This Thing Called Faith
Faith can move moutains and faith (in God) can raise the dead!
Oh no, not the "F" word!
I once read a hub from an Atheist writer who was convinced that the world would reach a form of Utopia if religion just up and disappeared! That somehow if people could be more rational and scientific, things would improve. The strange thing is that I use to believe the same thing! Once in my life, I saw most religions as a form of a parasite that wanted to control others. In fact, sometimes I wonder what it was that changed me, in such a powerful way.
After meditating on this for sometime, I finally came to the conclusion that one of the most significant things that brought about the transformation in me, was my mother's prayers and her faith. There were times that she had more faith in me, than I did in myself!
From conversations I have had with the Atheist and Agnostic minded, they seem to view faith as “unscientific” and not associated with the real world! Even so, more and more scientific studies are starting to show the benefits of prayer. There are studies that make it appear that prayer affects the brain and even can change it!
It also appears that different forms of prayer affects the brain in different ways. For example, some form of prayer and meditation activates the frontal lobe of the brain, while “spirit filled prayers” or what have been called speaking in tongues actually quiets the frontal lobe! This brings to mind what scriptures say about "be still and know that I am God." What if the very act of speaking in tongues puts us in communication with God and shuts down are normal thinking process? Farfetch, you say? Not according to the evidence that has been accumulated so far by the scientist who have researched the subject.
In fact, I supply a link to a very powerful video that delves into the results of one of those studies. This video by the way, was produced by news station and NOT a religious organization. As I have said before, in the finale analogise science will point towards God and yet, many will still refuse to believe this! With some people you can raise someone from the dead in the name of Jesus and they still will not believe!
I have personally experienced a gradual increase in my faith and answered prayers that was as simple as resolving computer problems to restoring the sight in my right eye after being blinded for two days by a freak accident! I also have had seen and felt the results of the Holy Spirit working in my life and others around me. My faith did not increase because of what others told me, but because of what I have witness first hand! Just like speaking in tongues (also known as Glossolalia), I did not understand the power and the reality of this, until I myself have experienced It!
Now that I have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I have a whole new insight and understanding of the Bible and the things within the scriptures that use to baffle and infuriate me. As I exercise my faith, and it grows day by day, many things that were an issue before do not have power over me as much as in the past. More and more I experience the "peace that passes understanding."
Brain food
Prayer works, what more can I say?
This video is profound and puts it all in perspective!
A Personal invatitation to "come see!"
When it comes to the "baptism of the Holy spirit" different denominations have separate viewpoints on when you receive this baptism. Most seem to feel that this happen when one is baptised with water however, I was only nine years old when I became baptised and did not have the kind of experience that I have had just recently when I DID receive an out poring of the Holy Spirit. For me, it is something which takes time. Drawing on my own personal experiences, I found out that I first had to repent of my sins and then surrender to the will of God. This by the way, was a very difficult thing for me to do for I have a rebellious spirit and have been blinded by arrogance for arrogance sake alone! I have often thought I was better than someone else, when that was a complete foolishness!
I had to return to a child-like state and not over complicate things with my obsession with analysing everything to death! I had to let go of the things I did know and embrace the things that I did know. For that which I do know is that God loved me and died so I would have the opportunity to join Him in His kingdom!
There is so much more I can say on this subject and yet in this case I believe less is more, and I will end this with a personal invitation to those who may be in North Eastern Florida to "come see" what activated faith is all about and drop in to worship with a church that is dedicated to promoting the love of Jesus! (Our link below, The Connecting Point).
Here are some links incluiding two powerful videos that I was not allowed to embed
- the connecting point
This is the link to The Connecting point that I promised.This is like no other other church that I been to. In fact we view ourselves as "a antithetic community of Christ followers." - God's desire in us
Here is hub I found truly inspiring that speaks of God's desire to transform us to be like Him! - What is baptism in the Holy Spirit? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
What is baptism in the Holy Spirit? - Speaking in Tongues: Alternative Voices in Faith - ABC News
Speaking In Tongues: Word of the Lord? - Prayer May Reshape Your Brain ... And Your Reality : NPR
Scans show that people who spend untold hours in prayer or meditation go dark in the parietal lobe, the brain area that helps create a sense of self. A researcher says these people may be rewriting the neural connections in their brains altering how - True FaithWhat God Says! (Part 1) - YouTube
The Bible declares it is "impossible to please God" without faith. But what is faith? There are many opinions and human definitions. What does God's Word rev... - Speaking in Tongues Medical Study proves Holy Spirit praying - YouTube
Univ of Phil. study examines people who speak in tongues with MRI which proves the speech center is not If you want to know more a...