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The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices, a book by Devika Primic

Updated on November 11, 2014

The Author

A fellow hubber here on Hubpages has written an interesting and informative book, The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices, which I have read. But, before getting into the book, I want to talk a bit about the author of this book, Devika Primic aka DDE.

Devika has such an interesting story to tell. As you will read on her profile page here on Hubpages, Devika is Indian by birth but born in the Republic of South Africa. Today, she lives in Dubrovnik, Croatia with her husband and loves her lovely and peaceful life there.

She speaks four languages: English, Afrikaans (S. Africa) Zulu (Africa) and Croatian. She is the third generation Indian born in S. Africa.

She writes content articles here on Hubpages and has done so for several years. I have always been interested in her articles because she is straightforward and positive in all she says. She has an upbeat attitude toward life that I love.

This published author has been challenged throughout her life by certain life experiences, which she has learned from, and they have given her the strength to move forward in life.

Throughout her life, Devika has adapted to new cultures and life in several different countries. But, in her heart she is always Indian. She says that writing has opened her mind to new and exciting experiences.

Many of her Hubpages articles are self-help content articles that inspire her readers to achieve whatever they dream. She does this by writing inspiring and positive subjects, topics and essays she writes here on Hubpages.

From reading her articles you see that Devika is beautiful through and through and this shines through in her writing.

What I like about Devika's articles and writing is that she does not hesitate to share her experiences in life with us and tries to help others by writing of her own experiences. Her openness to new situations and in sharing those experiences makes her writing unique. Her message basically is 'if I can do it so can you.' Her inspiration shines through all her writing.

Now, Devika, has taken her writing one step further in publishing her book on Amazon in hardback and ebook. I easily downloaded her book and read it on my Kindle and I now want to share my thoughts of her book with you.

Ajowan | Source
Zedoary | Source
Eldeberries, used to ward of the flu, and used in eldeberry wine - that will fix what ails you!
Eldeberries, used to ward of the flu, and used in eldeberry wine - that will fix what ails you! | Source

The book

Devika knows of what she writes about in The Simple uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices. She has written several hubs on this topic and finally she decided, why not write a book on the topic? So she did. Her book is well researched.

In an age where doctors throw a pill at us for every ailment we may have, Devika educates us on what healthy and herbal alternatives we have to drugs and what the pharmaceutical companies push. And, there are many alternatives she writes about. All of them are included in her book.

What she writes is an interesting and comprehensive guide to herbs, teas, and spices and her information is presented in alphabetical order for easy reference. She also includes illustrations of the different herbs, spices and teas which are so helpful to the reader.

Although she writes about dozens of herbs, spices, and teas from A to Z: Ajowan to Zedoary; the book is never boring. Her writing is concise yet descriptive and interesting and full of tips of both the benefits of and any side effects that can be experienced by them. She warns when certain herbs should not be used and under what circumstances.

She also writes with a good sense of humor. Her knowledge of her subject is outstanding and I, for one, am glad she shares this knowledge with us in this book.

She writes in a friendly tone and her style of writing is easy to read and follow. She has written this with such ease and her words flow smoothly. Devika's pleasing personality comes through in her writing and I found this book to be a fascinating read.

Besides educating us on the different herbs, spices and teas, she also clears up the differences between Green and Black Teas, something I didn't know all of and I found very interesting and informative. She includes the Top Cures from Around the World, The Best Traditional Medicine, Benefits of Korean Red Ginseng, and The Best Beauty Secrets from Around the World.

Ok, ladies who doesn't need more tips on Best Beauty Secrets? I can always use some! And it is amazing which herbs, teas and spices help us with our inner and outer beauty.

There is so much included in this book that I, for one, will be referencing and checking back to this from time to time. She takes the time to describe each herb, includes an illustration, and gives well rounded information on each one.

There are also some interesting and surprising uses for some of these herbs, spices, and teas.

Which herb enhances a woman's sexual enjoyment?

Which spice is an aphrodisiac?

Which herb is a symbol of love throughout Europe?

Which is the most sacred herb in all of India?

Which tea was used as an antiseptic in Listerine before antibiotics were used?

All these questions and more are answered in Devika's knowledgeable book. I highly recommend reading this guide to herbs, spices and teas.

Devika takes the life lessons she has learned over the years and along with her positive attitude, she has published a book that is informative, knowledgeable, helpful, and interesting, too. As she continues to grow, Devika is constantly taking on new challenges as attested by her new book.

Devika is a person who is beautiful both on the inside and out and her goodness shines through in this book.

And so, it is my pleasure to highly recommend to you Devika's book, The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices!

Inca peanuts.  Learn about them in Devika's new book.
Inca peanuts. Learn about them in Devika's new book. | Source

© 2014 Suzette Walker


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