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Wii Sports Active- Get Fit With Video Games

Updated on August 16, 2009

Getting Fit with The Wii

There are many ways that you can get fit and I bet you didn't realize that you can get in shape playing a video game. The Wii Sports Active isn't the contemporary sit down and shoot the bad guy video game. You're actually going to get up and take the 20 minute workout challenge. You may get a little sweaty but this video game will help you get fit.

The Nintendo Wii wants you to get up and get in shape. Check out the specs below.

Wii Active Sports

The Wii Active includes a single player or co-op multi-player mode. The co-op mode is great because you it's always best to work out with your closest friend. It definitely takes your focus away from the burn.

The Wii Active takes you through a simple 20 minute workouts where you can target your upper body, lower body, and cardio, while using the resistance band and the Wii balance board, which is not included with the game. You will also have the ability to use the Wii Remote/Nunchuck for some of the games and challenges, and believe it or not, it's possible for you to monitor your fitness routines with a simple video game through three different sections of a workout- nutrition, lifestyle, and other activities.

You and your personal trainer will help you through a better lifestyle so that using your age, weight, gender, and fitness goals, you can achieve your goals. Although, a video game cannot help you or force you to change your lifestyle and diet, but this video game is geared to getting you fit vie the strength training and cardio workouts. Your personal trainer will create a routine fit for you, and he will give you ongoing motivation through real-time feedback.

There are three different levels of difficulty that you can choose from, which is great if you haven't worked out in a while, as you can start as a beginner. Don't start yourself at too hard of a difficulty and strain your muscles.

There are 25 activities and challenges that you can participate in, in order to work out your lower and upper body, as well as cardio. You will use the resistance band in a variety of the exercises, and the leg strap is used for monitoring your progress in some of the leg exercises. You can use your Wii Balance Board if you want, but it's not a necessity to exercise with.

And, with the 30 Day Challenge that you can participate in, you will try a different workout every day. There are many instances of losing up to 15 pounds with the first 30 Day Challenge with Wii Sports Active.

By exercising 20 minutes a day, you can easily achieve your fitness goals, and by following the WIi 30 Day Challenge, you just may be there in one month. Just stay motivated and keep up the hard work.

Potential Warnings that you Want to Be Aware Of with Wii Sports Active

Just remember that some of the activities don't register as easily as others, such as when doing squats, your on-screen avatar may not go down as far as your personal trainer would like even if you did it correctly. You want to watch out so that you don't tear any ligaments or muscles for those activities that do not register properly. In these cases, even if your on-screen trainer tells you that you aren't putting your best effort into your workout, you want to be careful of over-working yourself.

With some of the exercises, you'll have to swing your Wii Remote and Nunchuk a little harder in order to register on-screen. For example, with the Alternating Standing Knee Crunches, you may have to swing the Remote and Nunchuk down as fast as possible in order to register because otherwise, it may get a little frustrating to hear over and over that you're not perform the exercise properly when you know that you did.

You will also want to be careful if you have knee problems, as the jumping, skating, etc. exercises can be very dangerous to your current knee concerns. Even though you are getting a workout tailored to you, the workout doesn't consider your current physical challenges, such as knee, hip, and back problems.


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