What are your thoughts about mental health, mental illness, psychiatric issues?

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  1. TripleAMom profile image82
    TripleAMomposted 12 years ago

    What are your thoughts about mental health, mental illness, psychiatric issues?

    There is such a stigma these days regarding "mental health" or "mental illness", I am interested to know thoughts on this subject.

  2. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 12 years ago

    I prefer to call them mental aberrations rather than illness. There is such fragility in such individuals. They need, most of all love and compassion.

    I think it is wonderful that the psychiatrists take ten years of internship to practice. In my opinion they deserve the fees they charge. Hopefully, in those ten years, not only they would have developed their skills in navigating the human minds, they would also be more than ethical, compassionate and wise.

  3. tsmog profile image87
    tsmogposted 12 years ago

    Hello TripleAmom.  I haven't an answser, yet. This is a great hub idea, I know I can answer it for the contest, but time is my nemesis. So, I am answering so it gets logged on my Q & A page as a reminder. Hopefully in the short future I do respond with a hub and I will notify you when I do.

    The short of it is my experience with these subjects began officially when 1st dxd with cyclothymia at 1986 or there about. My official dxd today is BP-I. Of course with your background you will know psychotic features get tossed into the salad along with mixed episode and all the most recent stuff at varying historical times.

    I published a 5-part series here on stigma from the interactionist perspective. Howard Becker's labeling theory as a premise. (written for abnormal psych class)

    There are some other articles there on BP and one on amnesia. An article from the 'me' perspective of interactionism may be a fun challenge or  the 'self' as object relating to 'self' as subject. I'll let this writing prompt you suggested stew a bit.

    Sorry for the long answer. But, it perked my interest.

  4. silentnomore profile image61
    silentnomoreposted 12 years ago

    I think mental illness gets a bad rap and that people use the words "crazy" or "psycho" when referring to me sometimes.  They don't always realize they do it, but I had one member of my family refer to my local mental health facility as "the looney bin".  I know that she is just misinformed and ignorant as most people are when it comes to mental illness. 

    I think mental health is a big problem that many people do not get help for because there is such a stigma attached they are afraid that if their bosses find out, they may be fired.  I was fired from a job because I missed too much work with my depression and that is exactly what my vice-president told me when he fired me.  I sought out an attorney and the company had things worded perfectly in their handbook that kept me suing them.

    I think we all need to work hard to bring mental illness out of the shadows and into the light and make people realize that there is no shame in admitting that you have a mental illness and you need treatment for it.  I have written a book about my journey and it will hopefully be published in the next 6 months and it will help shed some light on the subject of mental illness.  If I can help just one person then my job is complete. This is a great profession and I admire you for the profession you work in.  Keep up the good work.

  5. TripleAMom profile image82
    TripleAMomposted 12 years ago

    Tsmog--I would love to read a hub written from your perspective. 

    Silentnomore--I am following you because I read your hub about the first day in a mental health facility.  I am looking forward to the rest of the series. 

    Mental "illness" is such a misnomer.  I wrote a hub called Chemical NOt Crazy because I hear from so many people in my practice that they don't want to take medication or go to a psych facility because it would mean they are "crazy".  What people don't understand is that "mental illness" is similar to other types of "illness" like diabetes, thyroid disease, etc, it is just a chemical imbalance in the brain.  Instead of taking insulin, synthroid for thyroid issues, etc, you take a different medication that works on brain chemicals.  Any other "illness" is much more tolerable it seems than a mental health issue. 

    I applaud you for taking the time to educate others from a personal perspective.

  6. superlowrise profile image65
    superlowriseposted 12 years ago

    How is that even a question? 

    What are my thoughts on it?

    What are your thoughts on cancer?  Diabetes?  Asthma?  Rheumatoid arthritis? 

    It sucks.  It exists.  If you have it, go to a doctor and treat it.  Take medicine if you need it.  Educate yourself on your illness and the types of treatment available to you.

    End of, really. 

    I should probably do some hubs on this as I have been in treatment for quite some time and know boatloads about it... but I do this for fun and that's not much fun to write about tongue

  7. profile image56
    waseemjaforposted 11 years ago

    I guess when someone faces mental illness he or she first immediately consult with a  good psychologist, grab their advice and follow their tips.

  8. Laura Schneider profile image82
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    The stigma about mental illness stems from fear, ignorance, and denial that the mind is part of the body and vice versa. Also, many people believe it is a behavioral problem in a "weak" victim. read more

  9. penderson1 profile image57
    penderson1posted 10 years ago

    I find myself struggling to accept this as the disease it is. But, I take medication, I see doctors...same as anyone with a chronic health issue.

  10. Laura Schneider profile image82
    Laura Schneiderposted 10 years ago

    My short answer is that I think they are labels for the medical profession's excuses for not finding out the real, physical problem that's happening within afflicted individuals and fixing it/them. Meaning, the mind is part of the body, so if there's something wrong with it we should treat it just like we treat any other medical issue/disease/illness.

    Particularly insulting and stigmatic, in my opinion, is when psychiatric issues are referred to as "behavioral health" issues. After all, it wasn't long ago that infertility, erectile dysfunction, heart problems, seizures, migraines, Alzheimer's, allergies, and MANY other common diseases treated physically today were considered "psychiatric" or "mental health" issues. Even being gay/lesbian was considered a psychiatric illness until just a few years ago--seriously and literally!

    Hmm. Do you think our society has something to learn yet about "psychiatric" disorders? The brain changes in "psychiatric" patients can be measured on EEGs, PET scans, MRIs, sleep tests, and even autopsies... And they respond well in general to medicines, just like "physical" illnesses... "If it acts like a duck and quacks like a duck..." as the phrase goes....

    Maybe that was my long answer or rant after all. LOL

  11. profile image0
    Jessie Lee2626posted 9 years ago

    This is a great question, I'm a mental health advocate who has struggled with mental illness my entire life. Mental illness has this huge stigma around it. I find that stigma is built around Bi Polar Disorder, I see it everyday. Mental illness is a huge issue that needs to be addressed more in schools esp. Their are so many people that are misinformed when it comes to mental health. I was diagnosed at age 12(did you think I knew what bi polar meant). Even know being 26 I learn something new on the disease. Doctor's need to explain to their patients more, its hard to diagnosis a mental illness, making this hard to treat.

    1. TripleAMom profile image82
      TripleAMomposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Jessie, I can't agree with you more. If there were more advocates for mental health issues and more information out there, more people might seek treatment. I see so many people as a therapist that feel they are "broken" or "crazy" due to diagnosis.


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