Have you started your own business? If so, it's time to put business networking on your radar.
Ready to have some fun this summer, but finances are tight? Check out this list of free activities you can enjoy!
How to have fun indoors in the summer.
Are you a Jane Austen fan? Amaze your friends by learning to play this wild historical card game.
Ready to get outdoors this summer?
There are lots of ways to spend your summer vacation. Have you considered volunteering?
There are many environmentally conscious fun activities to enjoy during the summer. Try some of these for yourself.
Ready for some family fun this summer? Here are some ideas everyone in the family just might love!
Knowing how to move your pet quickly to safety is essential in an emergency. Training your pet in advance (you can even hold drills) will ensure the survival of your beloved family member.
When ceramics leak, they get consigned to the garage. But don't worry—you can make them leakproof again in minutes. Here's how to waterproof a ceramic vase!
Got leftovers? Get a smoothie!
What to wear? When to applaud? And yes, turn off your phone.
Clean your upholstered walls, or change your look, as easily as changing a pillowcase!
Perfect for any occasion, you can make napkin rings yourself in just a few easy steps!
Should we still teach the Great Books?
You won't believe what you can tie-dye!
Is your power company asking you to conserve power to avoid a blackout? Here are some simple tips!
If you think you're being a great parent by letting your child "just be a child," take heed!
Don't throw away those grocery receipts just yet—they could be worth gift cards or even cash in your pocket!
Fizzy coffee? Fizzy tea? Count me in!
Don't want commercial sodas but tired of plain water?
Considering a SodaStream? Here's what you need to know.
If you love Art Deco, try incorporating it in your Christmas decorations. You may surprise yourself!
Everything we experience influences us. How is your television influencing you?
They're creepy, and you know the rest! Or do you?
Do you want your child to listen to classical music? It's easy!
Learning to use a tuning fork to tune your instrument is by far the best way. It's not that difficult and once you learn you can never forget.
Worried about the chemicals in silver polish? Try these natural polishes!
If you've ever had those tiny little bugs flying around, you know how annoying they can be. Here's how to control them without toxic pesticides.
Battles over practicing music are common, and everyone suffers: the parents, teacher, and student. Here's how to make those battles less frequent and make everyone happier.
Trying decide between Spanish, French, or Chinese as your child's first foreign language? There's even a better choice than that--and one you probably didn't expect!
When you have only a few dollars a month to invest, where can you invest it where it will do the most good? Here are a few ideas for that spare change every month!
Are you fed up with your table linens and tablecloths taking up so much room? This clever solution will free up all that space and store your table linens neatly until you are ready to use them!
You look through bottle after bottle, jar after jar, trying to remember where you put the cinnamon. Even if you find it, now everything is a mess! Conquer your kitchen clutter by organizing your herbs and spices!
Tired of the same old cheesecake? Ready to experiment and astound your friends? Try this technique and make an old favorite new again!
Looking for free online sheet music to that special song? Don't run afoul of the law; learn what is and is not legal and where to safely find sheet music.
Pianos, like everything else, benefit from regular cleaning and servicing. But there's no reason to pay your piano technician to dust and vacuum your piano. You can easily do those tasks yourself and save time and money!
Numerous studies suggest that commercial hair dyes may contain dangerous chemicals, even chemicals that cause cancer. However, thanks to plants, you can have a choice of nontoxic, natural, vegan hair dyes that are safe to use!
While you already know how to breathe, it is rare that anyone learns to breathe in the most efficient and effective manner to produce sound without any training. This method of breathing relies on the biomechanics of your body, and uses the muscles in the most efficient manner, to produce a sound...
If you are worried about artificial food coloring in dyes for Easter eggs, try natural, nontoxic, vegan dyes made from food and spices. The results may not be predictable, but interesting and fun!
Specific vocal problems can easily be corrected by a qualified voice teacher. If you have any of these common vocal problems that prevent you from having a beautiful voice, here is how to talk to your teacher about them, and make sure that those problems are addressed correctly.
Most people, left to their own devices, will choose inefficient and ineffective methods to learn new musical pieces. But you can learn your music much faster and with much less effort by following a few very simple steps!
An easy project for even beginners to make, a belly dance panel skirt is a great introduction to making your own belly dance costumes at home. Follow these simple steps to make a great-looking belly dance panel skirt, and begin your journey to customizing your own belly dance costumes!
Other than buying a house, college is the most significant investment you can make in your life. Rather than waste your time, learn how you can start today to find the right school and get on the right path to your chosen college education and career.
Did you know that your school is not legally allowed to eliminate the arts, but is required by Federal law to teach the arts? If your school board proposes cutting arts funding, here are the steps you can take to fight back.
Guests are showing up at the door, and all you have to offer them are room-temperature drinks! Save the day with this quick and easy method of chilling those drinks to the perfect temperature in only five minutes, using stuff you already have on hand!
Your holiday preparations are all complete, your family members are already congregating, and you look in the refrigerator and realize you forgot to defrost the turkey! Your holiday isn't lost; simply follow the directions and keep everyone distracted for a few hours and you'll have a delicious...
The creation of Bob Burden, Flaming Carrot is no ordinary superhero. Well, that's not entirely true. In a sense, he's the most ordinary guy you'll ever meet, because he has no superpowers, and he is not terribly intelligent. That doesn't prevent him from having lots of exciting adventures and doing...
Where can you listen to classical music online for free? The good news is, there are many different ways to explore different composers and compositions, and it all depends on your personal listening style, likes, and dislikes. You can even find free downloads to listen to in your car, so that you...
Have you become allergic to everything? Are you always tired and you don't know why? Your environment could be making you sick!
Bed bugs are on the rise and are resistant to most pesticides. Here is a natural, nontoxic, and vegan solution to the bedbug problem that will work even more quickly than pesticides.
Those diet sodas are bad for you--but there are healthy alternatives available that you probably have never heard of. Learn about these healthy alternatives to diet drinks, and reclaim your health!
Learn to control fire ants without toxins, poisons, or artificial chemicals that may have unforeseen effects on you, your family, your pets or the environment.
Vegan-friendly, all-natural, non-toxic ways to control fleas and keep your pets safe and comfortable without exposure to toxic chemicals.
If you wait too long at red lights, learn how traffic signals work and take action. Save hundreds of hours over a lifetime by understanding what causes traffic signals to change.
You pay a lot for music lessons, so make sure your money is not wasted. By preparing for your music lessons correctly, you will be getting the greatest value for your time, money and effort from your lessons!
Rose petal beads are an ancient tradition. They're also easy (though time-consuming) to make at home. Transform those special flowers—or even your yard waste—into beautiful jewelry in just a week! Here's how.
Dried mushrooms are expensive to buy, but it is inexpensive and easy to dry your own. Find out how!
Eliminate toxic chemicals from your daily routine by learning to make your own vegan shampoo. It requires only two ingredients, so you will know exactly what is in it--and you'll save lots of money, too!
Make your own safe, nontoxic, all-natural and vegan mascara at home for pennies per tube! You can avoid known toxins and carcinogens near your sensitive eyes and save money, too!
Dyeing with tea is a beautiful way to give an aged look to paper, fabric, bone, ivory, shell or horn. A few cents' worth of tea can give you a fabulous look!
Clothing and upholstery just fit better in the end when you press seams as you sew them. For pressing curved seams, there's nothing more essential than a tailor's ham.
If you have a bounty of fresh herbs in your garden, why not drag out your unused iced tea maker and make fresh herbal iced tea?
Bras for belly dancing look complicated, and in fact they are not easy to make, but with some instruction and a lot of patience, you can have a wonderful-looking belly dance bra in any style and colour you prefer!
You can't make paper without a mould and deckle. Learn how to make both a laid and a wove mould and deckle, and for making a watermark.
If you have trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep, here are some drug-free, natural, safe remedies to help you get a good night's rest! All you need to do is to identify what keeps you awake (not an easy task in itself), and then experiment with these natural, nontoxic remedies to discover what...
Whether you're looking for privacy, warmth, quiet, or a dramatic or romantic flair for your bedroom, if you don't have a bed canopy, perhaps you should consider one! Bed canopies can make any little girl feel just like a princess!
Although learning to grind flour at home may seem intimidating to beginners, grinding seeds is very easy and not at all time-consuming.
Have you ever wondered if you can make it as a writer? Now you can try your hand at writing and getting paid for it--for free! If you think you'd like to be a professional writer, there's no better time to explore the opportunities on the Internet for getting paid to write!
Some of the best bargain stores in Dallas don't advertise their existence. I've been a Dallas bargain shopper for thirty years, and here are the best places nobody but me will tell you about--including maps on how to get there!
Overstocks (also called overruns) are when a manufacturer makes more of a product than can be sold at retail. When that happens, you can benefit! Learn how to find the best bargains, no matter where you live!
You don't have to give up your lifestyle to live sustainably. In fact, the only thing you have to give up is wasting things. As a result of making sustainable choices, you can not only fatten your wallet, but you can also live even better than you did before--find out how!
Good tax records can help any business, small or large, to survive and prosper. Those tax records can also guide a business towards profitability!
Do you get paid for writing on the Internet? Congratulations, you own a business and have to pay taxes! Understand your tax obligations and deductions.
Do you think people were uneducated in the Middle Ages? Would you like to learn what medieval education was really like?
Learning a foreign language is an extensive undertaking, and there are a lot of myths about the best way to learn a new tongue out there. Here's how to really achieve fluency and be able to function, without wasting your time, money and energy.
Healthy and nutritious, avocado oil is a monounsaturated oil made from the flesh of the fruit. Its light, delicate flavour and unique properties make it the ideal choice for a wide variety of different recipes, and it is wonderful for your homemade beauty recipes, as well!
If you are wanting to expand your oil repertoire beyond olive oil, consider grapeseed oil, a delicious and equally healthy alternative, suitable for frying as well as salad dressings.
Looking for a different layer of flavour to enhance your salad dressings or baked goods? Look no further; here's an unexpected twist to your favourite recipes!
Do you love filberts? Did you know that their oil is nutritious and can replace other oils in grilling, cooking and baking?
If you are still using the stuff you buy at the grocery store, or even the specialty shop, you should try making your own vinegar. That which you make yourself will be far superior to any commercial product.
Did you know that you can make flour from the seeds of the prickly pear cactus? Not only does flour from prickly pear cactus seeds have excellent qualities for baking and general cooking, but the flour is gluten-free and contains many micronutrients.
A source of gluten-free flour, a wonderful leaf and root vegetable, and one of the most prolific food sources on the planet, amaranth is one of the most nutritious and bountiful foods ever discovered. Learn for yourself why it is so popular!
If you are avoiding gluten, or carbohydrates, desserts may seem off-limits. However, by substituting nut crusts for regular piecrust, you can have cheesecakes and pies without guilt or side effects!
Adventurous brewers and bakers who have mastered the art of turning out fine beer, wine, mead, or baked goods will want to take their cooking to the next level by capturing and testing different strains of wild yeasts. Learn how!
A vegetable loved since prehistoric times, cardoons are a relative of artichokes. If you love artichokes, be sure to try this delicious alternative!
Salsify, or the oyster plant, is a delicious vegetable whose roots taste like oysters. Known and loved since antiquity, this plant has fallen out of favour today, but interest in the oyster plant is returning. You can grow your own oyster plant, and have oyster flavour even in months without an "R"!
Did you know that the whole plant of the prickly pear cactus is nutritious food, full of micronutrients? Learn how to harvest and prepare the leaves of the prickly pear cactus (nopales) and try it for yourself!
The fruit of the prickly pear cactus is known by many names: you may see it called Indian Fig, Barbary Fig, or even Tuna (no relation to the fish). But there's one word everyone calls it: delicious!
Fennel, also known by the name anise, is a delicious vegetable with a surprising , mild licorice taste which can be eaten raw or cooked, and every part of the vegetable is useful--leaves, root, and seeds!
Lovage, a herb known and loved by many peoples from the Romans to the Victorians, but has largely been forgotten. Discover for yourself this food and its unusual and robust flavour!
Known and loved as a delicious food since prehistoric times, borage, while little used today, is a nutritious and unusual garden companion plant with a delicate cucumber flavour, prized in sauces, soups, drinks, and as a vegetable.
Melissa officinalis (also known as lemon balm), is not only a great bee attractant (great for plants that need bee pollination), and good in cooking, baking, and for making tea, but is full of healthful nutrients!
Although sorrel has been known and loved for thousands of years, most people have never heard of it. However, sorrel is delicious, and can add a real zest to your recipes, as well as being a great source of micronutrients. Try sorrel for yourself and see how great it is!
Looking for a delicious, easy to grow herb that will attract bees to your garden and spice up your cooking? Look no further than this Renaissance favourite, winter savory!
AOC -- your assurance of quality and of getting "the real thing"! If you have never tried these jealously protected, incredibly diverse French goats' milk cheeses, why wait? Learn about the different varieties and impress your friends with your arcane knowledge!
The French AOC designation means that you are getting the real thing. Learn about the AOC varieties of French sheep milk cheeses.
French AOC cheeses are a delight to explore, but if you don't know your way around a cheese board, it can be very intimidating! Fortunately, a little knowledge goes a long way in improving your confidence, and with a little experimentation, you will really be able to impress your friends with your...
If your family is searching for a delicious, adaptable legume, lentils provide great nutrition, go with soups, stews, rice, and are a great side dish! Try some of the varieties available for yourself!
Whether you call them garbanzo beans, chickpeas, Indian peas, ceci beans, or Bengal grams, these beans are nutritious and tasty in a variety of ways, including being an essential ingredient in hummus!
A cereal formerly rare, exotic and expensive, especially because it was harvested by Native American tribes in restricted regions. We can continue to support indigenous American populations by buying wild rice to serve in our homes.
What is it like to volunteer at the library? Read about my experiences, and get a feel for what a day as a volunteer would be like!
If the story you tell yourself about what kind of person you are is having a negative effect on your life, your career, or your relationships, perhaps it is time to choose to take your life story in a new direction. Learn how to get past your past, and tell yourself a new life story.
Many people have addictions; did you know that you can become addicted to your emotions, especially your negative emotions? Learn how to overcome your addictions to anger, worry, fear and other negative emotions, and be happier!
How you spend and invest your money and your time, as well as how you act, is a reflection of your core values. Without understanding what your money, time and actions support, you could end up in a self-destructive spiral of behaviour because of your unconscious conflict. By examining these items,...
Goals are pesky things. But many people don't achieve their goals because they have not clearly defined what those goals are. Are you working towards your true goals, or just the goals you think you should be working towards?
You might have heard somewhere that classical music is good for you. If you're wondering if it is true, you have come to the right place to find out about the beneficial effects of classical music on your health, mood, and much more!
The right teacher can set you on a path to happiness in your life; the wrong teacher can make you miserable for many years after the class is over. Pick your teachers with care!
What you read in your textbooks, and were taught in class about the Middle Ages is probably wrong. Banish those thoughts about medieval people and learn what their lives were really like, based on information collected from primary sources.
What happens when a language dies? The world loses the worldview and the unique expressons that are inherent in that tongue, and the speakers lose their cultural heritage. Find out how to help preserve the world's knowledge and heritage.
Cut your study time down, and learn material faster, using these seven simple steps. You will see better grades in just weeks!
Grammar and spelling are vital to communication. With so many words having different nuances in meaning, without attention to grammar and spelling, you could end up confusing everyone, or even losing money! In fact, grammar and spelling are essential to being understood!
People will say that the arts are a luxury. In fact, the arts are essential to the good of society: the arts affect health, the economy, and many other factors, and are a multiplier (they produce more than they cost to generate).
When you have read one too many reports of children being beaten or killed because a child was mean to some other child, it's time to pull your child aside and teach them the importance of good manners, and to learn to lead by example!
Different methods of piano teaching produce very different results! I have taken piano both in the U.S.A. and in several European countries, and the methods differed greatly; so did my progress. Learn which method you think is right for you.
A short history of the Battle of Gonzales-- A dog barked and woke the Mexican forces, and the Mexican soldiers fired, spooking a horse and causing its rider a bloody nose. However, neither side could find the position of the opposing army. As dawn approached, the Texans discovered they were in the...
You can avoid all of the hassles of dealing with publishing companies, agents, the rejection letters, and the never-ending meetings by forming your own publishing company. With print-on-demand technology, forming your own company is easy, takes very little time and money, and you will make much...
Why do Americans speak English? is one of the questions many people ask themselves. Out of the many different colonization attempts of the Americas, why were the English so successful?
An overview of click-to-donate sites, to give when you can't afford any more monetary donations. You don't have to give any money, simply a second of your time.
Learn all about everything from bookmaking to lacemaking in this guide to crafts from the Middle Ages. My experiments with medieval crafts are based on lists of craft guilds of the Middle Ages from about 1300 A.D. in Europe, and some lists of household accounts, ships' cargoes, and tax regulations.
My experiments replacing the usual grass and landscaping plants with herbs. The herb lawns and herb foundation plantings have added a wonderful, sensual experience to my parents' house!