Cremation or Traditional funerals?

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  1. oceancomforts4u profile image39
    oceancomforts4uposted 13 years ago

    What are your thoughts about this subject considering costs, traditions and effects on family members left behind after a parent dies?

    1. jennysbus profile image60
      jennysbusposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think that it boils down to a personal choice. A cremation can be just as costly as a burial I have found out recently with the passing of my grandmother.

    2. philipandrews188 profile image60
      philipandrews188posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'd rather want traditional funerals.

      1. jennysbus profile image60
        jennysbusposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        what people can afford plays a big part too. for example, It is like planning a wedding. the more extravagent you go, the more it costs.

    3. profile image53
      Melanie109posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I always like traditional funeral...and cremation too...

    4. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      On a personal note I always wanted to be cremated then having just had my father cremated I feel what the family is left as empty yet it was his wish.  It's a hard one, do we think of ourselves or the family that will be remembering you?  Tough one  sad

  2. Hugh Williamson profile image70
    Hugh Williamsonposted 13 years ago

    I thought it would be neat to be cremated and then have the ashes spread on some special place. But many survivors want a place they can visit and put flowers on, so I guess it's the marble orchard for me.

  3. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 13 years ago

    I used to think cremation was an option for me, until I read an article about the actual process.  No thanks.  Bury me.  I'd really rather know that the worms are crawling in and out and enjoying a good game of Pinochle.

  4. Pamela99 profile image89
    Pamela99posted 13 years ago

    My husband and I decided on cremation and it is paid for, so there will be no decisions for our children. Cremation was much cheaper for both of us than the thousands of dollars we spent on my husband's mothers funeral.

    Then there will be a Memorial Service rather that an open casket where someone has done my hair and makeup making me look better in death than I probably did in life. I think a Memorial service is much easier on the family. Our ashes will be put together when the time comes for the children to dispose of together.

  5. profile image0
    Onusonusposted 13 years ago

    I want my death to be as simplistic as possible. All my family will need to do is set my mummified corps on fire and send it out to sea in an elaborately concocted funeral ship. And just so it will stand the test of time I want a half scale pyramid modeled after the ones in Chichinitza to be constructed on the ship to surround my body so it doesn't burn, (because I'm affraid of being burnt.) Also I would like a small half acre plot to build a moselium which will contain my remaining organs which will need to be placed into decorative jars. I also would like any living pets I own to be buried with them so as to guard my organs from the threat of any future robbers who might be tempted to steal all of my Earthly belongings which wil remain in the moselium with all of my organs.
    So in answer to the question, traditional funeral for me. wink

  6. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Cremation is the only option for me. No need to waste perfectly good land to bury my body when I am done with it. Also, I am presently not a parent, however, my mother is also being cremated and is also paid for. smile

  7. Hugh Williamson profile image70
    Hugh Williamsonposted 13 years ago

    I just thought of Ted Williams and Walt Disney - both frozen and awaiting the future when an advanced medical science will enable them to be revived and cured of whatever they died from.

    Can they ever be revived? If so, where are they (their consciousness) now? What happens if the power goes out.

    Would Ted be eligible for the baseball draft? So many questions...

    1. jennysbus profile image60
      jennysbusposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      when my grandmother passed away at Xmas my sister and I (who are the eldest Grandchildren) had to help with the organising  of the paperwork and planning the funeral at the funeral home because my grandmother's children were too bereaved. It is far from  enjoyable picking out coffins that's for sure.

  8. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    Hubby and I are donating our bodies to the Body Farm in Tennessee. I wrote a hub about it. We'll just lie out in a field, not buried or cremated.

  9. profile image58
    Lawson09posted 12 years ago

    I will always like to prefer planting of fruitful tree...every day i will see that see and also take care of my love ones...

    By, cremation ashes urn

  10. Healthy Pursuits profile image79
    Healthy Pursuitsposted 12 years ago

    I wrote a hub about cheap/green funeral and burial options not long ago. Before I did the research on it, I didn't realize that there are new options out there for burial. I think maybe the composting option is a good one. Or just burial in my own back yard. Of course, nobody should double-dig the garden too deeply after that.

  11. mtkomori profile image83
    mtkomoriposted 12 years ago

    I don't think I would have much of a choice, since most everybody is cremated in Japan with the exception of a few who have a reason. After cremation, the ashes and its remainder are placed in an urn and then buried in the family's grave along with those of your ancestors. It was really sad attending my grandfather's cremation about a decade ago since he lived until 92 and the cremation process only took less than two hours. I guess one is literally "reduced to ashes", though I suppose it is much more "clean" when you consider the consequences after a traditional burial.


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