How to avoid copywrite infringement when obtaining pictures and videos for my hu

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  1. japtaker profile image82
    japtakerposted 14 years ago

    How to avoid copywrite infringement when obtaining pictures and videos for my hubs? Consequences?

    This question has several parts. I'm worried about the copywrite issues involved with pictures and videos that I obtain on the web. How do I know if an image that I find on Google images is copywrited? Should I name the source of my photos beneath the photos in my hubs? Hubpages makes it so easy to embed videos from is there a danger of copywrite infringement when doing this, and how can I avoid it? What are the possible consequences of accidental copywrite infringement in these areas? Can I lose my AdSense account? Can I lose my HubPages account? Can I face criminal charges?

  2. CDL Career Coach profile image65
    CDL Career Coachposted 14 years ago

    Most of the images you find on Google Images are copyrighted. You can click on the image to find the source and ask permission to use the image. That seems like a lot of work to me though. So where can you find good, free, legal images?     Most... read more

  3. the clean life profile image66
    the clean lifeposted 14 years ago

    I don't know the answer but I am also wondering the same thing. Excellent question you posted and I look forward to the responses too.

  4. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 14 years ago

    One of the problems with Google images is that they strip the EXIF information from the pics; however, that doesn't excuse anyone for stealing them.  Unless a picture has a specific caption that puts it in the public domain, it isn't.  There is no accidental infringement of copyright, if you can't find the owner, don't use the image.  Try finding images on Flickr, Creative Commons, these are public domain images, mostly with the restriction that you can't sell them, say, as an illustration for an article you are selling to a publisher.
    There are some that will tell you that if something is on the Internet, anyone can use it, this is not so, see a copyright solicitor, if you doubt that, and don't take the word of people who can say what they like up here, including me.
    As far as I know, copyright theft can bring about criminal action.

  5. CoauthorU profile image72
    CoauthorUposted 14 years ago

    The easiest way to avoid offending the author/creator is to cite your source.

    It is especially easy if your source was from the internet simply copy and paste the URL address like ths... … ences?open

    That is the address for this page.

  6. HRoger profile image60
    HRogerposted 14 years ago

    Well, one of the best ways to avoid going against any copyright issues with pictures, is by using Copyright Free images, you can find thousands on the web.  I have them as the main source for my Hubbing Activity.. So I am conscience free.

    A few websites that I use to get the free copyright images are :

    You can always search for more galleries.

    About the videos, with you tube is a little more complicated.
    Normally they would say that technically any video that allows CODE to be embedded on a website, is allowing its videos to be shared, but some publishers do that , and do not necessarily know they are doing it, or simply they do it for their own personal use and then simply leave the code wide open for them selves, once they find someone using it they might simply file for COPYRIGHT issues and have the video removed. Using the code to have videos placed on your website could be considered ok, but if you don't want the videos to disappear all of the sudden , you should contact the Video Owner. You can't ask You Tube about the videos you want to you, as they will say to you that all content uploaded is the responsibility of the publishers him self. So You Tube will simply tell you to contact the video owner to ask for permission.
    You could of course use the videos on your website, and then all of the sudden have them removed for copyright violation, but then again that happens mostly on music and entertainment videos.  For more information use the following links to help you understand better the best option for you.

    Similar questions to yours on YouTube's Forums. … &hl=en
    Again, always a pleasure. … &hl=en … &hl=en

    List of the most common copyright youtube questions: … opic=10554

    Good luck to you.

    Always a pleasure


  7. badegg profile image79
    badeggposted 14 years ago

    Unless there is specific notation associated with the picture that says it is not to be copied, then you can use it. Be sure you captionize it and give credit to the source.

  8. wandererh profile image69
    wandererhposted 14 years ago

    I have exactly the same issues when I started writing for HubPages.  While I don't have the answers to all your questions, I have written some hubs that addresses some of the questions.  I hope you find them useful:

    About copyright issues:

    Some sites from which you can get photos and images for use on HubPages:

    About embedding YouTube videos: … -Copyright

  9. Vaiebhav profile image75
    Vaiebhavposted 13 years ago

    HRoger has given examples of some great photo websites and I am sure you will find them useful.
    Personally, the topics I write about (marketing, health) do better without pictures. Pictures can be a distraction; plus they slow down the page-load speed. However, there are certain topics where pictures are absolutely essential, such as tutorial, new fashion trends etc.

  10. mytutorialplanet profile image60
    mytutorialplanetposted 13 years ago

    Can I just make a legal point just to make people aware.  Just because something in the public domain does not mean it is safe for you to use it.  Generally, items make it into the public domain due to its copyright period running out.  However, this does not mean that the work is free from trademark or unfair competition laws.

    There are also other things to be aware of such as:

    Although a work may be in the public domain in the United States, it may still be protected in other countries. For example, a work by a United States author that is PD in the United States for failure to renew, may still be protected in countries such as Germany -- where copyright duration is based on when the author died, not a specific term of years.

    However, if someone does ever complain, you could just throw the fair use curveball at them.

  11. snigdha.s profile image77
    snigdha.sposted 13 years ago

    I hope my hub did not make you panic?My concern was the rampant use or rather misuse of photos and videos, most of them from the internet for hubs without bothering about the copyright infringement.Had 2 hubs and have not used photos or videos for them and wanted to know if it is necessary then where do i source it from.I got my answers while writing my third on importance of photos and videos on hubpage.

  12. Borsia profile image39
    Borsiaposted 13 years ago

    Don't use any photos or video that you don't either own copy write for, is public domain or that you have written approval for.


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