If you could force a studio to remake a single video game, which would it be?

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  1. EJ Lambert profile image68
    EJ Lambertposted 11 years ago

    If you could force a studio to remake a single video game, which would it be?

    Too many times people have heard the phrase, "the games had so much potential but it just didn't work."  If you had the ability to go to studio and force them to remake a single game, which would it be?

  2. Dvd Zermeno Perez profile image84
    Dvd Zermeno Perezposted 11 years ago

    Assassin's Creed III....It was a really disappointment for many fans, It was crushed by AC2 story and main character, in AC3 I really hated the story and the main character was a real pain to play with, but the worst part was the "Full Synch" this are a series of achievement to complete in each mission, forcing you to complete it the way the developer wants, I hated this because they put a limit in the imagination of the gamers to complete each mission they way they wants, instead they force the gamers to do something to have the 100% synch instead of free will. As a fan of AC series I'm still very disappointed of this game, I'm expecting a lot much more from the new AC4: Black flag, and I hope they don't disappoint the fans...again.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I heard ACIII flopped big time in the reviews.  To think they wasted all that money hyping a piece of crap.  Maybe they learned their lesson that rushing a title is never a good idea.  Ask the Command & Conquer franchise.

  3. toptendeals profile image71
    toptendealsposted 11 years ago

    Paperboy.  That game was amazing.  Give me Paperboy!

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      One of those classics that never gets old.  Oh, imagine what they could do with it now.

  4. TNT Husky profile image64
    TNT Huskyposted 11 years ago

    Metroid: Other M. It would be pretty simple too. Limit the story, because that's one of the biggest sources of discontent for fans. The game was also fairly streamlined, which isn't too good for a metroid game. Metroid fans enjoy the idea of being dumped on some lonely, isolated area.that's the charm that got me started with the series to begin with. And lastly, balance it. the game felt challenging at the wrong times, mostly because you were bombarded with enemies that classic metroid thinking wouldn't be useful against. this threw me off as well.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I haven't played that but I've read the reviews.  It is certainly a title that fans want done over and it's a series that has earned the right to do so.

  5. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 11 years ago

    There's really too many games out there for me to say, but most of my list will just be followed by a cynical statement so I'll just say Duke Nukem: Forever. This game looked really cool on the first trailers, and while it may not have been brilliant at the time it still beats what we have now. What it is, is a dime-a-dozen over the top first person shooter. What it isn't, is it is not Duke Nukem. There's no style or class, no kick behind his jokes and the actual gameplay is pathetic. Duke Nukem Forever? Duke Nukem: Forever will I be ashamed of him here on.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah they didn't put enough common sense into how the genre has evolved since the first Nukem.  They failed to take that into account and screwed it up big time.

  6. sm825 profile image61
    sm825posted 11 years ago

    Legend of Legaia for the ps1 amazing game with a great story.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I own it.  Without a doubt one of the most underrated RPGs of all time.  Terrific game.

  7. Souther29 profile image81
    Souther29posted 11 years ago

    Hands down Street Fighter X Tekken. In my mind a complete embarrassment to a successfully reinvigorated franchise after the leap into PS3 for Street Fighter. Too focussed on extracting money from loyal fans with unbalanced gem packs as well as giving newcomers to the series a sour taste of what should have been a great example of combining two heritage fighting franchises. It was also released with inexcusable bugs and was a shoddy product to be honest.

    Only game I have ever returned within weeks in my life due to it being of poor quality.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Certainly not Mortal Kombart vs. DC.  Some developers just don't give the fans enough credit for recognizing crap when they see it.

  8. B. A. Williams profile image60
    B. A. Williamsposted 11 years ago

    I would love to play a modern version of Castlevania.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Have you not played the PS3 version?

  9. M. T. Dremer profile image81
    M. T. Dremerposted 11 years ago

    Dinosaur Planet, aka Starfox Adventures. I want Nintendo and/or Rare to go back to the original storyline and characters and give it the time it deserved. Jamming Fox McCloud into the game only watered down what might have been an epic and thoughtful experience.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Looks like it had a Final Fantasy feel to it.  Very interesting why they switched.

  10. Clinton1998 profile image59
    Clinton1998posted 11 years ago

    I would say
    "Make me a game which can by played in multiple mode, RPG, strategy, Action at the same time, where every objects can be interacted with. A game where even a bot has self-evolving system to make new conversation and behavior. Where we can do anything. I mean anything! Fly, swim, talk, run, go around the world, climb a tree, drive a car, all. And do you know what will be the theme and story? Mario! HAHA. It was a good game back then."
      But Alas I may have to wait for another 1000 years.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I think the last full Mario version game was N64.  He is in need of a makeover.

  11. itknol profile image75
    itknolposted 11 years ago

    Well, as a fan of the 90's I would definitely want a new remake of the Syndicate game. The latest has absolutely dumb gameplay - enter an elevator shaft? no prob - just go to the shaft and press E.. and the movie starts. The whole idea with the Blade Runner universe has been left to die, no more merciless cyborgs, just fancy corporate environment and security guards..

    Generally speaking, most games since.. 2006 for example are all good graphics, bad story line and retarded gameplay. Somewhat analogical to Hollywood productions.

    1. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't say all of them have bad storylines.  They probably aren't all as deep as say the Final Fantasy era, but that is because they aren't as long.  But I understand what you're saying.  That needs to change.

  12. theryanpride profile image68
    theryanprideposted 11 years ago

    Centipede was a fun game.The goal was to shoot a centipede as it winds its way down the screen and to also destroy the occasional spider.

    1. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
      JohnGreasyGamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That saw a PS1 remake and it was really good! If there was a remake of any version, it should be the PS1 version ^^

    2. EJ Lambert profile image68
      EJ Lambertposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A lot of classic like that need some HD makeovers.  I can only imagine what they could do with Tetris.

    3. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
      JohnGreasyGamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've seen the Tetris remakes and it seems they can't do much but make it flashier and have more building combos. I raise my hat to the first one to make something original with it though ^^

  13. Slices of Life profile image65
    Slices of Lifeposted 10 years ago

    I've been thinking about this question in the back of my mind since I first read it three months ago and today, I finally have an answer.

    The Secret of Evermore. This game was the single most challenging yet greatly rewarding game of my childhood and I'm sad to see modern gamers who have never heard of this game. I must have played through it multiple times for probably in the ballpark of 400 hours, just playing and exploring the world of Evermore whether it was progressing the story, levelling weapons or alchemy, or just flying around the planet, every single second was fun.

    How would I have them remake it? Update the graphics and that's it. Keep the camera at the same angle, keep the gameplay the same, everything else untouched. Only update the graphics to current and then walk away. The game's perfect as it is.


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