Is mental health problem cause by social problems or it has genetic roots?

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  1. alexandriaruthk profile image61
    alexandriaruthkposted 12 years ago

    Is mental health problem cause by social problems or it has genetic roots?

    What are the first signs of it?

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    Mental problems are caused by chemical imbalances in one's brain. It is normally inherited from one side of a family or the other. There can be signs as early as a toddler. Of course, they are easier to diagnose in a person who can talk and tell you how they are feeling. I think schizophrenia is by far the worst mental disorder to have.

  3. profile image32
    Jayesefposted 12 years ago

    No gene was corrupted when originally created, but today almost every gene is corrupted. How and why did this happen? We have to answer these questions. I consider long-term social evil the root cause of all genetically caused mental issues.

    1. StandingJaguar profile image60
      StandingJaguarposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      no one mentions poor nutrition anymore when it comes to "genetics". Our genes and organs cannot properly express themselves when we are starved for proper nutrition while growing.

  4. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Mental illness can be caused by genetics, a chemical imbalance or environmental issues such as horrific abuse.

    Signs can be present as early as childhood but Schizophrenia usually manifests in very early adulthood.

  5. aikikenjitsu profile image61
    aikikenjitsuposted 12 years ago

    I think both.

    I know and firmly believe that it can be caused by social problems and genetic. My problems were caused by a mother that lost her true love and I was the unwelcomed reminder of that. Through her drinking and all night fighting, she caused me mental problems. Panic attacks, anxiety attacks, PTSS, life long insomnia; these basically creates the inability to communicate with people. Since people did not understand my problems or me, they would become one of two things towards me, either angry or complacent, as if I didn’t exist.

    My negative development accelerated through the years, yet no one helped. This indicates that our society at that time knew nothing about child development, nor did it care.

    For example, if I had genetically preposition towards math and could do dances around the students concerning math, instead of getting ‘F’s” in all my classes, people would have noticed. In doing so they would have seen the family problems and what it was doing to me and then they would have done something. Why? because society would have deemed my skill useful for society. If people don’t seem to have a value that society appreciates, then there is no real help for a person that starts developing mental problems.

    Although society today, seems more displaced than in the fifties, it does have new redeeming values. The child is much more important than in the fifties. Now, a child could get help because society is now attuned to problems of children. Now I would be taken away from the people that were not true parents and I would be tested, helped and moved to foster parents.

    If you’re just discussing mental issue in regards to adults that is a different matter, somewhat. With the help children get today and still a certain percentage grows up with mental problems. (This is strongly noted by the deaths caused by young people) It could strongly now lean towards genetic problems, which may be hidden by the parents as the child grows. Some can be cured with medication if the problem can be located. Other types of mental problems can be cured with years of psycho analysis and others will never be cured. There will always be some that will slip through the safety nets our society now have in place. But then again, nothing will ever be perfect because humans will never be perfect.

    Hope this helps you a little.

    1. viveresperando profile image64
      viveresperandoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am sorry you had to go through that.  No child should have to go through that.

  6. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 12 years ago

    Generally mental problems are a combined effect of genetics and environment. The genetics of both parents combine to form the offspring's genome. Environmental factors unlock genetic factors on the genome and cause those factors to be expressed or repressed. The expressed factors are known as the phenotype (unless I'm mistaking my terminology).

    In addition, some mental problems come about as a means of coping with stress and other difficulties. Some examples include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dissociative Identity Disorder and others.

  7. Express10 profile image77
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    Mental health problems are caused by a variety of things such as genetic issues, social problems, and drug use. Brain damage from chemicals and accidents can also precede mental health issues of varying degrees. The actual mental health issues differ from person to person as do symptoms.

    Some people may avoid social situations, others may become verbally abusive, etc. This is a very small number of examples, but there truly are many that once seen, are often known as off or odd behavior. Signs aren't always visible however, some people choose to isolate themselves or become withdrawn so their issues may not be noticed by others.

  8. StandingJaguar profile image60
    StandingJaguarposted 12 years ago

    When people mention genetics with this sort of thing, it usually sounds as if they think some children are born with "bad genes" that make them "bad people". I think in most cases it is an issue of nutrition as a young child, which AFFECTS the genes, but is not the genes themselves. The Standard American Diet does not contain the nutrition that supplies premium health to children who are still growing rapidly and developing their organs, especially the brain. Starved for its building blocks, the body can't form properly, and mental issues are seen, as well as less-than-ideal bodies (hello, braces). Of course diet is largely a social issue, so I'm going largely with that answer. Add to it the other social variables others have mentioned, such as a lack of dreams, real meaning, and support in our societies.

    1. Everyday Miracles profile image86
      Everyday Miraclesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think that anybody ever said that a person who was mentally ill was a "bad person."  The question did not specifically mention CT and I assume that it was an honest question about m. illness, not an attempt at diagnosing the shooter.

    2. StandingJaguar profile image60
      StandingJaguarposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't mention CT either; you did.  Nor was I accusing the questioner of anything. I said "when people"... this conversation happens all over the place and I've seen all sorts of implications. Maybe I should have said "when some people".

  9. icykarma2122 profile image60
    icykarma2122posted 12 years ago

    Both in my case. I have ADHD, which predisposes me to several mental disorders, mine being hypochondria in particular, but I also was bullied in high school so that didn't help.

    The first signs would depend entirely on your personality. If a person who was normally outgoing become reclusive and sort of "drops off the map", that would be a warning sign. For someone who's an introvert, that's a bit harder and is entirely subjective as the person may not think they have one.

  10. viveresperando profile image64
    viveresperandoposted 12 years ago

    I believe it is not inclusive to just genetics and social problems.  It can be instigated for example something physical.  A car accident causes a traumatic brain injury.  It is not necessarily genetic, nor a social problem.  Due to the tbi and individual who used to handle situations differently is now "processing information" differently.  It is not lack of nutrition, it it broken, it is not a chemical imbalance it is actual physical damage where things no longer connect due to damage in the front lobe of their brain.  Some fancy juice (chemicals) is not ever going to repair the damage. It's not social, not genetic, physical damage they are capable of somewhat being a productive member of their society but friends notice something is different, husband divorces because she will never be the same as in the person she used to be, children get angry and frustrated because her short term memory problems drive them nuts.  Now this person falls into a depression and it is a mental issue, but is it social because she is shunned by her family and friends?  Or is it genetic because she does not have enough "thick skin" to let it bounce of off her and let it go?  Or is it physical because a part of her brain is damaged and will never really be what it used to be and triggered the depression?   My point is, it is like asking which came first the chicken or the egg?   Either way once the chicken is here, what can one do about it?  Would this individual in a more supportive environment get better?  The brain is damaged.... ?

  11. vrbmft profile image73
    vrbmftposted 11 years ago

    OH, HOW WE LIKE TO PLAY the genetic card when  it comes to mental illness so we do not have to take any responsibility for the mentally ill climates that we create in our families, in our work environments, in our neighborhood, and in our community.  There are always genetic components and influences to EVERYTHING.  Mental illness begins when we are around age three and we are told that we do not see what we see, we do not smell what we smell, we do not hear what we hear, and we do not know what we know.  Unfortunately, mental illness like war has become BIG BUSINESS and I can say that because I am a therapist, but I work hard at my own mental health and I hold my clients accountable and responsible for their mental health.  You may have no control over what happened to you when you were little.  But I am not totally convinced of that, but I absolutely have control over my choices TODAY and how I respond to whatever life sends me.  I can choose to follow the FOUR AGREEMENTS:  be impeccable in my word, don't make assumptions, don't take things personally, and always do my best.  Many many many of the folks lumped into the category of mental illness are actually more mentally healthy than they are mentally ill.  I don't have an "answer" so to speak for someone who is genuinely schizophrenic, but even with some schizophrenics, they still have the awareness and wherewithall to make choices about the way they respond to what their brain sends there way, real or delusional.  I believe the best offense to mental illness is to empower ourselves and our loved ones and the people we meet and come into contact with each and every day.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  I don't know who said that, but I like that saying!!!!


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