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Bring It: P90X Day 77

Updated on December 29, 2011

As part of my ongoing personal journey, I have been testing the P90X workout program for the better part of the last 3 months. This workout, created by Tony Horton, is made up of 12 different DVDs to work on strength training, plyometrics, yoga, martial arts and the dreaded core area. In a few short weeks, my personal journey will have come to an end. By that time I will be able to show you the changes that P90X has made to me, a normal and average person who has been just to stubborn to give up.

The concept of P90X is based on muscle confusion. This is the reason why there is so many different DVDs created for this program. The only thing you have to do is show up every day and Bring It. In this workout, you also have recovery weeks to allow your muscles to repair and regroup from the stresses you have put them through. To top it off, each week you also have a day of rest or stretch. These are important to the entire program, which will only be as successful as you let it.

If you would like to start from the beginning of this series, please click here. If you want to read about my previous day with P90X, click here.

Feel free to leave your comments below. Together we can motivate and inspire the people around us to get moving and get healthier. I thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

P90X is an extreme workout. While it may show you the moves, it is up to you to make it extreme. Are you ready to Bring It?
P90X is an extreme workout. While it may show you the moves, it is up to you to make it extreme. Are you ready to Bring It? | Source

Bring It

This week has been a mad house. It has been pure craziness. What can I say... I have been looking forward to Sunday since last Monday. Between sending out Christmas cards, keeping the house clean, buying Christmas presents and going to school Christmas concerts, I feel as if I haven't had much time for anything else. However, I did get my workouts in each and every day. I did not use any excuses. I just pushed play and got the job done.

So today, I was greatful for a much needed day of rest. I slept in, I played with the kids, watched some TV, cruised around the internet a little, read a book, and stared off into space. My husband was wondering what was wrong with me as he noticed my blank stare. It was nothing... just a lack of thinking or doing anything. For having this day I am greatful!

7 Things to Be Thankful For During the Holidays

To keep on with the trend, I am counting down until Christmas is here. Today marks 7 short days until Christmas. I remember when I was a child, this seemed to take forever. Now as an adult, I feel it has come so fast and I wish I had more time to get ready. Yet, as I sat around all day resting, I realized that during the holidays there are things we need to be thankful for.

As I have continued my journey on P90X, I realized I have not only changed physically, but mentally as well. Therefore, part of the mental change is learning to stay positive. When we take time to think of the things we are thankful for, it puts us in a positive mood.

While I am only going to list 7 (pure the countdown) there are a million different things we should all be thankful for. These are just the tip of the list.

Your stuck together

Don't take family for granted. Remember to be thankful for them this holiday season.
Don't take family for granted. Remember to be thankful for them this holiday season. | Source

Friends, friends everywhere.

Many of those who know me also know RealHousewife. While we met each other on the internet, it was amazing how much we clicked. Friends are what you make of them. It doesn't matter how you meet them or how long you have known them.
Many of those who know me also know RealHousewife. While we met each other on the internet, it was amazing how much we clicked. Friends are what you make of them. It doesn't matter how you meet them or how long you have known them. | Source

C is for Cookie

My favorite part of the holidays is the baking. However, I am glad it only comes once a year. Cause it takes a lot of P90X to work all those goodies off!
My favorite part of the holidays is the baking. However, I am glad it only comes once a year. Cause it takes a lot of P90X to work all those goodies off! | Source
  1. Family - It is obvious why this is the first thing on the list. After all, we are probably all greatful for the family that we have. They are the ones by are side during the good times and the bads. However, not all of us are so fortunate. Some of us have lost loved ones over the years and some of us may have never truly had blood family to count on. So, while you are sitting around the table for a Christmas dinner with your family, and some sort of drama over who did what comes up, smile and be greatful that you have this family around you.
  2. Friends - Friends are the people that we choose to be our family. They make us who we are. When they need a shoulder to cry on... we are there. When we need a shoulder to cry on... they are there as well. It is a mutual relationship that we have choosen. I have so many friends - some I have known for years, some I just recently met and others I have yet to meet face to face. They are the people I treasure with all my heart. Why - because not only did I choose them to be in my life - but they choose me as well! It doesn't matter where you meet them. It could be a chance meeting in the park, or maybe someone you just connected with on the internet. The important thing is to be thankful for them all. They are all a small brushstroke in the masterpiece we call our life.
  3. Christmas presents - Now this may seem a little selfish... or maybe even materialistic. Yet, with the economy being the way it is, there are so many good people who have lost their jobs, lost their houses and lost their life. I was touched by a story I read on Hubpages earlier today, A Christmas Day to Remember, and realized how lucky I am. Even if times are hard, I have yet to make the ultimate sacrifice. There will still be presents underneath my tree for my entire family. Others this year, maybe going without.
  4. Goodies that come only once a year - One of my favorite thing about the holidays is all the baking. I love making Christmas cookies with my Grandma's recipe. I also like making the holiday candy like Peanut Butter Balls, Sweet Tooth Treats, Angel Food and whatever other goodies I come up with at last minute. However, making these goodies also means that I indulge in a lot of goodies. Thankful, this only happens once a year so I can let my willpower slide a little bit.
  5. Christmas Sales - I have 3 kids and plenty of family members to buy presents for. After shopping yesterday and spending almost a week's worth of pay, I am happy for the sales. After all, this time of year is expensive. While I love giving, I wish it didn't hurt the pocket book nearly as much. Luckily though, I don't have credit cards so I won't be paying off the holidays for the next 6 months. Yet, through one of these sales, I was able to score a good deal on a MP3 player for my daughter without breaking the bank. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she gets her gift!
  6. Christmas movies and holiday music - This year we are living in California. This midwest girl in me is having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit. After all, I am used to the usual blanket of snow (and while it seems to be coming later and later each year), I know snow always puts me in the mood. So this year, I am using the Christmas movies and Holiday music to get me in the mood. Has it helped... well, I am not ready for Christmas yet, but I am a lot further than I was last week.
  7. Hubpages - (Let the cheering begin!) For me, writing is my escape from stress, and naturally, the stress of the holidays can really bring a person down. However, since I have started P90X I have committed to writing about my personal journey each and everyday. My writing has kept me centered and focused. It has also forced me to make sure I do my workout everyday which has given me an incredible amount of extra energy. So, for all those writers out there who hang out in the Hubberhood, you can relate to why I am so thankful for Hubpages!

So, now that I have given you a small glimpse of what I am thankful for this holiday season, what are you thankful for?

Want More

Read about Day 78 by clicking here.


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