Advice Needed

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  1. johnwill65 profile image60
    johnwill65posted 13 years ago

    HI I would appreciate some honest feed back on my Hubs.
    My goal is to establish a name for our business selling  my wife's handcrafted jewellery and other items.
    Would like some honest feedback, tips or advice from anyone willing to take the time
    Here are the two Hubs

    1. earnestshub profile image80
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Johnwill, both hubs look fine to me, but to market here will mean building the number of readers who have searched the keywords in your hubs from the standard google search.
      I would suggest doing a few months deeply searching for keywords around your industry then adjust your headings to match those keywords. It will take a while, but you have already been here some time and that may help.
      The other thing to do is backlink. Lots of info here on backlinking. If you need help, just holler! smile

      1. johnwill65 profile image60
        johnwill65posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the advice earnisthub and working out the best key words for what we are selling is a little difficult due to the amount of items we are marketing.  I thought of building Hubs for each different category like i have done with the name pendents but that would mean a lot of hub.  i am also tiring to develop our Business name and credibility

    2. LizzyBoo profile image60
      LizzyBooposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      the first link to your hub-I think it is very short hub. I would try to make it more informative so your readers can explore the subject more.

      I like the design you do in your hubs. That is well done, so I would focus on more words. If your hub is longer it gives you chance to have more keywords to choose from.
      Second link- is nice hub but again to me looks short and fastly written. Again Keywords.

      When I am writting a hub/ I am not native english/ I search a lot on internet, gathering info and then thinking of it for a few days. Then the content of your hub will be rich for words.

      Finally as I said-Design of your hubs is good!

    3. LaMamaLoli profile image60
      LaMamaLoliposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You can get great advice here from other hubbers on SEO and traffic etc which is what you are after. Have you joined facebook under your "brand" name? I have recently done so and searched for people with stores who use facebook, I am finding that its quite a useful community - a lot of them use facebook to communicate with their customers. They seem to be mainly small work from home businesses. Anyway, it would be one way of getting your name out there. Just a thought. Good Luck!

      1. johnwill65 profile image60
        johnwill65posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes i have a Facebook Page called Jenwill-Creations.
        Thanks LaMamaloli

  2. Ultimate Hubber profile image71
    Ultimate Hubberposted 13 years ago

    Your hubs seem good to me. First one is a bit short on the words count but second one seem good.

    1. johnwill65 profile image60
      johnwill65posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the advice. I have more to add to both hubs but want to make sure i am on the right track before going ahead.

      1. Ultimate Hubber profile image71
        Ultimate Hubberposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You seem to be on the right track. Have a look at these best hubs to learn more

  3. earnestshub profile image80
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    You may need to use some tools to dig up some hot keywords. smile

  4. Shadesbreath profile image78
    Shadesbreathposted 13 years ago

    As everyone else said, the first one is too short, but they look pretty good as far as over all layout. I can't speak to how to get clicks or SEO it, but I can toss in advice from a writing and a marketing perspective.

    Maybe include something about what makes your jewelry a good choice over all the competitive jewelery out there.  Does her training in the Philippines imbue it with a special quality or technique, are the materials rare or associated with something cool like fortune or wisdom?  ARe the materials brought from somewhere special.  Just anything that can make what might be seen as a commodity clearly something better. 

    Also, there are a number of grammatical issues that you'll want to get fixed so that you don't jeopardize credibility.  Since the reader doesn't know your product from any other, grammar issues can be interpreted as a sign of poor workmanship.  Easy to fix though.  big_smile

    1. johnwill65 profile image60
      johnwill65posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Shadesbreath i have already started working on some of your advice.

  5. free4india profile image60
    free4indiaposted 13 years ago

    If your goal is to make your product famous, then I doubt it is any worth writing more hubs.  You either need to go and find other forums and write this stuff as well or you should find more time in the forums and reply to others.  You can comment on other people's topic.  This is going to get you more traffic.  How far it is worth the time is what I cannot tell.


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