Simple rules:
1. Do NOT start writing hub until I (as in ME only) says, IN this thread, "GO"
2. One Hub. You have 30 minutes to write it, from scratch. (you can have your word doc open in advance etc., obviously, just no writing). No cheating and using something you started before.
3. Set a timer. When it goes off, you have to hit publish.
4. If you don't hit publish you are a wuss and will get dandruff and odd rashes in embarassing places.
5. You can always go back and edit later, but you will have a hub up. (pictures, videos, links can go in later too... the point is to force you to make the core of it )
6. Link your new hub here so we can read it.
7. Go read ours and say how awesome it is even though they will all suck probably worse than yours.
8. Let us know you are going to play so we can count you towards our 5 player minimum.
That's it.
If we get 5 people we will do it. Game will start at 9:30 Pacific time, by MY clock, or sooner if we get 5 people and are impatient. lol.
I'm in. Hopefully my darling daughter will go for her nap shortly.
That's 2, and give her some Scotch, that works awesome on my kids.
No thanks. She already has alcoholic AND crazy genes, I don't want to speed up the process of ending up like the rest of the family!
Ok, I'll drink some for her and try to send the drowsy effects to her across the universe.
Cags is "trying it" lol.
That's 3.
Need 2 more at least to make it fun.
Yes, I'll try it. My last hub was a disaster and I ended up unpublishing it, changing it and then publishing it all over. It wasn't good or even quality. But, did manage still to convey the message, oddly enough.
It's perfectly fine to have it end up being a "first draft" or even jsut a "free write." It's about having fun. I'll clean mine up tomorrow. (I never did clean up the Lowe's one, and it still gets traffic lol).
I posted it on my Shadesbreath fb page and I posted on HubPages fb too.
23 minutes to start. Still need 2 more.
I got the topic. Scotch Vs Sleeping disorders.
anything you want. I suggest a rant or something you really like or know well and have been procrastinating writing about.
You can just spew it out, and then add pics and vids later.
But anything. Doesn't matter. No rules on that. Just write and hit publish before 30 minutes is up. And post the link in this thread to let us see it.
It's really fun. I started these like a year and a half ago, and I promise you, its really fun and you make friends. Cags has run several of them since and had great success for himself and others.
Friends are for... people who don't have minions.
I have a hub I've been putting off which I think will be good for the hubpages community, about making money (NO it's not one of those "how do I make money online?" hubs)
I have one about an experience I had the other day in the rain and what I couldn't do for two little girls because of our culture. It's a rant. (My favorite lol).
16 minutes.... We have three for sures and a maybe.
Mikey, you in?
Make sure to have snacks and drinks adequately prepared before you begin.
This sounds interesting! Though I would love to do this I have over burdened with work and have not been able to concentrate of writing for the last 3 months and hopefully won't be able to do till Feb 2011.
That's the beauty of this. You don't get to think. You just open a word document or a text capsule and write. You get a hub with no pressure. You can clean it up later, and you have the added impetus of having it already written just in need of editing.. made more motivational by the fact that it IS up already and therefore something that needs fixing up soon.
It's not for the faint of heart, but it is fun.
9 minutes. Need at one more.
What are the guidelines on marijuana? That would make it easy on me to say what I can and can not write about. If I get some tips on what is okay and what isn't I have a topic! (inspired by CNBCS Marijuana INC series)
It's an iffy area. HP will probably automatically disable adverts and you'll have to get it manually reviewed. … wer=105948
U can't promote marijuana according to the TOS of HubPages, but you can probalby talk about it if you are really careful about where you actually write the word "marijuana."
Thats probably one of those fringe conversations that, if done right, will still end up needing your ads turned off. But you never know. As long as you aren't promoting the use of pot in a glaring way, who knows. Give it a try. Turn off the ads if you think it's too edgy after you are done.
I'll read it and tell you if I think you should turn them off. Cags probably will do the same.
It's only a half hour of your life.
don't tell people they should smoke pot.
That's all.
45 seconds to start
I am upping our start time by 10 minutes since we have the needed people interested. 15 minutes. But I ain't messing around past that.
I can only write hubs that are semi-coherent for so many beers and then things start to decline rapidly. lol.
15 minutes. Period.
That episode on Marijuana Inc was pretty cool. I follow CNBC and a little bit of the Stock Market.
It took me 19 minutes to write my latest hub. This is a cool thread! Thanks, Shady!
Habee, play with us. A hubber of your stature would give credit to these enterprises in the future too.
Sweet, then you are on a roll. 18 minutes can hardly have tired you out, and now your fingers are warm. This is easy-sauce for you.
Game in 8 minutes.
so if i turn ads off there is nothing to worry about? I mean I am drunk right now, and maybe something else, I dont know what will be said, lol.
obviously, id be able to judge if it is too edgy.
I'd never say that people should smoke, just as I wouldnt want people to drink!
Ads off keeps you from getting kicked out of adsense. As long as you aren't being totally ridiculously in the face of the TOS rules, usually the HP moderators are pretty cool if what you write at least tries to make a meaningful point without just shoving the rules in their face.
(and I'm drunk too lol... that's the only way I do this. Pushes me out of my anal-retentive, perfectionist comfort zone.)
We appear to have either 3 or 4, with a maybe 5...
You guys want to go with 3 to 4?
FIVE minutes to start...
If this doesn't happen soon I'm going to go on WoW and steal tips for mage ports. It's like taking candy from a baby with all the portals gone.
Don't make me take candy from babies!
We'll know in 2 minutes. If nobody confirms, it's all about mage love for you.
We only have 3 for sure, Cags. That's okay, but kind of not enough to really make the afterglow party what it needs to be.
I'd LOVE to do this, but my hubby's got the TV blaring...Maybe next time!
Just do it anyway.
There is always an excuse not to do something.
Starting in 2minutes 20 seconds....
Dont forget to post your hub here when you are done.
Set a timer or something so you don't run late.
sTARting in 3 minutes...
be ready. Will count down here.
Sweet, waiting on Habee, Lorlie and hopefully Mikey
[edit] ooops, only Lorlie and Mikey
Gawd, that was BIZARRE!!!!
Loved it!
Okay, 16 minutes. I enjoyed it. Talk to you tomorrow!
Two Websites for All Your Christmas Shopping
No, that's cool. I'm gonna go read it. Glad you jumped in.
Same for you, Mikey. We were hoping you'd crank one out. The main point is to get one done. I'll check yours out too. Grats on finishing one.
Sorry I was late. Is this okay? I really was afraid to get in depth. I didn't get to start until a little later than you guys, but here it is.
I always miss these things....
But I had two episodes of Fringe on the TiVo and I just love that show.
Man I looked at your guys' hubs and I'm nowhere close to any of you! Great jobs! I can't wait to finish reading them tomorrow!
Great idea Shades, this should happen a lot more often!
Wow I didn't think I had that many words in me! My hub is over 1000 (although I added a tips box with about 150 words after the challenge was over.)
Thanks Shadesbreath, for forcing me to write it!
Thanks everyone for playing. Thanks Cags for helping get it off the ground.
Thanks Spryte for being a slacker layabout who accomplished nothing.
Mikey, yours is fine. It's actually really good. The only people who will complain about your hub will be the politicized folks who hate anyone being happy in ways that don't fit with their little world-views.
WryLilt, thanks for jumping in early and helping hold the interest together long enough to grab the last folks to play.
Shadesbreath, all,
I just saw the message right now, can I play now? 30 minutes from now I will post it and add videos and pictures later.. Let's see.. I hope to make it.
I guess, I made it...just posted my is full of mistakes and no videos...or amazon links...
working on correcting it.... it is about Christmas movies...I'll go and fix errors now. I unofficially joined...thanks.
Post a link. I'll read it.
I used to run them when I first came up with the idea, but school keeps me from doing it enough. Cags picked up the idea and had done an amazing job trying to make it regular, but he's going to vanish from the forums soon, so, we'll have to see.
Best bet for folks who like it is to A) make sure they "like" the HubPages page on Facebook so we can have extra advertising and then maybe even consider (shameless promotion) "liking" my page, since I'll promote them on there each time too. (Just search "shadesbreath" on facebook and like it... lol, I'm such a whore.. but I can't help it.) lol hey, i'm helping HP.. they should promote my page, frankly.
Such an alluring whore you are, Shades! And cookingdiva, I look forward to your link.
This has been a blast!
Okay, it took me over an hour but I am done correcting and editing and added amazon and other stuff..little brushing and polishing...*phew* here it is, I thought we can only link in 'extream hub makeover" so I did not. I am only 3 week new here...
Here is my link; … our-Family
this is such a good idea, and thank you let me participate late...
I noticed, took me about 34 I guess I did not make it quite. I am still happy, as this is fastest draft I have written...(with full spelling mistakes :-) LOL
Cags going to vanish from forum...say it isn't so..why? I already learned so much from few people and cags is one of them...Humm..:-(
Loved your Hub, cookingdiva! The deal with Cags is that he posted that he's going to stop posting in the forums when he reaches a certain number of posts. How many times can I write 'posts?' Hmm...
Why, I don't know exactly. Maybe he can clear it up!
Thanks for clarifying! I wish Cags changes mind and stays on Forum.
I know forums can be addicting sometimes, like I am here at all odd hours. :-)
Hello hubbers! If anybody missed shadesbreath lovely challange and is intrested to take up my challange " 3 Hubs in 60 minutes. Are you daring enough to do this challange?" then visit my fourm and start hubbing. You can take up this challange anytime!
Found out about this contest after reading Cagsil's new hub and I totally missed it. Darn, crap and shoot. I need a shot of brandy now. I spent two hours doing a different hub so maybe all was not wasted. Next contest I am so in!!!
Hey Shades-it looks like you could host another contest! Maybe this should be a regular occurrence here.
I'd love to participate again, though probably not tonight.
Maybe we should do another one right now! Just kidding. I need to go to sleep. Thanks so much for including me!!!
Yeah, I somehow was lucky to be on, and actually was able to write one. Any other day and I never would have been able to be up.
Can I enable ads on my hub? Does anyone know? I don't really care if I can, just more or less wondering for future reference.
was ads disabled in your marijuana hub by hp or you yourself disabled it? If it has been done automatically by the content filter you would have to contact the team.
I disabled it, because the risk didn't outweigh the reward. I tried not to get carried away in that hub, I could have went way more in depth.
Marijuana is a touchy subject on Hubpages and Google, so it isn't worth putting ads up until I get an okay.
There really should be a 30 minute challenge forum just like there is a 30 hubs in 30 days challenge. I'm sure there will be abusers, that is the only thing.
It was fun reading everyone's hubs! Thanks for the great idea Shades, and thanks for everyone that participated!
I did my 30 minute hub. it wasn't for the challenge, but it was really fun:)
Hi Shadesbreath, I spent a half an hour looking for this forum. I have a hub to post but couldn't find where to post it. Even though I am too late for the challenge, here it is... … nd-Divorce
Remember the turtle and the hare story? Yeah, that's me always running last, start off with gusto then stop to smell the roses while the turtle reaches the finish line.
The 30 minute challenge to write a hub was too good an opportunity to pass up though. I wrote this in 21 minutes but then spent 20 minutes organising some images before I published. … ade-Movies
It is amazing how different the writing is when there is a deadline. Hope you call the challenge again sometime Shadesbreath, hopefully I'll see it through on the day next time!
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