ok - who drinks Kombucha tea?

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  1. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 14 years ago

    My friend let me try some the other day and I really like it (the Synergy brand). I did research online and CAN'T BELIEVE that people brew their own. It looks so gross. big_smile

    If you drink it, do you feel that it has positively contributed to your healthy lifestyle?

    For me, I feel that it is a nice substitution for beer!

    1. MauKat profile image76
      MauKatposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have tasted it once, and I don't think I will try it again!

      1. profile image0
        girly_girl09posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I can see how some would hate the taste. I personally love vinegar and all things fermented so I'm a huge fan. big_smile

    2. darvinbunder profile image62
      darvinbunderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Boy oh boy did you ask the right question!
      I used to drink it all the time. Now I only drink it once in a while. The laws are a bit hazy on it. I went to a local grocer and they wouldn't sell it to me because I was under 21 at the time. Keep in mind, the drink does have alcohol but probably less than mouthwash. They should card me for dental hygiene now.
      When I went into a local co-op that was less than a quarter mile down the road, they wouldn't card me for kombucha. Go Figure.
      I liked it so much that I started brewing it on my own.
      It's real easy to do.
      Buy some kombucha.
      Empty it in a huge pickle jar.
      Fill the rest of the jar with black or green tea (not earl grey tea).
      Put a cloth over the top of the jar using a rubber band to secure it.
      Let it sit and grow.
      The mother mushroom will look and feel really gross. That's okay as long as it's not being attacked by mold. From there, you can experiment with using different fruits and jams to flavor it.
      I heard of one guy who used mountain dew to flavor his (though that was probably not healthy for the mother.
      Also, don't throw the mother out when your done with it. You can use it for other batches.
      I have found kombucha to pick me up when i'm feeling ill or even hungover.
      Though you say you are using it as a substitute for beer, it will not give u an alcohol buzz. Actually, it will probably make you feel very healthy and possibly give you a sense of well being.

  2. Mighty Mom profile image73
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    Timely question for me.
    I just tried it for the first time yesterday.
    I tried Celestial Seasonings brand (it was on sale) and honestly thought it had spoiled because it tasted like rancid vinegar.
    My son chastised me why did I get that brand rather than the one he likes better. He had "his brand" today and it was almost as nasty.
    Oh -- at Whole Foods Market they also have it by the barrel at the juice/smoothie bar, too.

    Not something I would have tried on my own.
    Not something I would try again.
    Did not realize it had alcohol in it and would not have ever, ever tried it (all 1.5 sips) had I known.

    In a word: komblech.

  3. darvinbunder profile image62
    darvinbunderposted 12 years ago

    did u buy the kind that you have to steep in water or the kind that comes in a bottle?
    The best kind I have tried is the Synergy brand

  4. glorywriter profile image61
    glorywriterposted 12 years ago

    Never heard of it. I will try it.


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