Do you think that doctors/scientists have found the cures for diseases and they

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  1. T.Y._Hudson profile image61
    T.Y._Hudsonposted 13 years ago

    Do you think that doctors/scientists have found the cures for diseases and they aren't telling us?

    I just read that a place called NIAID, spent $1.541 billion on AIDS in 2009. More surprising, was that they had only spent 3% of that, on "finding a cure" research.
    I never hear about AIDS anymore. It seems like a disease from the past. I've heard, that due to aggressive treatments, having HIV these days, is like a walk in the park. But considering how much money we have spent on it over the years, It seems kind of funny that we don't have a cure.
    So consider this, if they cure AIDS, they can't get paid to treat it anymore. Same goes for all the other diseases that we spend billions on.

  2. fundguru profile image61
    fundguruposted 13 years ago

    Well I cannot say anything about the development to fight HIV, but with view to Cancer it seems that doctors and scientists do not want you to know how else to cure it.

    Already during world war two Nazi scientists found a cure versus many variations of cancer. They came to the result, that it can be cured just by consuming organic oils, especially from plants that store a lot of sun energy in the seeds from which the oil is won.

    Imagine you would just by some good oils and the cancer would vanish, then it would cost you maybe $ 50-100 Dollar to be cured, instead of the $ 100.000+ that the chemo therapy and the radiation treatment would cost.

    Can you imagine why some lobbies and industries do not want that this knowledge becomes spread?

    Also look at skin cancer. There a plenty reports around the globe  how people simply healed it while using cannabis oil. In youtube you will find a few ideos about it.

    Obviously in many nations there are lobbies iterested in banning things, in order to sell alternatives that cost multiple times to make high profits.

  3. Freethinker79 profile image58
    Freethinker79posted 13 years ago

    Well there is a cure for just about every disease. But it has nothing to do with doctors/scientist. If you know your body and understand what does what. Clean the organs that filter and thatll clean your body. Along with keeping your body alkaline and not acidic. Bacteria and viruses cant survive in an alkaline, oxygen rich environment.

  4. profile image0
    vinsanityposted 13 years ago

    No. Than make more money if they have more cures. Also, it's a lot harder to find the cures for the disease than it would be to help the people.

  5. teamrn profile image60
    teamrnposted 12 years ago

    I've read several posts that say scientists and docs don't want there to be certain cures because they stand to profit (individually) if their cures/treatments are followed. While that may be true in a few isolated cases (watering down of chemo, we all saw the film, "The Fugitive"), but those cases are rare.

    Just put yourself in the place of another human being, in this case, a doc. Can you honestly say that if you had a treatment/cure that would end your mother's suffering, that you'd sit on it? FOR ANY REASON?

    Docs and scientists are human beings; sure there are a few not-so-good ones, but by and large and I MEAN BY AND LARGE, they have the best interests of every patient on their minds. We have to challenge them if we don't feel that they do, and too many people expect Marcus Welby kind-of-care. Well, those days are gone, not to return.

    The will always, and SHOULD always be altnerative therapies; after all, they were therapies well-before tradional western cures became known and they have a reason for being. But just like the bad doc, there is a snake-oil salesman.


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