How To Greet The Year Of The Horse
Feng Shui Advice For The Year Of The Horse 2014
If the orbit of the Earth could be divided into four equal segments according to the four seasons and the point of winter solstice could be superposed on the middle of winter, then what is called the Chinese New Year will coincide with the beginning of spring.
Today, there are mathematical models that allow to calculate this day very quickly. In ancient times people used to observe the sky. This is how they knew planets' positions and calculated the beginning of spring according to the cosmic clock. There is testimony in the Chinese calendars as old as 22 centuries BC.
Why would the beginning of spring coincide with the beginning of the new year? It is due to many and many years of observations.
According to feng shui, at this very time the energy of the season begins to grow. You could compare this to the beginning of spring when nature wakes up after a long winter sleep. It is important to plant seeds so that they could grow up later.
It is the beginning of a new cycle on our planet on the scale of the universe. For those who inhabit this planet, it is the perfect time to plan, to start new endeavours, which you plan to continue during the year. It is also the perfect time to prepare your luck for the year to come.
A simple and funny ritual can help invite and welcome beautiful energy of good luck and of the new year.
Do you have any big plans for 2014?
Welcoming New Year Ritual
The animal of the year is believed to take its turn during its own hour. In 2014 this happens on February 4th between 11 a.m. and 13 p.m. which is the hour of the Horse. By this time you could prepare a special meal.
This meal should include the five elements (Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire), which means different tastes: sweet, spicy, sour, salty and bitter. Coffee is by the way a bitter drink.
Two minutes before you start your meal open your front door and invite the energy of the year. With your mind's eye imagine this energy as the Chinese zodiac animal. This is a nice thing to do because there is hardly anyone who doesn't like horses (unlike snakes or dragons). Then invite it to sit at the table and offer it some food. Now you can also start eating.
If you like fireworks, you can go out and light one to the North-East of your house. This direction is good for this because it is symbolically related to new beginnings and ideas which can bring good luck next year.
How To Start The New Year
It is very important to stay positive at the beginning of the new year. Positive thinking attracts positive energy. Be calm and in high spirits. Don't be in a hurry the first day of the year.
If you know how to activate feng shui energies of flying stars, you can do this during the first days of the year. Let your feng shui begin to work.
It is ideal time also for making new plans.
The beginning of astronomical spring corresponds to a very high energy level. The chi energy is very active at this time. So any improvement made at this time will bring the best possible result. Just the same, everything related to your personal search and your place in this world is much more successful than at any other time of the year.
Even if you don't feel like spring is coming yet, the energy of the cosmos is very powerful and ready to launch 2014 and make it lucky for you. All you need to do is set your mind towards your dreams and whisper your wishes to the universe. It' s your time to use your chance.
Be global. Some tasks may seem difficult, hopeless and unmanageable. Don't worry. Nothing is impossible in this life. There is only one obstacle that lies within you which is called pessimism. It is the result of your previous negative experience. Or you may just be indecisive or without a plan.
It is high time to learn something new and apply it, that is to start acting. This is how any wish comes true.
© 2014 Anna Sidorova