
Jump to Last Post 1-12 of 12 discussions (26 posts)
  1. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    I would like to play a game of chess.

    It will take forever.

    If you would like to play, respond.

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Hey Paradigm,

    I'm a sucker for a game. Are we going to play here in this thread? By posting "notation" of moves? Or did you have plans on playing elsewhere?

    And, just curious- why will it take forever? hmm

  3. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago


    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      1. paradigmsearch profile image61
        paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        1. Cagsil profile image70
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I have a travel board I can make moves on. I don't have any place to leave up a game in the open, due to the fact that I have two cats who love to jump on tables. lol

          However, my travel set rests nicely on my desk in my room and that's the only table my cats are truly not allowed on under no condition. They've learned that much. lol

        2. paradigmsearch profile image61
          paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          1. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Take your time. I'm never in a hurry when it comes to a game of Chess. smile

  4. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    I am a little rusty on my notation, but will try to my best. wink

  5. Haunty profile image72
    Hauntyposted 13 years ago

    Interesting game, guys. But can you please speed it up, because one move a day won't entertain me. wink

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Who said we had to entertain you? tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue

      1. Haunty profile image72
        Hauntyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Nobody. Would you mind if i followed the game though? I may pick up something. I won't meddle in the thread any more. smile

        1. Cagsil profile image70
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You can meddle in the thread all you want. There shouldn't be a problem following or even playing the game with people talking in the forum thread.

          I'm not sure about Paradigm, but I don't see a problem with it. smile

  6. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    I have deleted previous other. I guess back to later.

  7. Beth100 profile image67
    Beth100posted 13 years ago

    Uh, I kinda need a board in front of me....  Let's see, w-p-pk4 and b-p-pk4

    *yawn*  I always preferred to play than watch *yawn*  timer's clicking guys.  smile

  8. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    I apologize for the aborted game. It has literally been more than a decade since I last played. It never occurred to me that I couldn’t find the d@mned chess set!smile

    1. Pcunix profile image92
      Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      There are plenty of on line chess sites.

      I haven't played in thirty years,  I used to play regularly with a neighbor - we both liked to play very fast, not allowing more than a short time for moves.  It is an entirely different game that way - you need to see the board differently because there is no time for deep analysis.

  9. Shadesbreath profile image76
    Shadesbreathposted 13 years ago

    I like to play too.  Although I've never been particularly great at it, it's a very fun way to while away a few hours beside a fire with someone fun, whether playing fast or slow.

  10. Beth100 profile image67
    Beth100posted 13 years ago

    I love playing the game!  I haven't played on line before; always with the board.  My kids have all three boards occupied... maybe I'll have to run out and pick on up just for us to play!

    Pcunix - I agree, it's totally different way of playing when it's fast.  Sometimes, we play with only 30 seconds for each move.  lol  It really becomes a game of memory of recalling past plays.  Can be real fun though!

  11. profile image0
    DoorMattnomoreposted 13 years ago

    how do you learn to play?

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      First you need to learn the rules and how to set up a board, then learn how to attack and defend positions. The fun comes in when you learn some tactics. Basically, it's about taking over the center of the board leaving little space for the opponent to operate. Then defend your positions and wait for the opponent to make a mistake.

      1. profile image0
        DoorMattnomoreposted 13 years agoin reply to this it have rules and all? or just a place to play? I know..I could just go look, or google it..or whatever. Im lazy today.  smile

        1. Haunty profile image72
          Hauntyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I just goolged it myself. Checked out a couple of results and this one seems to be with rules and all without getting overly wordy. smile

          1. profile image0
            DoorMattnomoreposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            cool thanks. off to see.  wink

            1. profile image0
              DoorMattnomoreposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              oh. this will take me some time.

    2. Beth100 profile image67
      Beth100posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What Haunty said, plus it's a real exercise for the brain.  You have to think at least 4 moves ahead of your opponent.  Depending on the skill level of your opponent, you could  be performing visual gymnastics of all possible moves and variations in response to your move.  It takes time and a lot of practice, but it's extremely fun and satisfying once you finish the game.

      I'm not terribly good at playing anymore (head injury which has affected my memory) but I play to help improve my condition.  I use to play all the time and it is a lot of fun.

  12. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    It is going to happen.


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