How To Stop Yawning
How To Stop Yawning
Isn't it just embarrassing to not be able to stop yawning? This is specially true when you are in situations where yawning can be interpreted as you being bored, like when you are in a board meeting (bored meeting?), a job interview, a presentation, a funeral, <add your own situation here>. You get what I mean.
There are several theories trying to explain why we yawn. But the fact is, we don't really know why we yawn. And reading about the causes of yawning will probably make you yawn. That's a fact. (BIG YAWN).
Before I show my ancient and proven technique on how to stop yawning, let me serve you with some interesting facts about yawning first.
Blind people 'catch' a yawn when they hear it. So they'll yawn when they sense that somebody else yawned.
60 seconds – the average length of yawns.
When reading about yawning, most people tend to yawn. (But I bet you know that already. Can you count how many times you yawned before you finish reading this hub?)
More than half of the human population will yawn within 5 minutes after seeing someone else yawn.
Enough trivia. (YAWN . . .)
So how do you stop yawning?
Now I'm going to tell you how to stop yawning. This ancient technique has been passed on from one Kudlit generation to another. It has not been written until now. The secret to stop yawning is . . .
Lick your lips whenever you feel a yawn coming on.
Seriously, it works. Now you'll be needing some practice to be able to this when it matters. You won't automatically lick your lips when you feel like yawning.
We know that yawning is contagious. So for practice, I'm giving you a link to a yawning video. Watch the video and whenever you feel like yawning, start licking your lips.
Enjoy! (BIG YAWN)