Famous People With Disabilities
The people discussed in this article are those brave and heroic people who have achieved a lot of success in their lives despite of all the hindrances they faced being physically disabled.
These valiant people have amazed the world with their courage, determination, strength and amazing will.
These people have overcome all the obstacles they faced and never let their disabilities come in their path of glory.
With their determination these extraordinary individuals have made a difference in the lives of a lot of people.
Such people are numerous who are a motivation for others, by proving that nothing is impossible when you have the will and determination to do it.
Famous Scientists Of The 20th Century
- Scientists Of The 20th Century
The only word that simply defines the 20th century is revolution. The change brought to the world during the 100 years of this century was huge.
Some of such personalities who have touched the world with their remarkable stories and amazing talent are given below:
Albert Einstein
When talking about the famous disabled people the first name that comes to the mind is that of the great Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein who is the greatest scientist of the twentieth century and the greatest physicist of all time had a learning disability in the early parts of his life.
Till the age of three he could not speak and was severely dyslexic and autistic.
As he grew older he started to focus on the only thing he was exceptional at and that was mathematics.
Soon he fought his disability and entered into the world of theoretical physics where he changed the face of physics and science forever.
His theory of relativity is said to be the most revolutionary theory of physics.
He won a Nobel Prize for his photoelectric effect theory in 1921.
Black Scientists Who Made Their Names In The World
- Famous Black Scientists
For prosper a country, there is a need to advance in technology, warfare, education and the field of medicine; all this is only possible by discoveries made and experiments led by scientists.
Famous Inventors In History
- Famous Inventors
Right when the first of our ancestors discovered how to make fire and stone made weapons and tools, we have continued to evolve and discoverer new things.
Famous Female Scientists
- Female Scientists
Science has really changed the shape of this Earth. But science couldn't prosper without the contributions of researchers and scientists.
John Milton
John Milton is one of the greatest and learned English poets of all times. He is said to be the most knowledgeable English poet of all time.
He spent most of his life working on theology, philosophy and history but he became blind at the age of 43.
It was after he became blind he wrote what is called one the masterpieces of English literature “THE PARADISE LOST”.
The fact that John Milton did not allow his blindness to stop him from writing poems and that he wrote his finest poems during his blindness makes him one of the most admirable disabled people of the world.
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of all time, he is the reason why we are using bulbs today.
He is the one who set the foundation for most of the electrical things that we use today.
No one can imagine that this great inventor of the 19th century was partially deaf and had a learning disability as a child.
He could not read up the age of 11 and was never the favorite amongst the teacher, but then who knew that the kid who could not read would one change the face of world with his inventions.
He turned the attention of the world first time by the invention of phonograph after that nothing could stop him.
He invented the electrical bulb and the telegraphic system.
He invented the carbon Telephone emitter which was the basis for the invention of carbon microphone. Indeed he was a great scientist and a great man.
Helen Keller
With out a spec of doubt Helen Keller is the bravest and the most amazing disabled person ever born.
She was deaf, blind and mute and despite of this she was one of the greatest women activist, socialist, authors and was the first deaf blind person to get a bachelors degree is arts.
How did she do it? The answer is sheer determination and Anne Sullivan. Anne Sullivan was Helen’s tutor who motivated her to study and compelled her to use her sense of touch and her mental power to achieve all the success that she was capable to achieve.
Helen Keller was born a normal child, but at the age of three a fever hit her which made her loose her sense of vision, hearing and speaking.
Her parents hired for her a tutor at the age of twelve who was Anne Sullivan. With the aid and support of Anne, Helen Achieved the success no one had ever imagined a deaf blind and mute person would do
Tanni Grey Thompson
Tanni Grey is perhaps the greatest disabled sport stars of all time.
This physically challenged woman used a wheelchair all her life but despite of that she won 16 medals at the Para Olympics.
Out of these 16, 11 are gold. She holds the record for making 30 world records in Para Olympics.
Tips And Advices For Disabled
- Fitness Exercises For Disabled
Who can refuse this fact that how much a recreation is significant for a human? It is not merely for the sake of fun or joy but it really freshens up the soul and body. - Self Defense And Safety Tips For Disabled
Being disabled, physically, means that you might have limitations in most of your activities. Disability can be of any type for instance you might be deaf, mute, blind. - Dog Assistance For Disabled
Disability can be of any form like any injury, limitations in activity or any restrictions in taking part. - Disability Aids
Flattering immobilized can twist custom tasks into enormous activities, but luckily there are numerous disability aids on the marketplace that is able to assist the disabled.