Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquaio!

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  1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    After Pacquiao won his his nth fight last night, the next is the much awaited fight with Mayweather. Will this happen? The world is waiting for the "fight of the century" if that happens..

    http://bleacherreport.com/articles/5171 … -fight-now

    1. bogerk profile image70
      bogerkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't follow much boxing, but after hearing about this potential matchup for like 3-4 years now, I certainly hope it happens soon. I have to assume Mayweather is a little scared of Pacquaio at this point.

    2. qwark profile image61
      qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I used to be a boxing fanatic. Never missed a fight.
      MMA has taken me over.
      I never bother with the "sissy" sport boxing anymore.
      Boxing is passe.
      Any top level MMA fighter will destroy a boxer. I want to see blood and bones breaking! Pure destruction! lol
      Qwark           :-)

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi qwark.. I love to watch boxing, wrestling, MMA, any sports, football first..basketball, baseball .. except for golf..

        1. qwark profile image61
          qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Pretty: you look like such a "girly girl," but by gosh yer "El tigre!"   lol

          1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
            prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I love just to watch it, but don't let me play it. Me too small for it, I will be crushed!

    3. Papa Sez profile image68
      Papa Sezposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Maita!  It looks like it's not gonna happen yet (should I say ever?) as Pacquiao-Mosley fight is almost a done deal and is even scheduled already for May 7, 2011.

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        papasez, thanks for that info..I didn't know that..Oh, Happy New year, hope all is well there..

        1. Papa Sez profile image68
          Papa Sezposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, Shane Mosley is next and some predicted that Pacquiao-Mayweather is not gonna happen.  Check it out

          Mama Sez and I & the kids are doing great.  Hope the new year brings good health & happiness to you Maita smile

          1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
            prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            oh Pacquiao will be busier -- where does he put his money?
            Thanks for the link and am glad to hear from both of you and mamasez...

  2. LakeShow T profile image68
    LakeShow Tposted 14 years ago

    They're both arguably amongst the greatest fighters of all-time, but for some reason Mayweather seems like he doesn't want anything to do with this fight. I believe Mayweather is undefeated, but Pacquioa impresses me because he looks like a little runt but he beats the heck out of everyone.

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Let us see if Mayweather will take the bait. Do you think he is scared of Pacquiao?

    2. Mikeydoes profile image40
      Mikeydoesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mayweather's only condition is that he wants olympic testing(aka no steriods) Manny refused.

      This does not mean that he takes steroids, but certainly looks bad for Manny.

      The fight will happen, Mayweather knows, it is the only fight people want to see. He will make so much money off of it, and the longer he waits the more money he makes ultimately.

      1. optimus grimlock profile image60
        optimus grimlockposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        manny never said no, y would he.

        1. Mikeydoes profile image40
          Mikeydoesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, Manny did decline an olympic style drug test. Which is why they are not fighting. It honestly is not a big deal, honestly its one of those things he really doesn't need to do, however it is strange he didn't want to do it.

          I wouldn't look into that much though, I think its all just a front(well I hope that for Manny's sake, don't like hearing people actually take steroids). They want to build it up more and more, the whole sport of boxing is riding on this match. EVERYONE knows that, the media blows everything out proportion.

          If I had reporters after me all the time I would make up lies too. Good publicity and ultimately more money for me.

          1. optimus grimlock profile image60
            optimus grimlockposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            please do you research!!!! I do agree its not a big deal and I dont think they'll fight because floyd is bein a LIL B*TCH

            1. Mikeydoes profile image40
              Mikeydoesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I did do research and thats the truth, you really might want to check it out. I am 100% right, don't you remember that, it was pretty obvious.

              The revenue stream they are receiving right now is unlike anything else in boxing. If they were to fight, they would get a huge chunk of change, but it would not be as hot of a topic as it is today.

              http://www.lvrj.com/sports/mayweather-c … 69427.html

              His conditions are that he wants Manny to take a drug test 30 days prior to the fight. His only condition. I look at it as a front to drag the fight on. It will happen, there is no doubt about it, it doesn't make sense on both of the Fighter's behalf.

  3. optimus grimlock profile image60
    optimus grimlockposted 14 years ago

    Merryweather is to scarred of manny thats why hes ducked him the last 2 times the tried to sign contracts. Cryin about manny on roids r u nuts!!!

    1. profile image0
      Robertbloggertposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      First I agree with you on several levels here optgrim, 1. I do think Floyd's scared. 2. I also think Manny will pummel Floyd ( either that or the ref will have to disqualify Floyd for holding or running out of the ring). 3. You also said Floyd hasn't faught anyone with Manny's speed for awhile, I would go further and say never. And more importantly the only two advantages Floyd normally has (against his hand picked old, slow or unskilled opponents) speed and accuracy, he loses both to Manny.
      So for you Floyd fans answer 1 thing how will Floyd beat him??? Power, Please!! That worked against Hatton but we all know what kind of chin he had, I do think thats Floyds only chance though. But I don't think he can and he's not going to outbox Manny anyone who thinks that, obvisiously doesn't pay attention to Manny's accuracy.
      I do disagree though that Manny's not on roids grim, sorry but I can't name one fighter that carried the power Manny does against true higher weight opponents. And you either need roids or plaster to do this!  IMO.


  4. The Suburban Poet profile image83
    The Suburban Poetposted 14 years ago

    I seriously doubt that Floyd is scared. The drug testing issue may or may not have been a legitimate concern for Floyd and if so you can't blame him for wanting a level playing field. It tells me he respects Pacquio (spelling) even though Floyd acts like such a punk. It's just the Ali playbook on hyping a fight. Floyd loves money and I see no reason for him to duck out on this once in a lifetime paycheck...

    1. optimus grimlock profile image60
      optimus grimlockposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      hes done it twice last year and this year.

    2. profile image0
      Robertbloggertposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Uhm, since when did Floyd get all respecting?? So he didn't respect Oscar, Zab, Hatton, Marques or Shane ( funny the only two of these in his weight class were old) but he now respects Manny?? No that would be called SCARED!
      Respect would be Manny telling Floyds kids not to come to the fight, because he doesn't want them to see Him pummel their dad!

  5. optimus grimlock profile image60
    optimus grimlockposted 14 years ago

    so if i report you like lil boys does that make it true (just an example dont take it personal)??? no it doesnt so there you go

    1. Mikeydoes profile image40
      Mikeydoesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Dude what are you even talking about.

      It is fact. Manny and Mayweather were supposed to fight, however Manny turned down Olympic style testing so the fight didn't happen.. That was this year.

      http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/boxing … id=4766171

      There are tons of stories on it.

  6. I am DB Cooper profile image88
    I am DB Cooperposted 14 years ago

    The legacy of both boxers will be tarnished if this fight never happens. Sure, it's entertaining to watch them beat up on chumps a couple times a year, but until they face each other there will always be that question of who was the best.

  7. prettydarkhorse profile image61
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    We will never be sure if Pacquiao is on steroids. I don't think he is taking it. Rice is his best steroids, we do eat rice a lot, LOL!!!

    1. profile image0
      Robertbloggertposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wow Pretty, I think I'm gonna start eating me some rice then! Can you knock out people bigger than you as well?

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        No, LOL. I just use my stare and they will all behave. That is a good idea, eat more rice and rice and rice..

  8. rotl profile image60
    rotlposted 14 years ago

    Manny will beat up Pretty Boy and ruin his pretty face. That's why Pretty Boy Floyd keeps ducking him.

    Bernard Hopkins (I think) made a controversial comment recently saying that Manny would lose to an African American fighter (he has surprisingly never fought an African American fighter).

  9. dutch84 profile image60
    dutch84posted 14 years ago

    I heard Pacquio will retire after this fight. Is it true. If so, he will be undefeated.

    1. profile image0
      Robertbloggertposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I never heard anything about Manny and retirement nor do I see him retiring at this point. But he isn't undefeated anyway, he has 3 losses and 2 draws.
      In 1996 he suffered his first lost to Rustico Torricampo (Ko'd round 3 by a body punch).
      In 1999 he suffered his second loss in a title defense against Medgoen Singsurat ( again Ko'd by in round 3 and again by body blows).
      His third loss came against Erik Morales in 2005 ( losing a 12 round Unanimous decision).
      He had a draw in 2001 against Agapito Sanchez and a draw in 2004 against Juan Man Marquez.
      But that said defeat is in the eye of the beholder, Mayweather is undefeated but he's spent the second half of his shorter career hand picking his opponents. And refusing to fight someone to me, is the same as defeat!

  10. republik profile image59
    republikposted 14 years ago

    Floyd would destroy him, he is the best pound for pound boxer out there and has beaten everyone put in front of him.

    1. Extinct Soul profile image61
      Extinct Soulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      yeah..i remember hearing the news that he beat up his girlfriend..lol

  11. mrpdg profile image59
    mrpdgposted 14 years ago

    I think Floyd wins, even though i'd prefer manny to win

  12. Tarin profile image60
    Tarinposted 14 years ago

    Floyd is smart.  He'll find a way to win and come in with a great game plan.

    1. IntimatEvolution profile image73
      IntimatEvolutionposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Floyd is smart?  Okay, then why is he in a hot mess with the law?

      Floyd smart?  No, not at all.  He's a wanna be, and a show off who thinks he is the best.  He is so far from being "smart."  That's my opinion.  I'm a huge boxing fan.  Huge!  And this business with him getting arrested, didn't do him any favors on landing a Pac-man fight.  What a dumb@$$ move if you ask me.  Anytime someone like Floyd Mayweather Jr. pisses away millions of dollars, is a stupid move in my humble opinion.  And that is exactly what he did..., twice!

      Dumb, dumb, dumb move.

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  13. Flightkeeper profile image69
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    I am wondering how this fight would go.  Pacquiao is small, he has to put in a lot of weight just to get within the mininum to be able to fight Mayweather.  Wouldn't that slow him down?

  14. profile image49
    druhepkinsposted 14 years ago

    I just posted on another forum the same thing. I respect both fighters and they're both head and shoulders above the rest. However, people need to stop hating on Floyd assuming he's scared. That's not a fair assumption at all. It's just as valid, with no proof otherwise, to say Pacquiao and Freddie Roach are afraid of the drug test.

    Everyone knows the normal testing procedures are a joke and boxers having been getting around it for years just by timing their cycles correctly according to whenever the test is. Floyd know that and so does his ex pro father and uncle. Floyd clearly agreed to the fight with only one demand: that they each take a random drug test--both of them would be doing the exact same test randomly. Mayweather asked the same thing of Mosley too and Mosley agreed with no problem and fought. Pacquiao however, turned down his biggest pay day of his career and said no. It's unfair to jump on the Pacquiao train and bash Mayweather when it was Pacquiao's decision to not fight because of a simple drug test several clean boxers have absolutely no problem taking. Nonito Donaire (other filipino sensation) and several other boxers declared they'd take a test any day, any time. Floyd is the biggest payday for any boxer and his request was totally normal and justified. Suspicious or cautious doesn't mean scared.Cut him some slack.

    Regardless, if they don't fight each other, it will hurt both their legacies. I really hope they work this out and make it happen.

  15. AskAshlie3433 profile image60
    AskAshlie3433posted 14 years ago

    Floyd is to old.


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