Veggie Magic ... Its a Dosa

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  1. PrasannaCh profile image60
    PrasannaChposted 14 years ago

    Here a is recipe for vegetable dosa,

    Ingrediants:              Nutrition facts 

    1 cup of Raggi flour      High Iron and Protein
    1 cup of jowar flour      Iron
    1 cup of wheat flour      Carbohydrates
    1 Cucumber grated
    3-4 Baby carrots grated
    2 Beans Sliced thinly
    5 Broccoli sliced(flower pieces)
    Add any other vegetables of your choice.

    Mix all the three flours
    Mix grated and sliced vegetables in the flour, make a smooth batter like tortilla batter by adding little water.
    Note: donot add more water as cucumber has water in it.
    Add salt to taste

    Make round balls and spread like a tortilla with hands on a Fresh clean aluminium foil. Pour a drop of oil on the foil so that the batter wont stick to the foil.
    Keep the Pan on the stow, when it is hot keep the raw dosa on the pan, add little oil and turn the dosa to eihter sides untill it is finely done.

    Serve hot and eat the dosa with Yogurt!!! umm... its really yummy.

    Prasanna. Ch

    1. profile image0
      china manposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Nice - but yes, we need to know more familiar names for the flours.  Also there are no spices in them ??

      You probably know how to make the very thin chappati type wrap for spring rolls - if you do I watch a woman in our market making them every day and would love to know how to make that gloopy dough !

      Welcome to Hubpages

  2. WriteAngled profile image82
    WriteAngledposted 14 years ago

    Dhosa very good indeed! However, you should make this into a hub.

    1. PrasannaCh profile image60
      PrasannaChposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Jowar is a flour which contains high value of protein, iron  and carbohydrate too. It is available in any asian grocery stores mostly indian.
      Raagi flour has high amount of iron in it.

      Prasanna. ch

  3. WriteAngled profile image82
    WriteAngledposted 14 years ago

    Also you need to explain what raggi flour and jowar flour are. I would not be able to use your recipe without this knowledge.

    1. profile image48
      homer729posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ragi flour - made from Ragi, also known as "african millet" or "finger millet"
      Jowar flour - made from Sorghum

      The above grains are very commonly used in India to make unleavened breads (rotis), porridge and pancakes. They are high in fiber, have around the same carbohydrate content (if not slightly lesser) as wheat, and are complete protein sources. You should be able to find these flours at an ethnic Indian grocery store.

  4. sarovai profile image77
    sarovaiposted 14 years ago

    Welcome to hubpages. Tasty recipe.

  5. profile image54
    probafixposted 14 years ago

    Nice recipe.........its really tasty.

  6. MoonSafari profile image59
    MoonSafariposted 14 years ago

    This hub really has potential, I think you should add to it. Start off with a paragraph or two of what a dosa is. (Vege pancake from India?)Providing a picture or two would be great. The headline really grabbed my attention but I was a bit disappointed because I feel that you could have added a lot more.

  7. theirishobserver. profile image59
    theirishobserver.posted 14 years ago

    Thanks for taking the time to share this recipe smile


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