Remembering Double Bubble Funnies

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  1. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
    Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago
    How many of you can still remember when you could take $0.05 and run down to your local neighborhood grocery store to purchase 5 pieces of gum? Everyone used to love the jokes that were printed on the wrapper. This is one of my favorites:

    When is a door NOT a door?

    Do you have a favorite joke that you'd like to share.

    1. ponder profile image78
      ponderposted 9 years ago

      Those were the days...Back then our parents weren't scared to death to let us play outside.

      1. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
        Jacqueline4390posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        This is so true ... as long as I got home before sundown!

    2. Rochelle Frank profile image90
      Rochelle Frankposted 9 years ago

      Are you trying to make us reveal our age?  I just realized that it was spelled "Dubble", and always thought I should be able to blow two bubbles at a time.
      Oh, also (when it's ajar).

      1. firstcookbooklady profile image84
        firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I was with my father, in the months before he passed away... and I went through the McDonalds Drive thru... and said to him, "When is a daughter not a daughter.. when she TURNS INTO a McDonalds"...and then I said HA Ha ha....

        1. firstcookbooklady profile image84
          firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          and... How do you get into a building that has NO windows or doors? You run around it until you are ALL IN....

      2. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
        Jacqueline4390posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        So true ... I am extremely happy to have lived as long as I have and enjoyed so many things. Yes, there were hard times as well but things were cheaper and of better quality.

    3. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
      Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago

      I would love to tell you the joke about the roof ... but it would probably be over your head.

      1. firstcookbooklady profile image84
        firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        or the joke about the well, but it's a deep subject.

      2. Rochelle Frank profile image90
        Rochelle Frankposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        This reminds me of a roof joke -though probably not Dubble Bubble.

        A man and his dog walk into a bar and the man says," I would like a drink, but don't have any money. Will you give me a beer if I can prove my dog can talk?"
        "Sure," says the bartender.
        So the man asks his dog a question: "What is the cover on the top of a house called?"
        "Roof, roof, roof,' says the dog.
        The bartender shakes his head.
        "Wait," says the man, "I'll ask another question."
        He asks,"How does sandpaper feel?"
        "Ruff, ruff, ruff," says the dog.
        "Get outta here!", says the bartender.
        "Wait a minute", says the man, " give me one more try.
        He asks the dog,"Who was the best baseball player of all time?"
        "Ruth, ruth, ruth'" says the dog.--- and the bartender kicks the man and his dog out.
        They are sitting on the curb and the dog asks the man,"Should I have said DiMaggio?"

        I know, it's an old joke.

        1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
          Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          This reminds me of a joke that also wasn't on the bubble gum wrapper.
          A man goes to an acting audition.  "What can you do? the producer asked him.
          "I imitate birds," he answered.
          "Are you kidding?" sneered the producer.  "People like you are a dime a dozen."
          "Well, I guess that's that," answered the aspiring actor.  He spread his arms and flew out the window.

    4. hostaguy profile image60
      hostaguyposted 9 years ago

      What was the name of the guy that wore the turtle neck up to his nose?

      1. firstcookbooklady profile image84
        firstcookbookladyposted 9 years agoin reply to this


    5. profile image0
      Rana Pecarskiposted 9 years ago

      Oh I remember the gum but I can't remember the jokes. There was another gum that had a comic strip inside the wrapper but can't remember the name of that gum.And did the gum get smaller, or did our mouths get bigger?

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Bazooka!  That was my favorite.

    6. FatFreddysCat profile image96
      FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

      You can still get "individual" Dubble Bubble if you know where to look. The tobacco shop I frequented before I quit using smokeless tobacco had big jars of Bazooka and Dubble Bubble on the counter so I'd always grab a couple for my kids. They prefer Bazooka, apparently Dubble Bubble "loses its flavor too fast," haha.

      The comics on "Dubble Bubble" wrappers were simply copying Bazooka's trademark "Bazooka Joe" strips (which are still included with each piece of Bazooka, at least the last time I checked.) much as I love comics, neither of them were never particularly funny....haha

      I know when I was a kid there was always some sort of "special offer" in the lower right hand corner of each Bazooka Joe comic, where you could save up a certain # of comics and send them in for some cheap piece of junk prize.

    7. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
      Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago

      What did the stamp say to the letter?

      Stick with me and we'll go places! (I know ... but it was funny way back then!)

    8. hostaguy profile image60
      hostaguyposted 9 years ago

      Bazooka Joe was the funny looking guy in a turtle neck I was thinking of in the comic strip. Thanks.

      Jacqueline, keep up the funnies, you crack me up. tee hee

    9. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
      Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago

      What did the floor say to the rug?

      I got you covered! (giggle, giggle)

    10. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
      Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago

      What did the bald guy say when he received a comb for his birthday?

      I'll never part with it!

    11. hostaguy profile image60
      hostaguyposted 9 years ago

      More, I need more jokes.

    12. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
      Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago

      What did one eye say to the other?

      There is something between us that smells!

      1. Say Yes To Life profile image77
        Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        How do you keep fish from smelling?
        Cut off their noses!

    13. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
      Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago

      Why did the man throw the clock out the window?

      Because he wanted to see time fly!

    14. Jacqueline4390 profile image83
      Jacqueline4390posted 9 years ago

      Bananas are my favorite fruit because they have appeal!

    15. hostaguy profile image60
      hostaguyposted 9 years ago

      Just saw this of FB. . . . What do you call a cow that has just given birth?



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