What do you think is the best way to use the Featured Hub in the new profile?

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  1. Learn Things Web profile image91
    Learn Things Webposted 11 years ago

    What do you think is the best way to use the Featured Hub in the new profile?

    Do you think you should feature your hottest hubs? Your lower performing hubs in hopes of getting more traffic? Your latest hubs? A mix of all 3? What do you think is the best way to use this feature?

  2. CyclingFitness profile image90
    CyclingFitnessposted 11 years ago

    I'm still experimenting at present on how to use the featured hubs

    My belief is that I should be featuring my strongest work on there as a showcase to our personal brand

    I've personally decided to focus a few of my strongest hubs which receive relatively good traffic and readers tend to move onto other articles from.

    I also feature a couple of what I deem to be great hubs which don't pick up a good viewership through google which I would like to be viewed more often. It seems to have increased their views to a small extent so does seem to be working so far.

    Time will tell if that approach works. I may well try something new in future however right now the priority for me is attracting viewers through google and other search engines.

    1. Learn Things Web profile image91
      Learn Things Webposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like you're doing exactly what I'm doing. Mixing stronger hubs with poorly performing hubs. I'm waiting to see if I'll get much extra traffic on those weak hubs.

    2. CyclingFitness profile image90
      CyclingFitnessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We'll see long term. My worry is making the featured hubs too varied. If someone searches via google for cycling stuff I'd think they're less inclined to view a hub on Internet dating etc

    3. Learn Things Web profile image91
      Learn Things Webposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I wonder if a lot of visitors from Google even check out profiles. I had always thought of them as being more for other hubbers. If a lot of outsiders do check out profiles, maybe sticking with stronger hubs would be better.

  3. TeachableMoments profile image69
    TeachableMomentsposted 11 years ago

    Great question.

    Right now I'm featuring some of my most popular hubs. However, after completing 7 hubs on 7 different topics for a hub challenge, I realized I need to go back and revise my featured hubs. After completing the challenge I noticed my content looks much more diverse and has attracted new followers. I want to showcase all of my different interests, not just feature hubs on the same topic. Hopefully this will continue to attract new readers.

    1. CyclingFitness profile image90
      CyclingFitnessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you not find that if a viewer finds your hub for a particular interest they're more likely to choose to view another hub in the area? I'm worried diversity does more damage than good

    2. Learn Things Web profile image91
      Learn Things Webposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The first thing I did was make sure I had diverse topics. Hopefully it does attract people with different interests who won't scroll too far down the Profile page.

  4. profile image0
    danielabramposted 11 years ago

    The best way is if you have a hub you think deserves more traffic than it is currently receiving.

    1. Learn Things Web profile image91
      Learn Things Webposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've been doing that with one of my hubs. I'm waiting to see if it helps.

  5. DrMark1961 profile image96
    DrMark1961posted 11 years ago

    I am using it differently. I wanted to make it easier for a visitor to my profile page, so I wrote several hubs organizing my articles on dog health, dog training, dog selection, etc. Instead of searching through everything that has been published, a visitor can just open the featured dog health hub (for example), then go down to the section of links about heartworm, and find the article and related articles about heartworm, all together.
    I have not yet seen the results from this but I think the new layout will make it easier for a non Hubpages visitor (from YahooAnswers, for example) to search and find an article easily.

    1. Learn Things Web profile image91
      Learn Things Webposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I just checked out your hubs. That's such a great idea. I would never have thought of doing anything like that.

    2. Lwelch profile image81
      Lwelchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is a very interesting idea to write library or index hubs.... that gives me something to think about also!

  6. molometer profile image80
    molometerposted 11 years ago

    I am still experimenting with the mix at the moment. Seems though whatever you put in there gets a little more traffic. Hard to tell really to early. Give it a few weeks.

  7. Lwelch profile image81
    Lwelchposted 11 years ago

    So far I have left it as who my "identity" hubs are.  i came to hubpages to help PE survivors and I want people to find those pages easily.

    I have contemplated featuring my new hubs or my low traffic hubs but keep choosing to stick with my popular ones, the ones that draw people already.  It is a community service choice rather than the get traffic choice, but I feel it is true to why I am here.

  8. Georgie Lowery profile image89
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    I honestly just put the ones I'm the most proud of. I am a terrible capitalist.


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