Exercises for Children : Utilizing the Nature and Having Fun
FUN playing
Exercises for children : exercise for children - utilizing the nature and having fun
This is my favorite topic, I love children and knows them all so well. I am a mom and I am proud of it, always will be. Of all the careers in the world it is the most precious career, of course fatherhood as well, wouldn’t you all agree? Fitness and fun plus utilizing the nature while being fit is the best. Children should be taught that as well, most parents will agree with me -- children should be able to appreciate the nature and what it does for them. Nature is the cheapest way for being fit. Walking, running and playing around outside will not cost us anything, only perspiration and it is good for us.
Remember, they are children only once and nature has lots to offer in terms of enjoyment and fun. We can also perspire while we watched them while they play, and the nice thing about it is that we can also enjoy the nature with them.. Even during winter time, the nature lets children appreciate the snow and what wonders can you do with it it. You can also read my other article about bonding with your children while having fun here.
utilizing the nature and having fun while child is exercising
Utilizing the nature and having fun - exercise and fitness for children
I grew up playing in the wild -- river, mountains, prairie and climbing trees. I have experienced riding in a carabao - (Philippines national animal). Carabao is almost the same as cow except that their color is black -- well there are white carabao as well, but they are rare. The meat from carabao is a little bit harder than the cow but it is the same in taste, almost I say. We had fun in the sun, in the rain - yes we play in the rain until we are soaked and after rolling in the mud and got dirtier, we go home, then change clothes then play again in the rain! There was never a dull moment -- we are free as a bird so to speak. I know the sound of each and every bird and I can properly tell what kind of worm I am digging in the soil. My mother will always tell us, it is healthful to have some dirt in your hands at times. It will increase your immune system, just wash your hands after playing and wash them thoroughly is the best-- mothers will say that.. And that is our form of fitness. We pick flowers in the prairie -- chase butterflies and play with birds, but they will always fly away with many children around. It has been a custom that when I go home from playing I have a bird in my hands and my mother will always tell me to set it free. I pouted because I ran after the bird, got my net in my hands and make it a captive after hours of chasing it with friends only to set them free again.
children biking with an adult
Benefits of physical activities/fitness for children
Physical activities are beneficial to children. According to American Heart Association (AHA) increased physical activity has been associated with (1) an increased life expectancy and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease plus physical activity (2) produces overall physical, psychological and social benefits. Inactive children are likely to become inactive adults. And physical activity helps with:
- controlling weight or maintaining it
- raising good cholesterol
- reducing the risk of diabetes and some forms of cancer
- improved psychological well-being, including gaining more self-confidence and higher self-esteem
- reducing blood pressure
children and environment
Recommendations for fitness
The AHA also recommends that :
- All children age 2 and older should participate in at least 30 minutes of enjoyable, moderate-intensity physical activities every day that are developmentally appropriate and varied.
- If your child or children don't have a full 30-minute activity break each day, try to provide at least two 15-minute periods or three 10-minute periods in which they can engage in vigorous activities appropriate to their age, gender and stage of physical
playing ball makes them alert
group playing -- form of exercise for children - fun fun fun
Fitness for children : utilizing the nature and having fun 1 -- Biking, running, and ball games
Biking, running, and ball games
Try to organize other children to play with your children so that they will go together like jogging, running, playing ball games in a wide place or area. Usually there are bigger parks for these activities like biking, just walking or passing balls with themselves. Yes, I am good at organizing people, talk to your neighbors if they have children who wants to be included in activities.
Usually children goes to school until summer time, so talk with parents about going together with children in a park or wide ball game area for children to just play around. At least an adult should be there to go with them, you can salsa find the nearest park if you can, go by group and it is more fun,
- They also develop strength and muscle, hand-eye coordination well when they play outside the house,
- They can sleep well at night as well as they are tired playing outside the house.
Fitness for children : utilizing the nature and having fun 2 -- enjoying the nature
Children likes to belong and go together plus they like to explore new things, they like to follow butterflies and they like bird watching in the park. Sit down with them and then take a walk follow the butterflies or birds, explain to them the beauty of the nature itself, while at the same time running and walking. Some children also climb trees with guidance of course. This is fun to develop their agility and risk taking behaviors. They will sense dangers and will know their limits. They should play with an adult though, supervised.
group playing
kite flying is fun!
Fitness for children : utilizing the nature and having fun 3 -- group play and creativity
Playing tag in a wide area, just chasing each other, kite flying. Kite flying is very artistic, you can do this with your child, they are very easy to make and you can play them in an open area. It is also best to play this game during spring, summer and autumn. During winter of course, snow is fun as well, snowballing and throwing snows and making figures out of snow is fun.
Group plays are also important for the child to develop emotionally, learning to play with other children expand their horizon in understanding others as well. it is more fun as well because more laughter, more fun and they develop a sense of understanding that they are not the center of attention always. They also learn to share toys -- the value of sharing in general.
When they play outside the house, they also think what nature has to offer to them and how the wind helps us in some ways, like the air, sun and the trees that surrounds us. The parent may help by explaining to them the values of nature.
nature with children -- playing time
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