Is 'Energy Healing' Real?

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  1. Emanate Presence profile image69
    Emanate Presenceposted 11 years ago

    Is 'Energy Healing' Real?

    Also called vibrational medicine, energy healing can include Reiki, Healing Touch, other systems and techniques, and innate intuitive healing. How do you feel about the subtle energies known as Chi, Prana, Mana, auras, meridians and chakras? What has been your experience?

    I am sparked to ask because today published a video hub on using energy healing while giving foot reflexology.

  2. dksuttle profile image75
    dksuttleposted 11 years ago

    In my experience, and I have had plenty, 3640 that I actually noted in my diaries, is that the whole process has been life changing for me.  I practice and teach Reiki.  I am a bit of a minimalist.  My plan was to find one healing system and then explore it deeply.  Reiki was my choice.
    What I have discovered is:
    1. the energy itself is not my energy.  It is divine energy,
    2. the most effective use of the energy is to get my ego out of the way,
    3. place no expectations on the energy.
    With these three guidelines I have worked on a lot of people, beginning with a free clinic that received a lot of aids and cancer patients. We lost a lot of them but every now and then I will be sitting at a stop light of walking through a grocery store and see a man with aids that I worked on 10 years ago in apparent good health. 
    I believe that eventually doing Reiki becomes so ingrained in you that it flows from you almost all of the time,  I don't practice Reiki anymore. 
    I think that I emanate it.
    It is not a deliberate practice,
    It is not a conscious process. 
    Most of the time I am blissfully unaware of it.
    And I know that I am not the energy, I am only the channel for it.

    1. Emanate Presence profile image69
      Emanate Presenceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, this is one of those times I wish for more space to write a comment on an Answer. Yours carries so much meaning. I was attuned as a Reiki master in the 90s and feel the same as you expressed. Just published a Hub on energy healing + reflexology.

  3. kristenaugusta profile image60
    kristenaugustaposted 11 years ago

    Energy is the primary force that shapes reality as we know it. What appears to be stationary (the ground under your feet, for example) moves imperceptibly. That movement over time, reshapes the world. You have mountains coming up where there were none; you have vast chasms open up where previously there were super highways - all the result of the sum effects of teeny shifts in the earth's crust that accumlate to critical proportions.

    At the microscopic level (even the sub-microscopic level) molecules and their electrons vibrate. We see because our eyes pick up the subtle vibrations of light as it bounces off objects around us,  then translates them into images. Our ears pick up the vibrations of forced air, translating them into vocalizations and song. Scent, stimulates the lymbic area in the brain with the intangible smells of the world around us as the environment blossoms and decays, signals danger, creates a sense of comfort and enduces joy. In each instance, it is subtle energy that has created a percieved reality - that of touch, environment and sound - which, in turn, expands our experience of the world around us.

    While the power of our senses remains intangible, the impact they have is indisputable. Bilirubin light addresses jaundice in newborn infants, music calms the agitation of Alzheimer's disease, and the bright smell of lemon increases worker productivity while easing stress.

    These things are not 'real' in the sense that we can pluck them out of the air and manipulate them with our hands, but they are real in regard to their effects. So, why do we expect Energy, Chi, Prana, Reiki, etc. to adhere to preconcieved physical standards? Eastern Medicine, whether you are looking at Chinese Medicine or Ayruvedic Healing Practices, has been working with energy for thousands of years with a good deal of success while Western Medicine (as we practice it today) has only been around for a few hundred years.

    The power of touch to heal or our simple intention to ease the discomfort of those in pain has been shown over and over again in clinical settings and casual encounters as well as during times of intense trauma and distress. To question it is like questioning gravity. How many people got hit in the head with falling objects before Isaac Newton thought to put a name to the irresistable force that drew that apple out of the tree? 

    Energy Healing uses the intangible force of Chi, Prana, et al. to heal and it is as real as gravity.

    1. Emanate Presence profile image69
      Emanate Presenceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am breathless. That is a funny expression, but I am without words to say how beautiful this is to me. Without seeing your profile or one of your hubs I know I will follow your writings. Even Namaste sounds trite, but it is written with feeling.


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