To lose weight what is best, running on the treadmill 45 minutes first thing in

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  1. Wandah profile image64
    Wandahposted 14 years ago

    To lose weight what is best, running on the treadmill 45 minutes first thing in the morning, or...

    30 minutes morning and 30 minutes late afternoon?

  2. profile image58
    shandirapriceposted 14 years ago

    the best way to lose weight is exercising and eating right, if you cut out sugars such as sodas, candy,fruit drinks, and cakes, and cut out carbs suchs as white rice, patatoes,white bread, and any kind of process foods and also cut out calories and do at least and hour worth of exercise and be consistant you should lose weight. but here's one of my tricks. i ate activia yogurt once a day for a month and ate total brand cereal with2% milk twice a day and excercised 1hour a day for a month and i lost 15 pounds

  3. rented_halo profile image60
    rented_haloposted 14 years ago

    Plain and simple: 
    Eat lots of fruits & veggies.  Eat as few processed foods as possible.  Eat nuts.  Drink water - 1 oz of water per 2 lbs of body weight.  (I weigh 160 & drink 80 oz/day)  And exercise with increased heart rate for at least 30 minutes 3-5 days per week.

    Drawn out & long-winded:
    Repeated periodic exercise is best.  The best advice I can give is to work out a little at least three to five days a week, but be sure to raise your heart rate, and keep it raised for a sustained period.  I would say that just 30 minutes in a day regardless of when it is would be adequate, but there may be something about hormonal levels or body chemicals that might make morning runs more productive time spent for you, plus it's a great way to wake yourself up.

    Cutting unnecessary carbs and sugar is good advice, but you don't need to horribly deny yourself unless your metabolism is really slow.  As a rule most of your food should come from plants - fresh fruit and veggies are the best.  Clean and good fatty protein like nuts - cashews, almonds etc will help tide you over and give you good omega fats which also help reduce cholesterol.  A handful (8-20) of almonds will tide me over for at least an hour - and the eating of fruits and veggies (avoid corn as it's mostly just sugar) of all shapes and colors will keep you grazing all day long on high quality, high nutrient, but low calorie foods and the nuts keep you sated.  There's a place in there for lean meats too, but meat calories should only account for maybe 20% of your intake - this isn't dieting advice - but everyday, everyone should cut down on the meat consumption advice - especially stuff like burgers and bacon.  Those can be great for a BBQ or something, but no one should be eating red meat or fatty meat every day.  Our bodies aren't meant to eat like that.

  4. profile image0
    Retsuzenposted 14 years ago

    To actually answer your question, 45 mins in the morning is best before eating. FYI that is the military's secret...the basic trainees run 2 miles before breakfast everyday..

  5. profile image0
    TheSMCimaginationposted 14 years ago

    Follow my hub.  In addition to telling people about great eats in Chicago, I will soon get more into my own weight struggles.  If you follow it for a while, I am sure you will find yourself well informed.

    It's called The Bottomless Plate.

  6. personaltraining profile image44
    personaltrainingposted 14 years ago

    I like (actually I hate it, but i force myself cos i want the results!) a 30 - 40 minute jog first thing in the morning before breakfast.

    I feel that this forces my body to use stored energy (ie fat) for fuel, rather than just burning the calories from my last meal.

    I'm quite pleased with my results since I started doing this, so I'm confident to recommend it to other people as well. However there's also a fact that the body requires carbohydrates to convert fat stores to energy... so, the science suggests having a light meal first. Regardless of this, I am going to stick with jogging before breakfast for now at least, because it seems to be working for me.

  7. phoenixgbr profile image62
    phoenixgbrposted 14 years ago

    lose the treadmill - you will get better results running outdoors

  8. AskAshlie3433 profile image61
    AskAshlie3433posted 13 years ago

    As long as you do it, it doesn't matter what time you choose. It is so important to eat right. When you eat the right food and exercise, you will see results sooner. Best of luck.


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