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Buy Playmobil toys for older boys, Farmyards, police station, fire service and rescue and construction

Updated on December 4, 2017


Welcome to my hub reader. Here I hope to explain to you a little about the world of Playmobil. I am guessing that as you are reading this you are looking for ideas as to what present to buy for some little boy out there.

The Playmobil toys are targeted at all children aged from 1 upwards, but here I am exploring the depths of the ranges aimed at boys aged 4+. Although they state 4+ on the boxes, many of them are suitable for younger children if you take out the very small parts.

Playmobil itself covers every aspect of children's play, from the traditional farm yard with animals to the more imaginative pirates scene. The toys are available as individual pieces, mega sets and also you can now buy smaller take along sets which are great if your going on vacation or just away for a weekend break. The best thing I have found over the years of buying playmobil for my boys is how robust it is. Not matter how often the stables or castles are pulled apart and look completely broken, they can always be put back together again like new.

The Playmobil Farm yard

Many boys love playing with their farmyards and with Playmobil this is certainly possible. If you wish to cut the corners then it is possible to buy the Farmyard super set which includes farmhouse, tractor, combine, trailer, barn, haybales, milk churns, fencing, people and just about everything else you would find on a small family farm.

However, once you have this all set up it is then easy to add to it, with maybe another tractor and trailer, a hen house, dog kennels and guinea pig run. Playmobil can be purchased in most good toy shops and various places online such as Ebay, Amazon and of course the Playmobil website. If you wish to view the range in more detail then the place to go is their website where you can order brochures to be delivered to your door along with the toys.

Playmobil horses

It is true that although many of us think that only girls like horses this is not entirely true, many boys also like horses and with the Playmobil range it is easy to build your own ranch and stables. If you bite the bullet and decide to buy the ranch then you are sure to get your monies worth with this great set.

You will find two horses and one pony in this set, along with a family of four, fencing, haybales, jumps and all the grooming kit that you would have for a real horse. The tack is also included with two saddles and bridles both being different colours. The ranch can be added to with extension kits to make it bigger. Horses and foals can also be brought separately.

Playmobil emergency services

Every little boy loves police cars and fire engines and with the police and rescue products they can entertain and enjoy hours of fun.  

The police products give you the option of buying the police headquarters which includes the station with desks and jail as well as police men and prisoner.  The imagination can run wild with this as the prisoner breaks out of his cell through the breakout window or wall.  You can also buy policemen individually, perhaps on horseback or quad bike and motorcycle. All the various vehicles that the police force use are available including helicopter and boat.  If your little boy starts to run out of run and needs a larger police station then the expansion kit is available.

The rescue products are based on the fire service and also have the option of purchasing the fire station which includes fireman's pole and two fire fighters.  This can also be extended using the extension kit available when you run out of room.  Again all fire service vehicles are available to purchase from Playmobil with the fire engine, helicopter and boat.

Playmobil Construction and Pirates

Playmobil give you the opportunity to also encourage your child into the world of construction with all large and smaller construction vehicles and machinery available. A version of road maintenance vehicles are available with road rollers, sweepers and cement lorries. The larger construction toys come in the form of the Heavy duty ones, such as the Heavy Duty crane and Dump truck. Conveyor belts and excavators can also be used realistically providing hours of fun for your child.

Boys just love pirates as they get older and with Playmobil they can fully investigate the world of pirates using the different boats and fortresses available.  

Conclusion of playmobil

Playmobil can achieve to entertain any child using the vast scope of products that they have available.  Above I have listed with a bit more detail some of the more popular toys with boys, but that is only the needle in the haystack when it come to the world of Playmobil.  Below I have listed more areas available for children to explore.

  • Knights
  • Dragon Land
  • Romans
  • Nautical Expedition
  • African Wildlife
  • Transport
  • Train
  • Animal clinic
I hope that if you are looking to purchase a toy for a boy then you have found this hub helpful in determining that Playmobil is well worth the purchase, I know my little boy who is only 3 enjoys playing with his farm and horses every single day.

Playmobil Parks

Playmobil like its fellow competitors (Lego) have opened fun parks around the world for children and their families to go and enjoy.  You can find the fun parks in the following countries;

  • France - Paris
  • USA - Palm Beach Gardens
  • Germany - Zirndorf
  • Malta
  • Greece - Athens
I have heard no reports about the parks and am awaiting to visit Paris in the next year or two, so can only hope that they are as good as they sound.


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