your misadventure with cooking

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  1. pisean282311 profile image62
    pisean282311posted 14 years ago

    few days ago i had misadventure in cooking when not only food but vessel too got burned...

    1. classicalgeek profile image81
      classicalgeekposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Fortunately I tend to just make huge messes, not catch things on fire. However, the end result is always great smile

  2. FranyaBlue profile image66
    FranyaBlueposted 14 years ago

    I was at a friends house and we decided to cook some chicken things under the grill but then forgot about them and went out. When we came back the kitchen was completely black and we had to scrub soot off the walls.

    This was about 14 years ago.

    1. pisean282311 profile image62
      pisean282311posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      ohh..that would have been tough task..scrubing soot off the walls...

      1. FranyaBlue profile image66
        FranyaBlueposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, we painted over it in the end.

  3. profile image53
    kushal jainposted 14 years ago

    can v friends

  4. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    About 85% of all my cooking is one, big, misadventure -but the most memorable, I guess, have been two fires.  One was something I was doing in the broiler, and when I opened the broiler the fire was tall enough to reach the bottom of my top cabinets (nothing serious happened, fortunately).  And then there was the fish/toaster-over fiasco, involving having to carry out the toaster oven and put it out in the snow.

    Both times my husband pointed out (somewhat condescendingly) that "you don't hide a fire" or "you don't carry one through the whole house" - but it turns out you do!  The fires both went out uneventfully (even if I had a couple of scare, crying, children to calm down.  lol )

  5. waynet profile image67
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    I set fire to someones kitchen trying to impress them with a really cool Sunday dinner, now I make dinner for myself and stuff my face in shame!

    1. pisean282311 profile image62
      pisean282311posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      they might have had thrilling sunday instead of cool sunday...i hope kitchen was not badly effected or was it??

      1. waynet profile image67
        waynetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        the kitchen had to be inspected by surveyors before we was allowed to ever cook in there and it took nearly 2 weeks, I paid back in lots of takeaways

    2. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If there's one thing worse than starting a fire in your own kitchen - it's starting one in someone else's kitchen,  lol

      1. waynet profile image67
        waynetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah lol naughty me, I still get a special mention as the friend who is an arsenist

        1. pisean282311 profile image62
          pisean282311posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          ha ha ha...arsenist...

  6. tobey100 profile image61
    tobey100posted 14 years ago

    I'm not allowed to cook anymore.  Haven't been for the past 15 years.  You burned the food and the vessel.  I burned the kitchen.

    1. pisean282311 profile image62
      pisean282311posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      there are many who did burn the kitchen out here..we already have four in this discussion thread!!!!!!!!

      1. tobey100 profile image61
        tobey100posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        at least I ain't the only one.

  7. TLMinut profile image59
    TLMinutposted 14 years ago

    Wow, I'm a horrible cook (my kids thought school lunches were better than anything I made) and I never burned down a kitchen! Better get cooking to keep my rep...

    1. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'd like to clarify that I've never actually burned down either of my kitchens - only ran the risk of it.  lol     I'll never know why that broiler fire that went about six feet in the air didn't catch onto the cabinets.  THAT one scared me - and yet was smothered out when I instinctively closed the broiler (aka "hiding a fire", according to my husband).  I've got a sister and a bunch of neighbors who've actaully had the fire department come because of kitchen fires.

    2. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just a couple of weeks ago I decided to mix up a box of brownie mix I'd gotten around my son's birthday.  In my hurry to get the whole nasty business over and done with, I mixed up the measurements for the oil and water.  hmm   Actually, they came out OK (after I figured out they wouldn't be ready when the box said they would be  lol)   Apparently, even I can't "misadventure" a boxed brownie mix and have it have much affect.

  8. Chloe Comfort profile image62
    Chloe Comfortposted 14 years ago

    My misadventures usually include the smoke alarm going off big_smile

  9. NaomiR profile image72
    NaomiRposted 14 years ago

    One time in college, I was in the middle of making brownies when I realized that we didn't have enough cocoa powder. They weren't bad tasting, but they were this odd tan color. We called them "tannies" and ate them anyway!

    Another time, my friend made a lemon cake for a party and added in some  chartreuse food coloring to make the yellow pop ... only she added way too much and the cake looked like a nucleqr test experiment. It tasted fine, but no one really wanted to eat it.


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