Should I offer my services for free?

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  1. BizGenGirl profile image80
    BizGenGirlposted 13 years ago

    Should I offer my services for free?

    I am a personal development, or success coach, and I am having a hard time deciding... maybe you can help?

    Should I offer my services for free to build a strong reputation? Or should I charge a small and very affordable fee? Or should I charge more?

    What is success worth these days?

    If you can provide your answer in a hub, that would be awesome, but I love all answers smile

  2. gary dube profile image67
    gary dubeposted 13 years ago

    Free is the most popularly searched word. One model can be offering your service for free and attract a significant traffic... sign up for adsense.. and the money should start trickling in

  3. Dorothee-Gy profile image67
    Dorothee-Gyposted 13 years ago

    I would not offer services for free. It is extremely unfair towards everybody who needs to earn a living by doing what you do and it also shows (in my opinion) that you do not honor your own value. I think you should charge what is normally charged and trust that you will build a reputation, but then you won't have to increase pricing down the road, which, as I heard, is the most difficult thing.

    Peope want everything for free, but that doesn't mean that they also value it, if they get it for free. If they are looking for help and you can provide it effectively and professionally, how could you justify giving them your service for free. Isn't it worth that they also put in their energy (=money)?

    Most people, if they look for professional advice, will not take you seriously if they don't have to pay for you. They will not do what you tell them, since it has this non-commital touch to it, they don't expect much and they do nothing for it. If they pay their hard-earned money, they have a clear-cut expectancy and you have to deliver, and that's a clear deal between you. And they also have to be committed to their own goals, they don't want to throw the money out of the window, so they have to prove to themselves that they did the right thing, that's a huge motivator.

  4. creativebutterfly profile image60
    creativebutterflyposted 13 years ago

    You charge what you are worth and people with pay what you are worth.   Giving away free sessions or reducing fees can have people believe you do not believe in yourself.   
    If you want to give away anything give small fee workshops where you can pick clients up who will pay what you are worth.
    As a health and wellness coach I have learned over the years that if people pay for the service they are more committed to the coaching.  You want clients who are committed and get results so that you can build up good testimonials and clients who are achieving .....

  5. xethonxq profile image67
    xethonxqposted 13 years ago

    I'm inclined to encourage you to charge for your services. Everyone loves free...but don't sell yourself short. If your services produce results people will pay. When you become rich and famous then offer some pro bono services. smile

  6. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    Offering your services for free will, in the end, devalue your work.  First and foremost you will have to convince people that you yourself are successful if you are going to tell them how to be successful.   Free services does not give a message of success.  I would charge something if I were you.

    As human beings we tend to value things we pay for and discount free things as either less valuable or things we are entitled to.

    Dorothee-Gy hits the nail on the head.  I would agree with her.

  7. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    Personal, I will conduct my first session in coaching as free introductory. This will open up the views of those who are willing to learn from me. It will also show that I am qualified to conduct this course and what they are paying for will be worth every cents.

    The concept is like circulating viral with shareware products. You will allow those would be clients to know a little about what they are getting for. This is what I do for my business and it spreads through word of mouth as my reputation builds up.

  8. BizGenGirl profile image80
    BizGenGirlposted 13 years ago

    You've all provided awesome answers! I'm so grateful for the insight, and it has opened up a whole knew avenue of thoughts and directions for me to consider. I look forward to more in depth answers!

  9. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    If you have a skill, then your skill has value.

    Do not sell yourself out, before you even get started.

  10. Brainy Bunny profile image93
    Brainy Bunnyposted 13 years ago

    Edhan makes a good point. If you're concerned about attracting clients, why not offer a free consultation to find out their needs and show them what you can offer? You can make the targeted hard sell in person once you know exactly what they're looking for.


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