What causes the bumpy ridges in fingernails? Some of my nails have them and some

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  1. Laura Schneider profile image79
    Laura Schneiderposted 13 years ago

    What causes the bumpy ridges in fingernails? Some of my nails have them and some don't.

  2. emdi profile image62
    emdiposted 13 years ago

    Do you have asthma or breathing related problems?

    1. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting question! Yes, I have two  breathing-related problems that are very mild and don't normally affect me. Perhaps you've nailed (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun) the problem right there!! Thanks for your comment!

  3. Moon Daisy profile image78
    Moon Daisyposted 13 years ago

    I've got these too.  They are horizontal ridges, (from the tip to the bottom of the nail).  I wonder if yours go the same way..  I've had them for the last few years, and have assumed that they were from dryness, as my skin has got very dry within that time also.

    It's interesting that emdi asks about asthma, as I am asthmatic.  I hadn't considered anything to do with this before.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed! I hadn't considered breathing-related problems before, either! Very interesting.  Oh— my ridges go vertically, parallel to the growth off the nail and opposite to yours. Thanks for your comments, Moon Daisy!

    2. Juline Kerr profile image60
      Juline Kerrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good old fashioned H2O will do wonders for your skin and nails. The rule from my Nutritionist (former Mr. Universe) - drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces - daily. Good luck!

  4. profile image0
    Phoebe Pikeposted 13 years ago

    It often means a lack in nutrition. Things like jello and more proteins can help your nails become stronger and healthier.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh good—I love Jello! A good excuse to make and eat more of it. That and more protein—yum! Thanks for commenting!

  5. greatstuff profile image94
    greatstuffposted 13 years ago

    Your nail will can tell the state of your health. I think bumpy ridges could be due to stress level being high.

  6. hirundine profile image60
    hirundineposted 13 years ago

    I had that and still do, faintly, in ring finger left-hand and little finger; next too.

    Yet a few years ago, it was growing on all nails plus thumbs; in a similar way. They were becoming brittle too. Yet, once I switched over to a morning bowl of muesli. The condition cleared up and even my toenails became sleek and hard. Since I make a version of muesli, that is with nuts and seeds. Sunflower and sesame using filbert and almond mostly. The condition began to improve when I started drinking a glass of chia seed in water, each morning. After that, I had also started muesli and cut out the chia seed. So obviously the condition is reversible, no matter the cause.

    1. Juline Kerr profile image60
      Juline Kerrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Calcium (vitamin d milk) (don't take calcium supplements b/c it's easy to overdose) and plenty of H2O daily and after a month or 2, the ridges will be a distant memory. :3

  7. debbie roberts profile image71
    debbie robertsposted 13 years ago

    Some of my nails have developed slight ridges as I've gotten older, I was told that it can be a sign of damage to the nail bed. I tend to go along with that as although I try to look after my nails, just the doing the day to day housework must cause some nail bed damage over the years.

  8. Maddambutterfly profile image73
    Maddambutterflyposted 13 years ago

    I'm going to have to agree with emdi answer. I came down with pneumonia a year ago and my nails formed horrible ridges! As my lungs continue to get better the ridges are slowly going away.

  9. thebestyou profile image60
    thebestyouposted 13 years ago

    I have always heard it is some kind of vitamin or mineral deficiency

  10. melbel profile image93
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    Ridges often occur as you age, the older you get the more pronounced they become.

    Really pronounced ridges could be the sign of an underlying health condition such as malnutrition, diabetes, or even as a side effect of a medication. My sister has a ridge on her pinky finger from nail damage that occurred when she was a kid.

    I've got slight ridges, the kind nobody else notices, but I sure notice! I do try my best to take care of my nails by making sure I have enough folic acid in my diet. This helps prevent them from splitting and cracking, but I'm not sure if there is a relationship between folic acid and ridges.

  11. Castle Moms profile image56
    Castle Momsposted 12 years ago

    Ive had ridges in my fingernails as well, my entire life.
    I went to the doctor for this as a kid and found out that it was a zinc deficiency.
    Though, in beauty school I did learn that it often means there is an underlying health problem. Though these problems usually start to show in your hair as well. Loss of hair or weak and brittle hair are just a few examples. Your hair and your nails are usually the first to show signs when there is a definite health risk.
    There can also be many other factors for these ridges, such as;
    Environmental changes,
    Color change due to smoking and or environment,
    Damage to the nail bed,
    Age can definitely weaken the surface.
    Most likely if you are young and of good health they are just likely to be more of an annoyance than anything and not very attractive to you.
    If you have a pretty strong nail plate, meaning your nails do not often crack and only flexible when wet, then you can remove these ridges.
    Simply buy a buffer from your local beauty supply and run back and fourth over the surface of the nail itself.
    I suggest buying two types of buffers.
    One that is much rougher, this will remove the ridges and another that is smoother, this will finish the nail with a smoother finish.
    Always file the nail after anytime you "clip" your nails, this will keep your nails from splitting.
    You can also try finishing with a clear polish

    1. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Too cool! You are a wealth of information, and I will begin taking zinc supplements right away. Who knew? Thanks for taking the time to write all of this out--it is very helpful to me and I'm sure other readers as well.


    2. Jackie Lynnley profile image85
      Jackie Lynnleyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I will try zinc too, thanks but although my nails are like that I have a very thick, strong head of hair that will never change if anything like my mothers.

  12. shaneesangel profile image60
    shaneesangelposted 12 years ago

    Are your nail ridges vertical, if yes then you probably have dry skin, Start drinking more water and use moisturizer. For horizontal nail ridges i can only say that it might be due to some underlying health problem you can consult your health care provider.

    Source: http://natures-best-home-remedies.blogs … nails.html

  13. profile image54
    Clementine8posted 12 years ago

    Ive always had these and i knew it had something to do with my health. Have a think about the condition of your skin and hair as they will also be indictors or your over ll health and diet. Are the dry etc.The ridges are usually a lot more prominent on the thumbs.
    Ridges on nails are a common sign a nutrient deficiency, usually iron, the b vitamin groups or not enough oils in the diet.  It can also be a sign of poor thyroid function.
    If you are feeling tired talk to your doctor about getting your thyroid function checked and iron levels.
    If your hair is brittle and weak and your skin dry, drink more water and et more good oils such as nuts, seeds and avocados.
    And to make your nails grow strong and healthy rub some vitamin E into the nail bed before you go to sleep each night....You will see the difference within a week!!

    1. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Cool! I never noticed it before, but you're right: the ridges on my thumbs are more pronounced. I'll follow your other advice above, too. It's on my list to ask my doctor questions about thyroid and iron and these ridges. Thanks much for your help!

    2. Juline Kerr profile image60
      Juline Kerrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Clementine in reference to vitamin E. However, it's a calcium deficiency, not Iron and dehydration is the #1 cause of ridged nails. Vitamin E needs to be taken orally (1000 IU) daily and drink 1/2 of your body weight I fl. ozs daily too.

  14. profile image55
    Jerryjarposted 12 years ago

    Do you have asthma or breathing related problems?

  15. Charrstarr profile image61
    Charrstarrposted 12 years ago

    Well I had the same thing in my nails....pits in the nails as well as ridges. They were also very tender to the touch at times....so one day, I went to the Dermatologist as a second opinion because my primary care had no clue ( as most times most Doctors.... they have no clue. lol) Well, the Dermatologist told me that the pits and ridges were due to psoriasis. They gave me these little creams but mentioned that there wasn't much they could do besides that.

    Hope this helps. smile

    1. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks! I can use all the help I can get. (Couldn't we all, right?) I'll be sure to see a dermatologist and ask about the psoriasis cream if my nails get so bad that they are tender or get pits in them. :-) Thanks again for your help!

    2. Charrstarr profile image61
      Charrstarrposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    3. Juline Kerr profile image60
      Juline Kerrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry if this comes across harshly, but its nutrition 101. Your GP needs to retake that class. It's calcium, Vitamin E and H2O. I'm not irritated at you. I'm stunned that a doctor doesn't know something so simple.

  16. greencha profile image59
    greenchaposted 12 years ago

    From my understanding it could be symptomatic of deficiency of minerals/trace minerals/or and certain vitamin/s. Trace mineral wise it could be lack of Selenium,(Selenium is specifically good/essential for healthy hair/nails. In  Western Europe there is a natural deficiency of Selenium in the soil,especially in UK and Denmark-where there is a law demanding farmers put Selenium additives in the soil. Which we should do here in UK.)Zinc,or Potassium.
        Vitamin wise,it  could be a lack of Vitamin C or B (combinations) I would only be concerned if its very pronounced and getting progressively worse. In that case a call to your Doctor would be advisable.

  17. profile image51
    christinaplaistowposted 11 years ago

    It's almost always a dietary imbalance. Sometimes they can be a sign of a serious health problem like thyroid issues but normally they are caused by things like iron deficiency.  Ridges in the finger nails can also be a sign of heavy metal poising.  Your Doc should be able to run some easy blood labs to see if all of your mineral levels are good. From there you can add a supplement or if something is too high consider filtering your tap water.  Some water supplies are too mineral rich and need to be filtered.

  18. Kristie Layne profile image57
    Kristie Layneposted 11 years ago

    They are signs of poor health. Have a check up and watch your health and diet.

  19. evamaries profile image60
    evamariesposted 11 years ago

    Anytime you see a change in your body whether it be ridged fingernails, dry brittle hair, skin rashes, that can be caused by a variety of things one being allergies there is something else going on underneath the skin.  There is something your body is telling you and it can be difficult to find out what it is.  Unless your symptoms are threatening your quality of life asking your doctor may not give you the answer that you want.
    I also had the same problem and being as persistant as I am I asked my doctor and he said it was the way my body was laying down its protein.  That's a big statement that can be hard to understand in just a few words.  But he said simply taking gelatin can help that.  It can be purchased over the counter in any store in the baking section.  Hope this helps!

  20. profile image52
    Vijay antonyposted 11 years ago

    Ya the answer for this ques is many people are having tis problem...This is due to allergies wic was said by experts

    1. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That makes sense--I'm allergic to everything :-). Thanks Vijay antony.

  21. galleryofgrace profile image69
    galleryofgraceposted 11 years ago

    I've read all the replies and they are all on target, especially the zinc deficiency and dermatology problems. There is one more reason that was left out.
    Using nail clippers to trim your nails rather than a file will cause ridges that are vertical; running from the cuticle to the tip.

  22. suzettenaples profile image91
    suzettenaplesposted 11 years ago

    I have been told by doctors and nurses that it is a vitamin deficiency. Although, I don't know who've vitamin.  I have been told gelatin strengthens nails- don't know if that's true or not.

  23. Sundeep Kataria profile image63
    Sundeep Katariaposted 11 years ago

    Wealth of information here. So I will briefly add that even in Palmistry ( both Indian and Western) it indicates a health issue.

  24. erorantes profile image48
    erorantesposted 10 years ago

    You can fix your nails. When you get regularly a manicure. When you remove the cuticle  and you get the arm and hand massage.  The nail file and the smooth over the nail will help the nail grow healthy. After you manicure, you can see if you need more than a manicure. Perhaps,  you need some vitamins acording to your age.

  25. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 10 years ago

    If the ridges run the length of your nails, it is due to getting older, and harmless. If the ridges run the width of your nails, it could be an indicator of something else going on. See a doctor if they run the width of your nails

  26. Besarien profile image74
    Besarienposted 10 years ago

    Rub a drop of coconut oil into your cuticles at bedtime. Make certain you are drinking enough water and getting enough protein, B complex, C, calcium and zinc every day. It may take a while but you can have smoother nails if you keep up an improved diet and properly moisturize your cuticles from inside and out.

    If after 3 months you discern no improvements then see a doctor and get a blood test. You might be suffering from a hidden health condition or by suffering mal-absorption of nutrients due to borderline allergies or food intolerances or other reasons.

  27. Ali Hamza 129 profile image44
    Ali Hamza 129posted 7 years ago

    etiology is multifaceted
    real deal is to get your labs done first

  28. Matchbanker profile image60
    Matchbankerposted 5 years ago

    t depends on what you've been eating mostly


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