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What Do You Really Want Plus The Law of Attraction at Work
The past month where I felt like I was in a rut, I had to grapple with the question “What do you really want?” How can I make the law of attraction work for me? I understood in the mind level that whatever thoughts and feelings I had, whatever I was most focused on I will drew that into my experience. Why? Because this is what is uppermost in my consciousness and in my awareness and so this is what I will “see.”
I understood that I had to be clear about what I want from life. I have to have goals so I can use all the tools that I have – intelligence, talents, skills, character to fulfill these goals. I also realized that gratitude, having a positive attitude and mindset is part and parcel of the law of attraction at work.
I seem to know all of these theories and concepts but somehow there is something amiss. Here is my dilemma unraveled.
I knew I wanted to be a ripplemaker. Deep in my heart, I have discovered that I yearned to make a difference in the world. How? It seemed very vague then. It was just this big, broad statement of “making a difference in the world.”
Then I was introduced to Hubpages...and writing online…and the possibility of earning extra income for it. The discovery was an exciting thing. I’ve always wanted to write but to earn as well? Wow! What a wonderful opportunity!
I browsed through the hubs and read the awesome work of different writers all around the world. Suddenly, I felt very small. How can I possibly write as well as them? Fear and doubt crept in.
But one fine day, I shoved doubt to the side and started to write. I guess the yearning was bigger that my doubts of being not good enough. I cautiously took tiny steps and published a hub every now and then.
I was surprised when people started to comment on my inspirational hubs. When I published the hub “Angels Among Us,” there were so many comments coming in that I was overjoyed and overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed to the point of disbelief. I began to feel uncomfortable within. I found myself wanting people not to comment and say nice things because I couldn’t believe they were actually very touched with what I’ve written.
The Law of Attraction
I share to you this struggle because I deeply recognize how things can get mixed up within. I wanted to make a difference and yet at the same time I felt I was not good enough to do that. This constant battle makes it difficult to achieve my goals. Can you see what I was doing? I wanted to write and touch people’s lives but when they start telling me how touched they were, I want to push them away! I did that by my disbelief. And when people do not comment anymore, I would then tell myself, “See, nobody likes you and your writings.” I tell you it’s a mess!
In Angels Among Us, I shared a conversation to you I had with my friend Daisy. It was a very emotional moment for me. I had to recognize and acknowledge who I am. For when I started in my journey of knowing who I am; then and only then, could I start uncovering what I really want from life.
I allowed myself to grow as ripplemaker. I gently blossomed.
During my journey, I found myself under stormy skies; and every now and then, the noise of doubt would bring me into a place of confusion and it is during these times that I would be in a rut. Perhaps I am wrong. What if I am wrong? I am so boring, unexciting. Being good is so boring. People can’t relate to that. People hate inspirational things. Me? An inspiration? Yeah right!
There were also many wonderful, joyful, positive moments of joy and laughter and light. In these moments, when I am in touch with my divinity and I am not under the darkness of self loathing and criticism, I grew some more. Appreciation gave me a breathtaking view of persons and circumstances. Compassion and love flourished in this time and space.
The past month when I was in a rut, I chose to deal with what was bothering me. I dealt with the vestiges of feelings of unworthiness; and this time came out with a clearer vision of who I am and what I wanted to do with my life. No longer fearful, I saw visions of radiance and brilliant lights of inspirations. Love thriving. And peace descended upon me.
Being in a rut wasn’t so bad huh? For it is during this time that I redefined myself as a ripplemaker. I re-wrote my dream book, my vision board came to life once again. I understand now that for the law of attraction to work in my life, for God to be able to help me with what I wanted to do, I had to be clear on who I am and what I wanted to do and have in this life.
May the light of wisdom and understanding be yours as well. Blessings!
By: Michelle Simtoco
Sometimes we feel small and insignifcant but a small ripple can gain momentum...

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