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Best Homemade Vegetable Soup Recipe EVER: How to Make Easy Homemade Soup Just Like Mom

Updated on February 26, 2019
LisaAuch1 profile image

Mums Best homemade soup recipie handed down the generations.

Easy Vegetable Soup

Make soup just like moms. Step by Step photos tutorial to make the prefect pot of homemade soup. Just like Moms. I am proud to say I can make a mean pot of homemade vegetable soup. I will guarantee you will love this recipe for vegetable soup. I am always asked to make this pot of soup for my contribution to family Dinners.

From Thanksgiving to Christmas Day makes a great starter for your festive dinner. lovely and filling for those cold winter nights nothing beats a pot of Moms homemade Vegetable soup, with lots of white crusty loaf bread.

So if you are wondering how to make Vegetable Soup follow this easy, recipe for homemade soup.

Also Included on this page you will find a fantastic collection of recipes for delicious homemade soup .

Homemade Soup - A delicious Cheap family meal delight in the brisk autumn and cold months ahead.

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Easy Homemade Soup Recipes Healthy Soup Recipes for the family

Making healthy filling food is really easy, whether it is for nursing your cold, or to help with your diet, there are so many great soup recipe books, that show you how to make these nutritious easy soups for your family, you will be amazed at how easy these soup recipes really are


Homemade soup ingredients needed
Homemade soup ingredients needed | Source

Look out for special pre made soup packs!

You will find in a pre-made soup pack - Onion, Carrots, Leeks and a turnip. (I actually don't use the turnip, but use it when we have mashed potatoes)

Cook Time

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 1 1/2 hour

Serves: 4


  • about 6 meduim potatoes (cut into small bite size)
  • 2 stock cubes you chose your preferred taste
  • vegetable beef or ham
  • 1 medium sized packet of lentils
  • I knob of butter
  • 1 leek - sliced and cut into small pieces
  • 4 -6 medium sized carrots
  • peeled and grated
5 stars from 1 rating of Homemade Vegetable soup Recipe

Homemade Soup Recipe Method (1)

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soup-soup recipes-homemade soup recipes

Chop the onions, into a separate pot (not your soup pot) with the butter, you are going to "sweat" the vegetables, this softens them and gives more taste. You are going to stir them until they turn start to turn in color, you will then add the chopped leeks, and grated carrots, and continue to stir as though you are slightly "sweating" the vegetables, if needed add more butter (we love a lot of butter)

Homemade soup (2)

soup-soup recipes-homemade soup recipes
soup-soup recipes-homemade soup recipes

Cooking the lentils

Firstly you are going to get a large soup pot and I usually 1/4 fill it with the lentils, fill with hot water and bring to the boil. this is the very first step you do and lets the lentils break down a bit until all the ingredients are ready to be added.

When the lentils are boiling you will notice a white layer of foam appearing, this is the starch releasing from the lentils, don't worry about this as you will be draining the lentils, (or you can "skim" this layer off from the top.

I remember the first time I saw this and thinking I had gone completely wrong!

Homemade Soup recipe (3)

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soup-soup recipes-homemade soup recipes

Add the dissolved stock into the vegetables, and then add the whole lot to the lentils (of course you remembered to drain or skim the thick layer of foam off the lentils!)

Home made soup recipes (4)

.... and make yourself a well deserved cup of tea too,...

Homemade Soup recipes (5)

soup-soup recipes-homemade soup recipes
soup-soup recipes-homemade soup recipes

...and last but not least, add your peeled and cut potatoes, and viola, a great pot of homemade Soup. I usually keep on a very low heat, until my potatoes are lovely and soft.

Homemade Soup Perfect soup Pots deserve a great Soup Pot

I love my soup pot, but it was my mother’s handed down to me. This is in fact my stew pot and cook anything in it pot! This is one of my favourite kitchen necessities

A Homemade Soup Question? - ...please join in

do you make your own Soup

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2011 Lisa Auch


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