Top Articles - Publishing Dates

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  1. Joshua Crowder profile image94
    Joshua Crowderposted 6 months ago

    I was looking at my top 10 articles for views in 30 days. I was wondering if anyone would like to compare.

    It makes me sad that my articles that were published over the last 15 months do not get consistent views. Google has been clinging to the articles below.

    1    12/9/19
    2    10/7/20
    3    1/1/20
    4    1/11/18
    5    2/3/18
    6    7/10/22
    7    1/1/20
    8    10/7/20
    9    7/31/18
    10    7/16/22

    1. paolaenergya profile image91
      paolaenergyaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      That's very interesting, thank you for sharing.

      These are my 30 day stats:

      1) 09/10/15

      2) 06/09/21

      3) 05/03/16

      4) 09/07/15

      5) 10/11/18

      6) 09/14/23

      7) 08/27/15

      8) 08/16/23

      9) 08/24/23

      10) 08/10/23.

      Basically 4 hubs are from this year's content. Sometimes I spot something that hasn't been written about at length so I cover it, but as we all know this is getting more difficult each day!

    2. WriterJanis profile image91
      WriterJanisposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Just wondering if you are comfortable with sharing how many views these articles get per day?

      1. Joshua Crowder profile image94
        Joshua Crowderposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        I don’t mind posting my views later. I’ve got nothing to brag about.

      2. Joshua Crowder profile image94
        Joshua Crowderposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        WriterJanis, starting at 1 they are about 800, 600, 600, 500, 400, 400, 400, 300, 300, 300

        1. WriterJanis profile image91
          WriterJanisposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          Thank you Joshua. None of mine even hit 100 a day except when a couple have gone viral. I've got to do some rethinking. You're an inspiration.

          1. Joshua Crowder profile image94
            Joshua Crowderposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Oh that’s not per day. Those are for 30 days. My highest per day is 40 to 50 but only for a few days a week.

            1. WriterJanis profile image91
              WriterJanisposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Gotcha. OK. I feel better now.

          2. Joshua Crowder profile image94
            Joshua Crowderposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Once I get up to 200 articles, I’m gonna stop writing on HubPages and then just focus on SEO and directing traffic to my articles.

            1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
              Kenna McHughposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Joshua, You have a plan! What steps will you take to focus on SEO, particularly after writing the articles?

    3. Kenna McHugh profile image93
      Kenna McHughposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      My 30-day views top ten:

      1 - 05/13/17
      2 - 01/12/18
      3 - 12/21/15
      4 - 01/24/18
      5 - 04/29/17
      6 - 01/23/19
      7 - 10/04/16
      8 - 05/15/17
      9 - 09/10/18
      10 - 08/12/15

      I wish responses were more optimistic regarding views and making money here. I also want Paul Edmondson or someone to write a transparent post like we used to get. Even if it was bleak, Paul gave solutions or projections of what to do, giving us hope.

      1. Solaras profile image95
        Solarasposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        I second that it would be nice to get some partnership from HP. Matt chimes in, but I feel we are sort of resented as some sort of old appendage that wants more than they deserve.

        HP is constantly thinking up ways to make money for HP and leaving the majority of us in the dust.  They appear to have a news series "The Ultimate Guide to Such a Breed" and there are 2-3 writers furiously churning out said guides, some of which are so basic that they are useless to the reader.

        Add to that the News articles, another HP staff chore, of silly tic tok reviews.

        And ads galore...

        What ever happened to Rojo?

        Comments would add to the engagement aspect of our sites and articles. Look at Quora and Reddit - some of those threads have 5 comments, but come up on the first page.

        Would be nice of HP to partner with us - give us a contest, find an underserved but trending topic to write on. 

        There is a lot of talent here that knows how to get views and deliver solid, valuable information.  Paying staff to make low value posts 5 times a day per author, come on, you have to know better than that for long term health of the sites.

    4. SerenityHalo profile image94
      SerenityHaloposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      1. 9/11/15
      2. 12/15/20
      3. 3/21/16
      4. 2/20/22
      5. 2/6/21
      6. 6/21/14
      7. 4/26/22
      8. 1/29/14
      9. 10/24/16
      10. 1/2/14

  2. theraggededge profile image95
    theraggededgeposted 6 months ago

    My current top daily articles by views go:

    1 - 2012
    2 - 2018
    3 - 2012
    4 - 2017
    5 - 2018
    6 - 2017
    7 - 2019
    8 - 2017
    9 - 2017
    10 - 2020

    My recent ones don't get a look in. Best 2023 article comes in at 16 and barely scrapes 20 views per day.

    It's the top five that keep me going. The first one is nearly at 2 million lifetime views. If it weren't for those, I'd be giving up.

    1. paolaenergya profile image91
      paolaenergyaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Oh, wow! 2012 still bringing home the bacon! I hope your 2023 hubs will pick up the pace.

  3. PaulGoodman67 profile image95
    PaulGoodman67posted 6 months ago

    It's hard for newer articles to get the traction needed to pick up backlinks in this bleak environment, so they tend to languish.

    With most algorithms, including Google, there's a snowball effect, where the better you do, the better the chances of doing even better because of all the attention.

    My best performers here are often over ten years old.

    There's not much incentive to write new material. In the past, I saw the bad periods as temporary so would keep writing regardless. However, this current period of negative algo updates and low traffic has gone on for over two years now.

  4. Solaras profile image95
    Solarasposted 6 months ago

    Top to Bottom 1-10 and 30 day pageviews
    2018 6057
    2016 5764
    2014 5729
    2014 5287
    2015 4242
    2018 4114
    2013 4112
    2013 3885
    2016 3816
    2018 3666

    At around 20 down the list is a 2022 article getting 1927 and around 30 down the list is a 2023 article garnering 1573 over 30 days.

    Interesting exercise and kind of sad.  I'll still publish 2 more before the end of the year.

    1. Joshua Crowder profile image94
      Joshua Crowderposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Solaras, compared to mine, your page views are impressive. Mine are the same minus one place value on the right. My viewers come to learn one thing then they peace out. Interlinking to similar topics is my best bet.

      In the long run, I am going to start posting articles that don't get views on a Wix site as a test in addition to creating a YouTube video for all 170 of them.

  5. Joshua Crowder profile image94
    Joshua Crowderposted 6 months ago

    I’m gonna add more topics with keywords, but stick the topics that are relevant to the top articles online. Then I’ll still go through and edit all my articles and continue to condense without removing those keywords. So add more relevant topics and condense is my whole strategy.

    And then my articles that don’t get views on hubpages the new ones basically, I’m just gonna post those on my own website and see if I can do anything to get views up. If I can get the views up, I’ll monetize my own site.

    For video creation, I can create a template and have AI help me build a script into that template from my articles. That way they can be more narrated without putting hours of effort in. The video splicing is probably the hardest part for me. So then I’ll post a YouTube video daily and hope the algorithm picks up for me and people can get the hubpages link from the description if they need it.

    1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
      Kenna McHughposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Joshua, It sounds like a good plan. I often though of doing AI videos based on Glenn's suggestion.


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