Did AOC just claim this as a "fact"? Does she know the meaning of the

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  1. jackclee lm profile image80
    jackclee lmposted 3 years ago

    AOC: It’s A ‘Fact’ That ‘Many’ GOP Lawmakers Would Attack Jesus If He Came To Congress. Nearly All GOP Lawmakers Are Christians.

    1. jackclee lm profile image80
      jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this
    2. Marie Flint profile image73
      Marie Flintposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I read the article and the comments made to this point.

      People are funny. There is a paradox within each of us if we look closely enough. For example, my sister is a fairly devout Catholic, yet when I discuss something with her that I suggest "turning the other cheek" would be appropriate, she gets angry.

      What did Jesus say about the poor? "The poor you will always have with you." In other words, they are what they are. The bottom line is to move as one's conscience dictates, which, in some instances, is not to help at all. Sometimes we hurt others by giving too much because they don't learn to become self-reliant.

      I believe the light of the Christ already exists among our political leaders, regardless of party. Ms. Cortez could accomplish much by praising and lifting up the enlightened aspect, no matter how seemingly small, of her colleagues, rather than condemning what she perceives as error. Should she change her tactics, I think she would experience some miraculous results.

      1. jackclee lm profile image80
        jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you. AOC needs to be more Christ like...

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          AOC needs to go back to school and learn to use whatever she might have between he ears rather than spout slogans and nonsense gathered from others.

          1. GA Anderson profile image88
            GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Really? I am certainly not an AOC fan, but, when you consider her full quoted statement, do you disagree with her characterization of the GOP politicians, (other than that she should have also included her Democrat brethren)?


            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Partially.  Mostly I refer to her wild, pie-in-the-sky ideas about where the country should go and the road to take to get there.  She dreams of a utopia while designing a road to Hell.

  2. GA Anderson profile image88
    GA Andersonposted 3 years ago

    There is more to this than just the headline and paraphrase jackclee.

    From your link, here is what she actually said:

    “Sick and tired of Republicans who co-opt faith as an excuse to advance bigotry and barbarism,” the far-left congresswoman claimed on Twitter. “Fact is, if today Christ himself came to the floor of Congress and repeated his teachings, many would malign him as a radical and eject him from the chamber.”

    "When politicians use faith as an excuse to pass and uphold laws that seize control of people’s bodies but not guarantee them healthcare, feed the poor, shelter the homeless, or welcome the stranger, you have to wonder if it’s really about faith at all,” she later claimed."

    That sounds a lot different than your article's paraphrase:

    "It’s A ‘Fact’ That ‘Many’ GOP Lawmakers Would Attack Jesus If He Came To Congress. Nearly All GOP Lawmakers Are Christians."

    My perception, based on the actions of politicians that I have seen, is that her quote is not an unfair, or completely inaccurate statement—if you remove the mental image of Jesus descending in sandals and flowing cloth.


    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      "   if you remove the mental image of Jesus descending in sandals and flowing cloth."

      But, GA, that's what Jesus looks like!  I know, because I was there when he appeared at the church my wife's grandmother was pastor of.  Sandals, flowing robes and long hair.  He wanted something to eat, but left when asked to sweep out the foyer and hall of the church - seems Jesus doesn't do manual labor.  (He was also white, which was a little surprising.) big_smile

    2. jackclee lm profile image80
      jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The problem with her statement is she forgot to include all politicians in that accusation, not just GOP.
      She is using religion and accusing the opposition of doing the same.
      By doing so, she is making the mistake of many progressives, by implying Jesus would be a progressive Democrat if alive today.
      I have heard this from some of my colleagues.
      The christian message of charity and helping the poor and the sick and the in-firmed does not translate into a big government social program of tax and spend into oblivion.

    3. jackclee lm profile image80
      jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      In addition, Jesus's message was meant for the people, that is you and me as individuals to care for the sick... not the Hall of Congress.
      When government gets involved, corruption and inefficiencies follows.

      1. GA Anderson profile image88
        GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        You are stretching to support your point jackclee. It isn't working for me.


        1. jackclee lm profile image80
          jackclee lmposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I know it is not a popular one but did Jesus go to the floor of the Roman Senate to appeal for help? No. He gave his sermon on the Mt. to average people.
          On a different point but related, it is funny how the left like to keep religion out of the public square, by using "separation of church and state", but then use religion to push their socialism agenda.


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