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How To Make Money In Entropia Universe
Many have started playing Entropia Universe with dreams of riches only to leave sorely disappointed a few months later. and those who have stayed will tell you that unless you are uber (a very high level player), it is impossible to make money from this game. And still others will tell you that this game is a giant casino, and while you might be able to make some money for a while, the house always wins in the end.
Profiting from Entropia is possible but it is difficult and you have got to find the right combination of activities that work for you. Bear in mind that MindArk, the company behind Entropia Universe, needs to make a profit and so the virtual world must be set up so that the average player playing the average game cannot make money. If the average player makes money, then MindArk would go out of business very fast.
I have mapped out a game plan which you can follow to profit from Entropia Universe. It may or may not be suitable for you, but it does give you an idea of how you can be consistently profitable in Entropia. I would suggest that you use it as a starting point and adjust it accordingly as you get more familiar with the game and its possibilities.
Initial Investment
You will need to deposit a sum of USD 1000 into your account. This might seem a rather large amount to put into a game but you can look at it as an investment into the future of MindArk. If you are uncomfortable about this, you can play the game for free as long as you want without depositing and deposit only when you feel the investment is worth it.
Do note that if you simply want to try out the game, a deposit of USD 50 should be enough. The above figure of USD 1000 is applicable only if you have decided to make a serious try at profiting from the game and only if you want to do it in the way that I am outlining in this hub.
In this game plan, sweating is one of 3 ways you will earn from this game. Sweating is the collection of bottles of sweat from the mobs on the planet. On average, you should be able to collect about 333 - 500 bottles of sweat per hour of sweating. For a usual 8 hour workday, 2,500 bottles of sweat can be quite easily collected.
This works well if you work at home or work in an office in which having an Entropia Universe window open on your computer during your workday is not an issue. It is best if you have 2 screens - one in which you run Entropia and another on which you do your normal work. Sweating for 8 hours would mean moving your avatar to the sweating location and activating the Auto-Use Tool. You then only need to occasionally adjust your avatar to a better sweating position, or to sweat another mob. Sweating can also be done during your housework, while watching television or chatting on the phone.
The price of sweat presently ranges from 2.0 PED to 2.5 PED per thousand so you should be able to make 5 PED a day from sweating.
The second way of earning is to buy larger quantities of ores and enmatter at lower prices and split it up into smaller quantities to sell at a higher price at the auction. Half of your initial investment of USD1000 would be used as your capital for buying at the auction.
There is a learning curve involved. Not all ores and enmatter sell well using this technique but after a while, you should be able to tell which ones have a good chance of selling well. I would suggest pricing your auction sale such that you make about 0.25 PED - 1.00 PED per sale.
You should be able to make more than 25 sales per day so that a profit of 10 PED per day should be easily attainable. Note that you are allowed to have only 30 auctions open at any one time, so that places a limit to your profit potential in the auction.
Land Lot Deeds
If you are savvy about money and about earning money, you will note that the above 2 ways are not scalable in that you can’t easily make more money by putting in more time or more money. The main money earner in the long run are Land Lot deeds with the first two techniques used to make money for you to buy more Land Lot deeds.
Land Lot deeds are like shares in the stock market in that it gives you a share in the company. And like shares in the stock market, Land Lot deeds entitles you to a share of MindArk’s revenue. The good thing about Land Lot deeds is that the revenue is paid to you weekly, instead of a longer period. And at 1000 PED per deed, the return on investment is expected to be about 27% - 30% per annum.
Use half of your initial investment of USD1000 to buy 5 Land Lot deeds. This will get you started with a weekly income and set you up so that you can purchase your next deed within a shorter time frame. And every time you purchase another deed, you will get more income which will enable you to purchase the next deed in an even shorter time frame.
Putting It All Together - The Game Plan
In summary, the following steps are taken to execute the game plan:
- Make an initial deposit of USD 1000.
- Make an initial purchase of 5 Land Lot deeds.
- Collect 2,500 bottles of sweat daily and sell for at least 2 PED/k.
- Use USD 500 to buy and sell items at the auction to make 10 PED daily.
- Buy Land Lot deeds as and when enough PEDs have been earned through sweating, trading and revenue from deeds owned.
This projection is to whet your appetite as to the earnings possible. Note that the figures are small at the beginning, but they get pretty interesting as the years pass. This projection is based on the following assumptions:
- 5 PED earned daily from the collection and sale of sweat.
- 10 PED earned daily from trading on the auction.
- An initial investment of 5 Land Lot deeds.
- A return of 25% per Land Lot deed paid weekly.
- Land Lot deeds can be bought and sold at 1000 PED each.
Note that the price of sweat has been exhibiting a persistent downtrend so your income from the sale of sweat would probably drop as time goes by. However, as you get more familiar with the auction, your increased income from trading should more than compensate for the drop in sweat price.
| Monthly Income From Deeds
| Total Investment Value
| USD 23.09
| USD 1,762.85
| USD 40.40
| USD 2,704.31
| USD 63.49
| USD 3,906.96
| USD 96.20
| USD 5,546.11
| USD 132.76
| USD 7,535.67
| USD 182.78
| USD 10,079.83
| USD 248.20
| USD 13,542.93
| USD 329.00
| USD 17,750.38
| USD 432.90
| USD 23,126.67
| USD 571.43
| USD 30,449.31
| USD 2,076.00
| USD 109,013.94
Many of you would be thinking that it is not worth the amount of work to earn just USD45 per month from your sweating and trading, and prefer to start with a higher initial deposit. And some might want to start with no initial investment. Still others would think that 20% or more earnings from Land Lot deeds is really great and prefer to deposit without doing any sweating or trading.
In whatever way that you choose to profit from this game, my advice would be to avoid being the average player. Think out of the box, and do your homework, and you might find profit opportunities far greater than what has been outlined here.
Entropia Universe Resources
1. Finding out the decay of items - This hub outlines a technique of finding out the exact TT value of an item, and can be used to measure an item's decay by measuring its TT value before and after an action.
2. Making money at the auction - You can make money buying and selling stuff at the auction but it isn't as easy as buy low and sell high.
3. Entropia Universe Glossary - A glossary of the more common terms used in Entropia Universe.
4. Sweating the Mobs in Entropia - A short guide to sweating in Entropia Universe.
5. Entropia Universe AxeMurderer Blog - Excellent blog that goes into a good amount of detail about mining, crafting and hunting in Entropia Universe.