blog -

  33. BAbrava profile image53
    BAbravaposted 5 years ago

    I prefer eat at home! Every day i cook something unusual)
    Yesterday i cooked this soup recipe! Look for more details
    How To Make Fish Soup -


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