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How to cook low carb delicious food

Updated on September 9, 2011

lose weight and feel great

Here in this hub, are some tips and suggestions on how to cook in a low GI style without giving up the pleasure of eating, staying healthy and slimming at the same time.

First of all you should use recipes that are low in saturated fat, high in fibre and also low in sugar. Some food and ingredients have also a low GI rate so you should use these food which have a medium to low GI impact.

This hub is all about low GI food basic ingredients that we can use to make recipes and meals, for instance, condiments and seasoning, types of flour, cereals and dairy products. Replacing your traditional ingredients with these ones, could be a positive start to test the benefits of the low GI diet and put you in the right mood to try the full version.


all the cereals have low GI rate except the shredded Wheat Bran that has a medium GI rate. Porridge with large flakes are particularly low in GI but generally speaking all cereals are very highly recommended for this kind of diet. All bran, High fibre bran, homemade muesli is the first port to call if you want to embark a low GI food regime.


skimmed milk contains very little fat and is rich in proteins. It is a marvellous substitute of other beverages to drink during the day while you are dieting because it is also naturally sweet.

Soya milk:

if you want to opt for soya milk choose the one that is not fat or low fat, since many beverage soya based products are rich in added sugar and fat.


black and green tea contain considerably less caffeine than coffee and are rich in anti-oxidants. Two cups of tea per day have a considerable more anti-oxidants than two glasses of orange juice, equivalent to seven cups of orange juice or twenty of apple juice. To maintain these benefits make sure you don’t add sugar and use skimmed milk.


if you can’t help giving up coffee you can opt for the decaf version and don’t add sugar in it. The principal problem with coffee is an high GI level that trigger the insulin excessively.

Sugar: definitely a no but you can use a sweetener instead or aspartame that is an excellent substitute of sugar.

Cereals Grains:

be aware that the conventional white rice with short grains is very high in GI, use basmati rice instead which has amylase which breaks down more slowly than that of other kind of rice.

Condiments and seasoning:

Oil: Extra virgin oil is excellent to use instead of the conventional one because is a monounsaturated fat and it is a very tasteful ingredient to your recipes. Other oils that are rich in monounsaturated fat are rapeseed oil and almonds oils. Having said that, watch carefully the amount: no more than one table spoon per serving. Try also to use an oil sprayer to help you not to exaggerate with the amount of oil you are using when you fry. Herbs and spices are all green light as well as teriyaki sauce and vinegar. If you like mayonnaise make sure that would be fat free. Another oil that is very beneficial is the one that it is found in fish because of the high rate of the so called omega-3. This is a fantastic nutrition that keeps the cholesterol low so that is extremely good for your heart too. Rapeseed seeds and salmon are very rich of this ingredient as well as some vegetable oils like the sunflower one.

Flours and grains.

We probably eat too much flours and grain products such as biscuits, bars, muffin bagels rolls and so on. No wonder that the flour that we usually eat in the traditional products sold in our supermarkets can be very harmful. However the problem is the type of flour they use in those products. White flour that has been processed and refined is not helping us in our effort to stay slim. This is part of the problem of why we are getting fat. So which are the flour that are not harmful for us? The ones that retain fibre that doesn't break very easily so that has got a low GI rate. Flour of this type are stone ground wholemeal, and the ones that have an high rate of fibre. Choose bread that have at least 3 grams of fibre per slice.

Dairy other than milk:

Regular cheese and creams are quite high in GI but fat free cottage cheese is not. As long as you can find fat and sugar free dairy products they can be used in your everyday meals without causing excessive GI rate.


it was blamed far too much for its high carbohydrate content as the main cause of getting fat. However pasta itself is not as harmful as normally perceived and if it used properly, can be a very good allied in losing weight. The secret is to watch carefully for the quantities: no more than 40g of cooked pasta preferably wholemeal with sauces that should be low fat and possibly with an high amount of vegetables in your dish. Most kind of pasta on the market have a low GI rating but avoid things like tortellini and stick with the dry pasta instead like spaghetti or penne.

These are some suggestions to introduce you to the low GI diet concept. There are many more ingredients and food to add. The key of this diet is to have everything in moderation (portions and servings are important too), and to provide the right supplies of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals through the day. It is not a depravation diet and does not require you to eat just one type of food, like for instance all those diets based on proteins or just one element (like the crazy diet where you would eat just pineapple because apparently burns fat). Those diets can be harmful for your health in the long term. They deprive you of fundamentals nutrients and cause imbalance that can lead to kidney damage, kidney stones and osteoporosis. They can lead you to fatigue, headache, nausea.

Remember that food is the key element for a good health, so whatever you want to do think twice about what would be the consequences of your chosen diet. Low carb recipes and food are an healthy way to lose weight.



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