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Investigating Chemicals in Supplements that Help induce Weight Loss

Updated on January 8, 2013

1. Resveratrol

A powerful antioxidant, it has been one of the most controversial chemicals in use today because of its fat-reducing properties. It has been well associated with fat reducing diets, especially as it is commonly acquired by eating red grapes. Because of its suspected fat reducing properties, many exercise and weight loss trainers often advice the consumption of grapes and berries rich in Resveratrol to help increase the fat burning process of the body.

This popularity had led many researchers to conduct studies on Resveratrol in order to confirm its cholesterol reducing claims. According to a publication called Nutrition Business Journal, Resveratrol has become one of the most sought after supplement for weight loss that its sales reached a staggering $30 million a year. It also states that Resveratrol has the capability of regulating the sugar levels of the body, lower chances of heart diseases and lower cholesterol.

A report issued in 2009 in the publication, Nutrition Research Reviews, cautioned people to take Resveratrol in its chemical form as it can cause side effects to obese people. However, in a 2011 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, they state the Resveratrol was indeed a potent stimulant for weight loss as it helps induce the body to produce Adiponectin, which is a hormone that has weight loss properties.

In a report issued in 2010, stated in the publication called the Molecular Aspects of Medicine, Resveratrol indeed shows potential in reducing and treating heart diseases. They say that with the right dose of this chemical can help lower LDL or bad cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis and can help in maintaining good blood pressure.

In a review published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, they have stated the result of a study conducted to twenty participants in taking a steady dose of Resveratrol, for six weeks, once every day provide excellent results especially in the reducing the effects of aging and other symptoms naturally associated with aging. Also according to the authors of the said study, Resveratrol also shows promise in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

The main sources of Resveratrol are in the skin of grapes, especially red grapes. This makes red wine one of the favored sources of this chemical. However, one cannot take adequate amounts of Resveratrol through the intake of red wine, as the alcohol levels will overpower the beneficial effects of the chemical. It is still advised to eat red grapes instead than relying heavily on other synthetic forms of Resveratrol.

2. Capsaicin

This chemical is what gives the “hot and burning” sensation felt when eating chili peppers. This chemical has been used in many medical applications especially in providing pain relieving properties for people with chronic pain due to arthritis. However, many scientists today are also advising the use of capsaicin to help obese people manage their weight properly. Scientists and medical experts that are proponents for the use of Capsaicin all claim that this chemical helps increase metabolic rate and can reduce fat considerably. Earlier studies made on Capsaicin indicate some form of benefit as it aids people to slim down. Because of this claim, researches are made in order to further prove the claims of this spicy chemical.

In 2009, a study published in the journal, Clinical Nutrition, states the results of an experiment conducted with the help of 27 participants given regular doses of Capsaicin, coupled with green tea. The results showed that the participants reported to have fewer cravings, less appetite and as a consequence reduce calorie intake. A published study in the European Journal of Nutrition in the same year confirms the results reported in the journal Clinical Nutrition as they found out that Capsaicin reduces the effects of Ghrelin, which is a hormone that promotes hunger in the body. However, the use of the “Spicy” taste of peppers to promote appetite has been one of the main culinary techniques in many cultures which might be contradicting the said appetite curbing effect of Capsaicin.

In 2010, a report published in the Journal of Proteome Research say that Capsaicin can stimulate forms of protein present in the body that breaks down fat to improve its work. This shows that through the ingestion of Capsaicin, weight loss is an indirect result as it primarily helps the body produce enzymes that will breakdown fat. It is also critically pointed out that ingestion of Capsaicin through eating natural foods such as chili peppers are completely helpful, however the use of supplements, especially ingesting Capsaicin in its chemical form may cause irritation in the stomach and heartburn.

Also it has been observed that Chili pepper, though does not always curb appetite, can help in improving metabolism and the speedy break down of bad cholesterols which is the main cause of obesity and other illnesses connected with it.

3. Fucoxanthin

This component for many weight loss products come mainly from seaweed. Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid found in seaweeds such as the Wakame and Hajiki which are famous delicacies in Asian, mainly Japanese cuisine. The study on the effects of Fucoxanthin on the levels of cholesterol in the body has been spearheaded by various Japanese and Russian research teams. In Japan, researchers have discovered the effects of Fucoxanthin on the reduction of abdominal fat in mice and rats. These elated researchers are it proved the weigh-losing properties of the said compound. Though as studies on rodent proved to effectiveness of Fucoxanthin, it was still not confirmed if the same effects can occur with humans. This was the case until in 2006, when the Russian Academy of Natural Science conducted a research on Fucoxanthin.

It involves the participation of more than 140 individuals suffering from obesity. They were given steady doses of Fucoxanthin and alternated it with placebo in order to gauge whether Fucoxanthin only provided a placebo-effect only. The study was a success as the medical observations on the participants showed significant lowering of cholesterol levels and the reduction of liver fats, body fat and body weight. It was such a ground breaking accomplishment that it was awarded the best clinical trial conducted on that year.

Researchers agree that the reason why Fucoxanthin can produce weight loss effects is due to the reaction it has with the UCP1 protein. The reaction increases the rate of cholesterol burning, especially in the abdominal region. This also helps explain the findings seen by Russian researchers as their participant’s loss a considerable amount of fat surrounding the liver. The effects of Fucoxanthin can be compared to the Omega-3 acids normally found in fish oil. This can really help people suffering not only from obesity, but from other illnesses that are connected with the condition such as diabetes and heart diseases.

5. Vitamin D

The use of Vitamin D in helping people achieve weight loss was not given a whole lot of importance, especially due to the lack of evidence for it and the greater effects provided by other supplements. However, Vitamin D has gained its weight loss reputation through the study conducted by the University of Minnesota Medical School. They have concluded that the levels of Vitamin D in the body can be a gauge on the ability of a person to maintain optimum weight levels. Vitamin D levels can be the basis in order to gauge how effective a person’s metabolic rate is.

Shalamar Sibley, a leading researcher in the said study stated in the 91st Annual Endocrine Society meeting in Washington DC that vitamin D levels in the body can dictate the effectiveness of any weight loss procedure a person can undertake. It has been observed that the levels of Vitamin D in a person have a direct link on the how he or she can gain or lose weight.

In the study conducted by Sibley with the help of a team of researchers, they found out that the baseline of vitamin D levels in a body; predict the levels of weight loss a person can make, especially in the reduction of abdominal fat. This was an amazing discovery as it shows the direct effect of Vitamin D levels in the body. The study suggested that the inadequate levels of Vitamin D in the body can drastically lower the effect of various supplements in weight loss. This makes Vitamin D important to any weight loss regimen a person will undertake.

The study conducted by the University of Minnesota was jumpstarted by the results of various studies already made on the seeming importance of Vitamin D in the metabolic pace of the body. Researchers have already found a “hormone pathway” in the body. This basically means that there is an ongoing series of connected events induced by chemicals and hormones in the body that can become overactive, especially in the hormone pathway which concerns metabolism. It has been observed that the presence of adequate levels of Vitamin D helps inhibit the onset of obesity.

The study started off with an observation on the levels of Vitamin D in obese participants and they are all in average, have low levels of Vitamin D, highly inadequate to help inhibit weight gain and induce weight loss. Aside from weight loss properties, Vitamin D can also help people avoid debilitating diseases such as cancers. The a conducted survey in the United States, an estimated 36 percent of all young adults that are healthy have inadequate levels of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D can be obtained by eating mostly fish like, herring, tuna and salmon. Also it can be obtained by eating dairy products such as milk and yogurt and bread. Another important source of Vitamin D is the sun. Our bodies are capable of producing Vitamin D through the UV rays from the sun. Further researches will hopefully shed more light to the importance of Vitamin D in weight loss.

6. Vitamin B6, Phenemine and Phentermine

There are many other ingredients that are used for weight loss, but these three compounds form one of the most used ingredients for major weight loss supplements current sold in the United States.

Vitamin B6 is capable of aiding the body in manufacturing amino acids which are needed to protein build-up which is essential for tissue growth and repair. This vitamin can also provide treatment for a huge number of medical conditions and problems such as heart diseases, skin illnesses, nervous disorders and especially in this case, weight management and metabolism enhancer. Medical experts have recognized the efficiency of Vitamin B6 in inducing fat loss, especially if combined with selected herbal ingredients in order to form a product called Phenemine, which is a natural weight loss supplement that is very popular throughout the world.

Phenemine is the compound of Vitamin B6 and other herbal medicine that suppresses appetite effectively. It helps the body reduce cravings, burns excess fat and helps the body’s regular metabolic rate. It does not only halts cravings but also provides energy even with the lessen intake of food. Because of its effectiveness, Phenemine has become one of the most famous weight loss products for health conscious consumers worldwide.

Phenemine has been made to replicate the effects of another similar weight loss ingredient which is called Phentermine. This is a natural drug that improves the rate of losing weight and improves the metabolic rate of the body. This drug has been made available since the 1950s and since then researches of all sort have been made in order to confirm the effects of this drug.

In a study published in the 1968 issue of The British Medical Journal, states the results of a clinical experiment conducted on groups of women who were given 15mg doses of Phentermine every day on a 36 week trial. The results show considerable results such as the amount of pounds lost was twice as high as compared to using placebo. It has been observed that a group given a similar does of placebo in the same amount of rate and duration lost an estimate of 10lbs, while the group given Phentermine lost more than 27lbs. this is an amazing study which made Phentermine one of the most used drug-based weight loss product.

Further research was made on Phentermine and it also produced results that support the 1968 study on the said drug. In a paper published in the 2003 by UCLA, researches that conducted a Phentermine study showed considerable weight loss just by consuming precise doses of the drug. The study involved 188 volunteers who were given a daily dose of 8 - 30 mg of the drug. The experiment required the volunteers to only observe a low calorie diet in the course of the study. After 12 weeks, the group lost an average of 17 to 21 lbs. it was a successful replication of the study conducted almost 40 years ago.

The most recent study on Phentermine was conducted in Korea. In the 2005 issue of Yonsei Medical Journal, the study was reported to have the same weight loss result. It involves the participation of 34 individuals who were place in a strict 1,500 calorie diet everyday and were subject to a daily dose of 37.5mg of the drug. After the 14 week study, each participant, in average, lost 16.5 lbs, amounts to almost a monthly loss of 5 lbs.

According to research the effectiveness of Phentermine it resembles the effects induced by a sympathomimetic amine. It helps the body increase the production of Catecholamines, Norepinephire and Epinephrine which causes the body to lose appetite and improves the burning of fat during activities. The effective transformation of stored fat into energy helps the body cope with the lessened calorie intake, because of this, the body loses weigh yet the person does not feel less energetic.

According to studies made by the three independent studies stated above, the average weight loss of a person using Phenemine or Phentermine is determined by your initial weight, your gender and the lifestyle you are living in. However, according to research, if a person only uses a low calorie diet to induce weight loss and does not get involved in strenuous exercise will expect to lose at least on average, 15 to 30 lbs. however this will vary considerable from person to person.

Though Phentermine has been proven to be a potent weight loss product, it still has some negative side effects which should be considered. In the Korean study conducted in 2005, 15 individuals were seen to have suffered side effects such as drying of the mouth and insomnia. However, these side effects are not experience widely by Phentermine users. This still makes this product of great importance to people that want and needs to lose weight.


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