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Oil of Oregano- The Strongest Most Effective Antibiotic Known to Man

Updated on December 29, 2015

Wild Oregano

Mountain of Joy

Oil of Oregano comes from the species wild Oregano (vulgare) and should not be mistaken with the common household Oregano (marjoram). Wild Oregano grows in remote mountainous areas of the Mediterranean, and is known to have amazing antifungal and antibacterial properties as well as being a potent antiviral and anti parasitic oil that reduces, inflammation and fights off infections.

The oil is extracted by both cold processing and steam distillation from the leaf of the plant. The ancient Greeks were of the first to record and recognize Oregano for its medicinal properties, and the word, “oregano” also comes from the Greek meaning, mountain of joy. Ancient Greek physicians like Hippocrates was recorded to use Oregano to treat stomach and respiratory disease, and 15th century physician Paracelsus used Oregano to treat diarrhea, psoriasis, vomiting, jaundice, and fungal diseases.

Two major compounds found in Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano contains two key compounds which are carvacrol and thymol. Carvacrol is a natural phenol that has powerful antimicrobial activity, and is able to inhibit the growth of several bacteria strains. Both these compounds have proven to have significant effects on harmful microorganisms that cause harm to the body. It is important when buying Oil of Oregano to make sure that it contains a minimum 70% concentration of carvocrol, and that the oil is taken from wild Oregano and not common household Oregano.

Most effective antibiotic known to man

Oil of oregano has an outstanding track record for building the immune system, obtaining antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti venom, and anti parasitic abilities, but most importantly anti-pleomorphism , which essentially is shape shifting. Bacteria, fungi and viruses have the ability to change form in the body which changes the chemistry within the body. Oil of Oregano is deadly to all pathogens no matter what form they assume. This makes Oil of Oregano the worst enemy to Super Germs.

Super Germs

Super Germs are the germs that have become resistant to antibiotics. The overuse of antibiotics by doctors has created mutant germs that have become resistant to antibiotics. This is why many of the antibiotics today are ineffective. ABC news reported not too long ago that MRSA is now resistant to 15 to 30 different antibiotics. These new antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria are getting out of control. There are statistics reported all over the web stating that infections acquired while in the hospital kill more people than Aids, breast cancer, and auto accidents combined, said to be the 4th leading cause of death in the US. Recent reports are now stating that infections such as MRSA which were once believed to only be picked up in hospitals are now infecting those in the general public as well. More and more new epidemics such ebola are on the rise. Our meats have been more recently contaminated with mad cow disease; salmonella and e-coli bacteria in chicken, parasites in sushi, and many of the antibiotics are becoming ineffective due to antibacterial resistant Super Germs.

Why oil of oregano is such an effective antibiotic

Essential oils that have antibacterial properties such as Oil of Oregano, Tea Tree oil, Patchouli, Lavender, Geranium have been reported to effectively kill these Super Germs, however large drug companies refuse to fund further research due to the fact they cannot patent the oils, source; The reason these oils are much more effective in killing these germs are due to the complexity of the chemical constituents found in essential oils. These oils have hundreds of components to them making it extremely difficult for bacteria to become resistant.

Oil of Oregano side effects

Oil of Oregano given all of it healing power is completely appropriate to title this oil the best natural antibiotic known to man. As good as Oil of Oregano may be, there are some side effects that you should be aware of.

1. May reduce the body’s ability to absorb iron, regular use of Oregano is recommended to be combined with other iron supplements. Not recommended for women during pregnancy.

2. Another reason pregnant women should avoid Oil of Oregano is that it can stimulate blood flow in the uterus, weakening the lining that surrounds the fetus in the womb.

3. If you have any allergies to thyme, basil, mint or sage you may want to stay away from oregano as well considering they are of the same family.

As always seek a professional herbalist for the proper applications to use this oil, and always consult with your doctor before trying anything new whether its natural or not.

Dr. Mercola mentions oil of oregano

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