How old do you think you will be when you die?

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  1. Laura Schneider profile image77
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    How old do you think you will be when you die?

    What are some things you can do now to increase your lifespan?

  2. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    Well I just checked with and according to them I will drop dead on Wednesday, August 21, 2030.
    That's only 17 years from now! :-)
    The best things one can do is not smoke and get their BMI down!

    1. Laura Schneider profile image77
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Totally agree! Don't smoke, get your BMI down (I've dropped 5% in 6 months), and I would add stay out of the sun to prevent skin cancer--white skin doesn't need "bronzing" to make it beautiful: everyone's natural skin color is beautiful as-it-is.

    2. Billie Kelpin profile image86
      Billie Kelpinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Dashing. That's a VERY cool link. However, if I don't get optimistic  quickly, I'll have just 11 years.  If I suddenly change my whole attitude, I'll have to 104 which is 36 years.  If I remain my pessimistic self, I'm dead already.Oops.

    3. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Billie Kelpin, Stay positive! LOL!
      Laura you make a great point about avoiding too much sunlight. Skin cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent.

    4. Laura Schneider profile image77
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Billie, on the plus side, you won't have to worry about your retirement fund size if you don't get positive soon.

      Personally, I think I'll die of a heart attack or stroke sometime in my 60s or 70s. If not, it'll be an anomaly.

  3. profile image51
    abt79posted 11 years ago

    I will be the very last to die...................

    1. Laura Schneider profile image77
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      MWa ha ha ha ha..... :-)

  4. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    Current estimate: 120

    But who knows?

    Increasing lifespan can be helped by,
    * Moving to areas where the American government does not have chemtrails (poisonous trails in the sky that look like condensation trails, but persist for many minutes or hours).
    * Stop eating processed food. The chemicals in them are one of the major sources for irritants that lead to cancer.
    * Stop taking pharmaceuticals (poisons). The Big Pharma companies are only in it for the profits and that means more "disease maintenance," not "health maintenance."
    * Stop eating meat that has been subject to hormones and other chemicals.
    * Drink lots of water (without fluoridation and other poisons).
    * Eat non-GMO foods, if your area "allows" distributors to label them as such.

    For one of my hubs, I researched cancer rates and prosperity. The highly prosperous Western nations had the highest rates of cancer. The only exceptions to prosperity = cancer were non-Western (mostly Arab) countries which did not eat our poisonous foods, use our poisonous sun block or take our poisonous medicines.

    Perhaps more important than all of the above is to get more aware of your feelings and your spirituality. Stay away from stress. Stay happy. You are 100% responsible for what you feel. You decide. Decide well.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image77
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I mostly disagree. Your last comment: broken bones, car accident injuries, coming down with a terrible disease, giving birth... Such people who "stay happy" are 100% faking it if they're not on meds. Scientific sources for your facts, please?

  5. celeste inscribed profile image90
    celeste inscribedposted 11 years ago

    Simply, I don't want to know or think about it because it will take the flavor out of my living.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image77
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good answer! Thanks!

  6. connorj profile image69
    connorjposted 11 years ago

    I wasn't really sure about this until (after my comatose state) I had a turic lens installed into my legally blind right eye in 2005 at the age of 15 for the third time. My eye sight in that eye has been a steady 20-25 ever since (no more excuses for playing ice hockey poorly) . I recently read the "small print" about my turic lens and was shocked that it stated that it is only good for 150 years! Only 150 years! Therefore, I am predicting that in the year 3055 I will have passed on rather blindly...

    1. Laura Schneider profile image77
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, man, I didn't see that ending coming at all and was a little unsure at the beginning. Great one! I think living until 3055 would be awesome. Best would be if we never aged.... Someday I'll start becoming "too old" to do such-n-such. :-(

    2. connorj profile image69
      connorjposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      As I tell my daughters every New Year, the world will probably not end for a long, long time, (touch wood, no not my forehead) don't think you're going to get out of this easily; you are in for a long, long suffering here on this 3rd rock from our...


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