What are some simple, practical steps we can take to relieve stress?

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  1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
    Purpose Embracedposted 11 years ago

    What are some simple, practical steps we can take to relieve stress?

    In today's world, we face stressful situations on a daily basis. But what simple steps can we take to deal with stress? For example, reading inspirational books helps a lot when I'm stressed.

    Give a practical tip on how you cope with or relieve stress?


  2. Laura Schneider profile image80
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    Exercise moderately and regularly (too much/vigorous exercise is now known to be bad for you), eat healthy foods in healthy proportions, stop smoking/don't start, and BREATHE deeply and regularly. Music that's soothing (low and slow) also helps.

    1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
      Purpose Embracedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I find exercise helpful too, it eases my tension and gives me a sense of well-being.  They are all easy to do but effective.Thank you for sharing.

    2. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You're welcome! :-)

  3. FatFreddysCat profile image62
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    I just drink beer. It's simple and it works for me.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hahaha Very practical. Just be careful you don't become an alcoholic. :-) I'd hate to lose a great HP writer!

    2. FatFreddysCat profile image62
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No worries. I can't afford to be an alcoholic. I have expensive tastes.  :-)

  4. sriramapriya profile image46
    sriramapriyaposted 11 years ago

    Remove Yourself from the Situation, Play with the Kids, Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace, and also Listen Devotional Songs

    1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
      Purpose Embracedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, listening to devotional songs are great to relieve stress.

  5. Lavender Jade profile image70
    Lavender Jadeposted 11 years ago

    Deep breathing and yoga help well with stress, just take some nice deep breathes in and out and sit quietly for a few minutes.  It can really help to de stress quickly

    1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
      Purpose Embracedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I find deep breathing helpful too.  Taking control of my breathing, helps to relax me, and decrease stress.

  6. lburmaster profile image70
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Breathing exercises, doing yoga or tai chi, even something as simple as a cup of warm tea. Some try mani/pedi's, others get their hair done. Maybe just a hot shower or warm bath. Making a special dinner or watching a movie with the one you love. A bike ride also clears my head and relieves some tension. Anything that helps calm you, your muscles, and your brain.

    1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
      Purpose Embracedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great tips! They all take your mind off stressful situations and place your focus more pleasant things.

  7. kknde profile image72
    kkndeposted 11 years ago

    I would say the first thing to do is breath regularly, this releases stress, second, smile, this is also a stress releaser. After these two there are a lot of methods to escape from stress, for long term and to keep stress away. You can start from exercises (doing daily are very good for wellbeing) , affirmations what helps to keep stress away (Like I can be calm, or the Bene Geserit from Dune: I will not fear, fear is the mind killer, I will face my fear and let it pass through me and lot of this), tai chi -yoga  for getting in a shape that stress is more constructive (positive stress), walking in nature- a very natural method which I like a lot, you can go to a therapist which may teach you a lot o exercises you can do to handle situations. good luck.

    1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
      Purpose Embracedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! I like the idea of smiling, it's simple but could make a big difference in stressful situations when comes from an attitude of thankfulness.

  8. chef-de-jour profile image99
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    *get through some mild physical exercises - walking, warm ups, icebreakers.
    * join a group and do this
    * meditation
    * listening to music
    * dancing
    * having things to look forward to.
    * helping others can often take the 'I'm under pressure' thing away.

    1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
      Purpose Embracedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I like your list. Yes, helping others takes our minds  off our own stressful situations, and gives us the satisfaction of knowing we are making a difference in someone else's life.


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