by Perfect Shop Girl 12 years ago
What is your ideal time to wake up in the morning? Are you a morning person?
by Devanni 13 years ago
Hello there.The reason I ask is that I've been diagnosed with a condition of which one of the symptoms is poor dream recall. More importantly, the improvement of dream recall is used to determine the effectiveness of treatment. I've always assumed I was fairly typical in terms of...
by Melanie Palen 12 years ago
Do you have recurring nightmares? If so, what are they about?I have this dream where there are a lot of tornadoes and I'm in a field or in a big box store and I'm trying to find a safe place. I'm also trying to make sure my cats are okay.Another recurring nightmare is that there is a tiger stalking...
by BennyTheWriter 14 years ago
Hey everyone,This might seem like a silly question, the answer to which is probably glaringly obvious to my more experienced fellow hubbers, but I'm truly at a loss here. I'd like to know how you come up with original hubs to write after doing research on a proposed topic. Nearly every...
by Helen Murphy Howell 11 years ago
Do You Have A Dream That Repeats?I have one that is odd and although its about Christmas it never happens around Christmas time. In the dream I'm usually very stressed because I've forgotten either to buy someone a present for their Christmas or more usually I've left it too late to wrap the...
by KRC 7 years ago
I'm having a full hysterectomy on Monday and wondered what advice others have regarding recovery, hormonal issues, etc.It's not something I'm nervous about at all. In fact, I'm very much looking forward to it. I have yet to meet someone who advices against it. Everyone I've talked...