What your saddest story about something you've unintentionally killed?

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  1. hagsvilleUSA profile image68
    hagsvilleUSAposted 11 years ago

    What your saddest story about something you've unintentionally killed?

    When I was really young, my cousins and I were playing around outside and I threw a big, mostly closed cardboard box against my grandpa's barn door - for no better reason than that's what kids do.  When it hit, we heard a sharp little scream and then a thud.  What I didn't realize what that there was a kitten inside (probably sleeping), and I'd unintentionally broken its neck.  It took a while to get over knowing that that poor little animal was dead because of me.

    I'll never forget that awful story.

  2. Maanasi profile image62
    Maanasiposted 11 years ago

    Woah thats sad!!!! But u never meant to. Gladly I have never had to live with the guilt of having killed any animal unintentionally or intentionally except swatting the ever so bothersome mosquitoes smile

  3. HealthCanada profile image59
    HealthCanadaposted 11 years ago

    When i was little my parents got me a pet dwarf hamster (about 1/4th the size of a normal hamster) for my fourth birthday (which also happened to be the first day of school the following year.
    so not only was it my birthday but it was also the hamsters 'birthday'.
    (his name was Tyranuss. lol)
    well that morning when i woke up he was missing, but it was my first day of school and my mother reassured me she would find him and have him back in his cage by the time i got home for the party.
    so i ate my breakfast...well...fast and then hurried to get ready.
    I threw on my shirt, pants and socks then jumped into my shoes.
    i broke my poor little hamsters spine.
    We had to pick the his little brains out of my shoes.
    Lets just say it was not a good birthday.

  4. Caradwyn Cooper profile image89
    Caradwyn Cooperposted 11 years ago

    I was about 10 years old. I thought I was doing my parents a favor by putting their blanket in the dryer. When I turned it on, I heard a muffled thud. I didn't think anything of it, my mom was notorious for leaving her running shoes in the dryer. I was not about to dig through a king sized blanket to find shoes.

    My dad came in and said I should have checked the dryer, his cat had the habit of climbing in it.

    I learned a very valuable lesson that day. Cats like to sleep in warm dryers. He still hasn't forgiven me for killing his cat.

  5. Dr. Haddox profile image60
    Dr. Haddoxposted 11 years ago

    My farm is an enchanted place where many species of animals live, in peace. There are so many animals in this valley that they are hard to keep track of, at any given moment. One night a toad that likes to camp out under my garage door decided to retreat to a location under my van, for whatever reason. Not realizing that the toad was under the van, I backed up and a front wheel crushed the toad. That particular toad had lived in the context of my yard, in and around the garage area, for months without being eaten by hawks, owls, eagles, or coyotes. The toad came to great by being crushed by the wheel of an automobile. What a pity? There are those who may say, what's the deal, it was only a toad. The deal is, "a life have been ended, for no reason, and it (the life) cannot be replaced. It is just sad, the way it all happened, that's all.


    Dr. Haddox

  6. kristyleann profile image59
    kristyleannposted 11 years ago

    When I was about 7 my cousin and I were at my grandparent's house playing and the adults were doing some "spring cleaning". They came across some baby mice and stuck them to some fly paper and gave them to us and told us to throw them into the creek. We were shocked and of course we didn't want to kill these poor, innocent little baby mice. (What do you expect from 2 little kids that absolutely love animals?) So we (being so young and ignorant) thought that we could pull them lose from the fly paper and that (wishful thinking here) their mother would find them and they'd be fine.

    Well we were horrified to discover that their skin was so thin and delicate that when we tried to pull one from the paper it ripped it's skin from it's body. sad  At that point we realized we weren't going to be able to save them and we went ahead and put them into the creek to drown. I still feel like crap when I think about that poor little thing having it's skin ripped from it's body but we didn't really know any better. I hope they died a quick death in the water and didn't suffer too much.

    I learned a very adult lesson that day...sometimes good intentions just aren't enough.

  7. freecampingaussie profile image61
    freecampingaussieposted 11 years ago

    Driving down a narrow lane in Wales after work one day when suddenly out jumps a cat from the hedge straight in front of my car .
    I stopped of course and went & knocked on the nearest door & asked if they had a ginger cat , Yes they did so I broke the news that their poor cat was dead - She moved to one side and their on the chair was her ginger cat .
    So off we went to tell her neighbor the bad news .... She came out crying but was not surprised as the cat jumped out at cars all the time ... I still felt bad ....


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