List Of Foods That Have Vitamin A.
Helping you find Vitamin A.
Eating the right foods for our health is very important, but it's not always easy, especially if you have dietary restrictions or vitamin deficiencies. Some of the things that we eat are well labeled, and we can easily see what fat, sugar and calorie count they have. However this only helps us so much and can only go so far as the informing us of what the product contains.
I decided that to make things a bit easier I would compile a list of foods that contain vitamin A to start with and then go on to B, C, D, K etc until I think I have covered them all. That way it can be either printed off or bookmarked and referred to when required. I hope you find this list useful and the extra information I have added below, if you have anything that you would like to add, please feel free to leave a comment in the box at the bottom of this page.
- Carob.
- Ricotta cheese.
- Tofu.
- Egg.
- Liver.
- Chicken.
- Oyster.
- Salmon.
- Seeds.
- Alfalfa sprout.
- Wheatgrass.
- Cayenne pepper.
- Dandelion.
- Tumeric.
- Parsley.
- Bio-yoghurt.
- Bok choy.
- Cucumber.
- Prune.
- Silver beet.
- Cabbage.
- Milk.
- Asparagus.
- Apricot.
- Tomato juice.
- Peppermint.
- Curly endive.
- Broccoli.
- Basil.
- Orange.
- Corn.
- Butterfat.
- Fish liver oil.
- Carrots.
- Sweet potatoes.
- Spinach.
- Kale.
Useful Information.
Vitamin A is classed as an alcohol and is derived from carotene, as well as other associated carotenoid plant pigments. For every single beta-carotene molecule that enters the body two vitamin A molecules become converted from it.
Vitamin A is not found in plant sources however certain foods do contain beta-carotene and the caretonoids, which the body can then convert into Vitamin A. Chlorophyll in plants protects the pro vitamin from being destroyed by oxidization, as well as masking the yellow colour that the carotene actually is, and thats what also makes green vegetation, well, er, green.
Similarly vitamin A is pale yellow in appearance. Interestingly foods that contain Vitamin A that have been dehydrated or dried cause considerable loss and destruction of it's presents however conversely foods that have been frozen or tinned lose very little vitamin A during these processes.
A substance that is converted into vitamins by an organism (for instance;the human body) is classed more recently as a pro vitamin and formerly was better known as a precursor Beta-carotene is classed as one of these. The Values of vitamin A vary depending on the pigments. Vitamin A remains stable in the majority of average heat settings and temperatures from ordinary cooking requirements. But can be destroyed by oxidization and ultraviolet radiation. Is soluble in oils as well as fats and Caroteneprovita is found frequently in elements of nature.
Vitamin A is essential for the production of a retinal substance; rhodopsin, imperative in allowing us to still see even under conditions of diminished illumination, low lighting and enabling vision purple. If the Body does not get sufficient amounts of Vitamin A the structure of the bones will not be adequately maintained and will fail to grow properly, if at all.
Tissue growth will also be affected, excessively and noticeably dry skin will be the result of the abnormal condition to the outer surface of the body as well as the interior cavities. This can also lead to the body becoming more susceptible to the detrimental effects of the invasion of bacteria due to the lack of mucous membrane secretion.
If it is becoming harder for your eyes to grow accustomed to the dark at night, you maybe suffering from night blindness and experiencing early signs of Xerophthalmia. Vitamin A deficiency can really affect the normal healthy functioning of the eyes, without the full intake of recommended vitamins and minerals the eyes can dry up considerably, the tear ducts and glands can malfunction. If this condition is left without treatment for some time the eyes corneas ulcerate causing eventual blindness.
The body absorbs vitamin A via the small intestine, dietary fat and bile in the digestive tract enable this to happen, vitamin A has a quicker rate of absorption then carotene, however when mineral oil is present in the digestive tract, carotene does not utilize at all. Vitamin A plays an important part in the bodies ability to produce T-cells. It also aids the production of anti-bacterial enzymes. It is essential that the body has all the recommended vitamins and minerals everyday, to ensure the optimal functioning of a healthy body and a healthy mind.
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